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Tailgater Climbs The Ladder Of Success

AeroMechanical says...

I see a lot of fail to go around in this video. Naturally, the biggest failure is on the part of the driver who failed to secure their cargo. that is grievous and inexcusable negligence (assuming it wasn't the result of freak equipment failure like a strap breaking).

I don't like all the cars swerving out of their lane to avoid the ladder. Can't really say for certain from the video how aware they were of surrounding traffic and distances involved, but that is usually the wrong response. Better to come to a complete stop in your lane if you have to. I'm pretty sure the tailgater wasn't aware of that pickup coming up on his left.

And of course the guy not leaving enough space when he had plenty of alternatives available. That guy and his like-minded buddies are the primary reason 40% of my commutes over the last two weeks have been an hour and a half instead of the 20 minutes they should be.

I think it must be the heat or something, but way too many people have been driving foolishly or like they're defending their position lately.

At least two second intervals. Let other drivers merge. Use the accelerator on the on ramp--you should be going the speed limit by the time you have to merge with traffic. We'd all get home quicker that way.

Ah, that's better. Thank you Videosift for the therapy session.

Jim Jefferies on Bill Cosby and Rape Jokes

poolcleaner says...


better to have loved and been raped than to never have been loved at all. that's my silver lining. also, it is both a joke and my opinion, as i both love and hate my now deceased rapist. yeah, i'm being cheeky but so wut.

too complicated for me to give a shit if my fucked up life and sense of humor triggers someone. try sitting in group therapy with me, sucka. fuck your conservative sensitivity. boo fucking hoo. it's rape. it happens. people get over it and laugh. we don't have to live like goddamn trolls under a bridge just because we are rape victims. honestly, stfu.

i wrote something similar in a therapy session after forgiving my rapist and being annoyed at people that coddled me because i'm a "victim". great, i'm a victim? fuck you.

honestly, if you're not over your rape trauma, don't watch a fucking rape joke video. JESUS. if the world wasn't so overly protective of this shit, maybe we wouldn't be laden with our constipated emotional issues and ineffectual pharmacological solutions which turn into accidental overdose victims every goddamn day. if you can't laugh, that's when you die.

your psychiatrist and therapist and all those tools that convinced you to take all of those drugs and wear the cap of the victim: FUCK. THOSE. PEOPLE.

OOOOORRRR if you like self worth at the cost of a censored life of half triggered social anxiety: Riiiiiiiiiiide the train to proper thoughts and chilled out operational defintions that make doing business and living healthy in corporate america a snap! just shame people for laughing at things that hurt you. and convince others that not shaming others into this is not right. oooohhh, that's the moral thing to do!!!

yeah, no thanks on that one -- laughing at what hurts me most is the only thing that gives me the will to keep living. you wanna shame me for laughing at my problems? that's a bunch of HORSE SHIT. talk about rape -- let's talk about the rape of our fucking minds every fucking day by institutions that teach us this bullshit philosophy.

i'm just tired and hungry -- and i had a good fucking laugh at this video. before you respond to me, fuck you, don't bother. i don't wish to discuss how i deal with my victimization through humor and even if you do -- not reading it

eric3579 (Member Profile)

WeedandWeirdness says...

Evening doll! Having studied film and being in the biz for as long as I have, I have become pretty jaded, and was convinced that I have seen it all. There just doesn't seem like there is any original thought left, Hollywood appears to have given up, and watching endless "student films" kinda proved that assumption.

However, every now and then a short comes along that renders me speechless, snatches the breath from my lungs, and makes me stare in wonderment at the screen. Watching a Horror Film as a Young Boy is one, and I keep finding my mind drifting back to it, playing it over and over in my head.

This is why I dig the Sift so much, and really feel connected to it and some of the amazing people here. This does more for my soul than any meeting or therapy session ever could.

P.S.Holy balls, you have 0 videos in your Personnel Que...I think I will just start referring to you as King, having @bareboards2 already nominated you to join our shared fantasy. It really does seem to be fitting!!

Science to the rescue; this is how you rehab a broken back

worthwords says...

