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Farm Sluts - Great Short Film

Streamlined searching - A howto for Firefox users (Sift Talk Post)

jonny says...

This also works for Camino, but it's not quite as streamlined. Here are the instructions for doing something like this in general, but note that you will either need to be comfortable editing a raw xml file (not really that hard) or have Apple's PropertyListEditor application installed (it comes with the development tools but unfortunately is not available for separate download).

Basically, you would add an entry like this to your SearchURLList.plist file:


With that entry, you can now select VideoSift from the magnifying glass menu in the search field in the toolbar, and the search terms you put in there correspond to the keyword field of the advanced search page.

I realize that's not the most complete explanation, so if any camino users out there need a hand with that, just let me know.

[edit] - removed unused search parameters from url because text was clipped instead of wrapped, hiding the very important '</string>'.
[edit2] - reverted but made small. that work? sure would be nice if I could tell while I'm editing the comment!
[edit3] - nope, small and removed unused params.

Abuse Addition for the FAQ (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...


i am waiting for the day when you can download the Sift Rules in one handy 38.4MB pdf.

Fact remains, signal to noise ratio on here is getting worse. If you just made a streamlined site without all this pissing contest banination bollocks...

oh well. bring back tayTV.

VideoSift v3.1 Unveiled (Sift Talk Post)

Peregrine falcon recorded going 183 and 242 MPH in dives

timefactor says...

Great stuff!

Peregrines are amazing. I used to work on the 20th floor of a building in NYC near a bridge where a released pair nested and got to see them hunt (pigeons) and play in the air (they used to zoom around between buildings seemingly for nothing other than the fun of it). It was an incredible thrill to watch.

I read years ago that an aeronautical engineer skeptical of the 200+ MPH speeds attributed to Peregrines had tested a Peregrine cadaver in a wind tunnel and measured its terminal velocity at something like 75 MPH. He assumed that a live bird would be able to make itself somewhat more aerodynamic so his estimate of their actual speed was around 100 MPH. It looks like he grossly underestimated their ability to streamline.

GPS on the iPhone

Everlong -acoustic live- performed by Dave Grohl

Modify Post Details: Require Poster's Approval? (Sift Talk Post)

raven says...

No, changing tags is not unreasonable, because in most cases the need to do so is just basic maintenance, i.e. some sifters are lazy and don't tag at all (shame shame) or hardly at all... and then other times tags just have mistakes, like spelling (ehem... I do believe the word is 'changing' not 'chaging').

We were given the ability to change tags in order to help with these problems. If people are abusing this feature it is very rare, in fact I have never seen such a thing (except for banned members that is). I'm sorry your post got its tags changed, if