Yeah exactly. It looks like she is taking her first steps after immobility and muscle wastage of the legs.
I just think if your going to get consent to show a video of an intimate therapy session then at least give some more clinical information.

SFOGuy said:

Look at the atrophy of her leg muscles (flat on her back for a month in a cast) and the nasty purple scar along her back at the :44 second mark---about lumbar spine. Looks like she got a set of steel rocks on either side of her crushed vertebrae.

You're right; she didn't sever her spinal cord; but she's still lost muscle and has to bring the strength and power back to her back, and develop the ability to start standing again---and the water, I think, floats her to take most of the weight off as she starts to move...

But I could be wrong.

Law Student Prevails Over State Robot Thug

VoodooV says...

despite the RWNJ dig, you know it's worth noting when Lantern and I can actually agree on something.

Where's videosift's police force? Choggie's repeated lashing out at anyone who disagree with him is getting rather tiresome. We're getting tired of his pleas for attention. We are not his therapy session and the dude obviously needs some psychological/medical help.

@dag please get rid of him...again

lantern53 said:

Cops are a criminal organization? Maybe in Chicago or Moscow, but the 700,000 cops who work in the US do not all work for Chicago. So go hyperbole your stupid ideas on the anarchist websites.

Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

Trancecoach says...


> "You are welcome to disagree, thanks to thoughtful men voting to guarantee you that right."

Yes we disagree. But I do not owe my right to disagree to anyone, thoughtful or otherwise. That is my natural right. Some may want to violate that right, but that's a different issue. No one can take away my right to disagree or force me to agree/disagree.

> "It worked for them, it can work again."

Who are you talking about? The slave owning "founders"? Politics often (though not always) works for the elites, sure. But again, I wish you good luck with that -- and in making it work for you.

> "Being satisfied that the process can give good results is not the same as satisfaction with the current results."

I know. You have hope/faith that the process can and may at some point give you the results you like. I say, good luck. It may or may not happen, depending on what will satisfy you or not.

> "The convincing I suggest is convincing those that already think like 'you' to vote the same (and put up reps to vote for that truly think the same). Easier said than done."

I think it's virtually impossible. If you prove otherwise, I may be the first to congratulate you (if you let me know about it).

> "I'm not dismissive, I'm still discussing it with you"

I'm not sure what you mean by "not dismissive". You are telling me what you believe, I understand that. I'm still responding.

> "and never said you're not worth the discussion or 'it's time to ignore you', that was you to me."

Good, I guess.

> "I am argumentative."

I can tell.

> "I have admitted crippling personality flaws in the past, and will again."

Crippling? Wait, I'm not about to get into a therapy session here...

> "You misunderstood, my idea is to put people in that are going to fix the system, not dismantle it, and not just feed it."

Go ahead. Do it. Put the people in that are going to fix it. I know you don't want to dismantle it. That's my preference, not yours. I get that.

>"I would like people that want to fix the campaign finance system and get out, that's one main tap root of the problem in my eyes, one that's easy to fix with enough push."

We each have preferences and opinions. Go ahead and do it. I have little interest in that so I'll leave it up to you. We can't all be focused on the same things. And you should probably be happy that I have no interest in politics since I would work to dismantle the system. Not what you want. So my not being involved, not even voting, works to your benefit (in this sense).

> "True enough, I'm not finding those people to vote for, usually. I can clamor for them though, maybe they'll turn up. (as I said before, my candidate rarely wins, I'm poor at finding the like minded.)"

Like you said, and I agreed, you can dream. Nothing wrong with that. Carry on. Good luck.

Where do you live?

Remembering Some Of the Most Notorious Videosift Shills (History Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

" I'm wrong most of the time "

Keep that in mind when you are blitzed and running your fingers/mouth off, maybe you should save the message in notepad and read upon it the day ... hours after you have slept it off. Maybe then you would not be labeled as a jack ass drunk drug addict who spews shit all over the sift because he is mad about his own life with no real outlet in his life to let the anger out. Or continue to drink, smoke the smoke, inhale whippets and make cooking videos showing your nature.

Should we feel for you ? you dig your own grave with your messages and somehow expect some semblance of sympathy or recognition for your personality abnormalities. You go out of your way to piss off an offend people and then later on try and describe why.

Grow the fuck up. You are an adult male... and I feel like you actually need to be told that, don't you have kids ? or kid ? how would they respond if they went and goggled daddy and his online moniker.

You did not get to defend yourself.. because you were a fucking dick bag and got banned, you do not have the right to defend yourself, you lost that right when you were a drunk cunt. You shouldn't go around now trying to stand up for yourself after you have trashed your personable name you align with.

You want attention, that is all I read about you, you spout shit either to get people riled up or to just break the monotony of few posts but you out of EVERYONE here have no base to make a standard of yourself, your standard is already set with how you are perceived. You might want to start from the ground up sober ( as hard as it is ) and only write down your sentiments when you are in that sober stage.

You vie for attention, you are an attention slut on this site, a lot of the messages you write have an air of " poor me " poor you ? poor the sift for putting up with your bullshit.

YOU need therapy, in the states it is expensive and not covered by "health care" but boy oh fucking mighty Christ do you ever out of everyone here need someone to talk to about your thoughts and problems, the sift is not an online therapy session to spew your views of distrust and hateful attitudes.

You are not special, no one is. We are all tadpoles in a pond waiting to be eaten by the fish. metamorphosize and grow the fuck up so you can't get eaten.

Until then... Good luck guy, thanks for the Tie .

Edited to add the reason I am logged in : fixing kick ass song embed =

I suggest you listen to this while I slap your face :

Comments as Toxic Waste (Internet Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'm not against having outlets for pure unfettered self-expression, but much like a primal scream therapy session, it doesn't lend itself to real communication very well.>> ^gorillaman:

>> ^dag:
Is there a movement to accountabilise the web? I sure haven't seen much evidence of it. Most places I visit - it's pretty much anything goes.
I don't think it's just honesty and dumbfuckery. It's more about what the article describes, the feeling that "it's just a game" and a fantasy outlet for expressing sublimated rage, sadness etc in a "safe" way (without a chance of retribution).
I agree with @ReverendTed that scaling moderation by members is the way to handle lots and lots of comments.

Why do you think so many need an anonymous outlet for expression? Our culture is so repressive, on an individual scale, and that fear of retribution is real. I think the instinct that the internet is another world where we can reinvent ourselves is something to be encouraged rather than dismissed as a game or a fantasy. We're able to communicate now unburdened by circumstances or the disapproval of our peers. I'd say the less this reality interpenetrates with the lower world the better.
Personally there's almost no difference between my online and offline behaviour, except when I talk to my boss, but most people are more social than I am; they have more people pushing down on them and more to lose if they push back. So let them have their freedom, some might even have something worthwhile to say.

Statist vs. Statist. FIGHT!

Polish Priest Yearns for the Middle Ages

EMPIRE says...

>> ^chtierna:

Yes, lets not resolve to violence like burning people at the stakes for their sexuality. Punching fucking assholes right in their faces for their opinions is how we deal with stuff in the 21st century!
damn, i would have loved to punch that fucking asshole right in his face if I was there.
And he's stupid to the point of suggesting that the way to deal with gay people is burning them at the stake, and then goes on with his ignorant diatribe saying that homosexuality is a disease and can be cured with the right therapy.
So what is it, you dick? a fire or therapy sessions?

No, violence is not the answer.
But come on... Wouldn't you even remotely like to punch that asshole squarely in the nose?

Polish Priest Yearns for the Middle Ages

chtierna says...

Yes, lets not resolve to violence like burning people at the stakes for their sexuality. Punching fucking assholes right in their faces for their opinions is how we deal with stuff in the 21st century!


damn, i would have loved to punch that fucking asshole right in his face if I was there.
And he's stupid to the point of suggesting that the way to deal with gay people is burning them at the stake, and then goes on with his ignorant diatribe saying that homosexuality is a disease and can be cured with the right therapy.
So what is it, you dick? a fire or therapy sessions?

Polish Priest Yearns for the Middle Ages

EMPIRE says...

damn, i would have loved to punch that fucking asshole right in his face if I was there.
And he's stupid to the point of suggesting that the way to deal with gay people is burning them at the stake, and then goes on with his ignorant diatribe saying that homosexuality is a disease and can be cured with the right therapy.

So what is it, you dick? a fire or therapy sessions?

"Why Bank Of America Fired Me"

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

demon_ix says...

1. I'm an Atheist Jew, and that is not an oxymoron.

2. I lived in Corvallis, Oregon for about 2 years when I was 3 years old. I don't remember speaking English at the time, but the language came very naturally to me in school and I still have a somewhat American accent. I even catch myself thinking in English when speaking Hebrew.

3. In grade school I used to read ahead of the class and interrupt the teachers with questions so much that the school wanted to transfer me to a special (retarded) class. My mother insisted on a psychological evaluation that determined I was bored.

4. I'm addicted to an online game that takes almost all of my free time (guess which). I've quit and relapsed three times already. I'm also becoming addicted to an online video sharing community, but that's neither as time-consuming nor a problem IMO.

5. I lost touch with almost all of my high-school friends other than two. Other than family, those are the only people I talk to.

6. I have never finished anything that I wasn't forced to finish in my entire life. This includes university studies, projects at work and silly things like cleaning up my own apartment.

7. I am constantly tired. Have been since I can remember. After 3 cups of coffee I feel like a curtain that covers my eyes normally is gone.

8. I have no sense of self worth. That is to say, I believe that I am less than every other person, whether I know them or not. It makes me very persuadable and very vulnerable to criticism, which I usually take very personally, even if it's not meant that way.

9. I berate myself all the time. I'm doing it right now, telling myself to stop writing this pathetic post about what a pathetic person I am (considering how my imaginary problems are dwarfed by the post above mine).

10. I went to a therapy session once, but was very uncooperative.

11. I can't tell anybody else pretty much all of what I've written here already. The only reason I can do it here is because what's staring back at me is a LCD monitor.

12. I think about ending my life pretty much constantly. It's usually strongest before I go to sleep. It's been like this since I was 16 or so. I have never attempted suicide, I'm not suicidal as far as I know, and this isn't a cry for help.

13. I have never taken any kind of drug, aside for antibiotics and other common medicine. As far as I know, I've never been high.

14. I was in a scooter vs. scooter accident exactly three months ago. The other guy ran a red light and smashed into my vehicle at about 50 mph. I walked away with a slight pain in my right hand, he had several injuries as a result. In a related note, I also own a car now, and am attempting to sell my scooter.

15. I work as the sole IT guy for a tiny web hosting / site building company. It's barely enough work to keep me occupied during the day.

16. I have an American private pilot license from 2006 (single engine land). I haven't flown since, but that's because of the nature of recreational flight in Israel.

17. I am afraid of heights. Happens when I rappel or stand on high places without a safety rail. Doesn't affect me at all when flying.

18. I commonly engage in software/music/video piracy, but as a leecher, not a seeder.

19. I think about relocating to a different country a lot, but it's closer to my random thing #12 than it is an actual desire to move.

20. I am one of those people that ruin the movie-going experience for other people. I constantly find silly things wrong with movies or tv shows and point them out. I do this in a very hypocritical way, since I ignore such flaws in movies I like.

21. I suspect I have hypothyroidism, but my blood tests disagree.

22. I have no items that I would miss specifically if I had to part with them suddenly.

23. I wake up with two separate alarms, both on the other side of the room to force me to get out of bed to turn them off, but I still go back to sleep most of the time and end up being late for work. I sometimes even have no memory of turning off either alarm.

24. I have never been in a fight.

25. My favorite food is a pizza with green olives.


I really don't want to click submit (#9) but I am going to anyway.

Bush Was Warned About Katrina

Rotty says...

Good points, WP. But you see, this is not a forum for actual truth and accountability, it's a group therapy session for the like-"minded". I'd bet if the lefties were in charge during Katrina, things wouldn't have been much different, including the righties blaming the lefties for fucking up. Just look who Obammy picked to solve our current economic problems: Timothy Geithner...hahaha

- Tax cheat
- Bilderberg
- Kissinger lackey

The only jobs created so far have been accountants for the banks and auto companies to count the bailout monies coming in.

Change...what a bunch of bullshit.

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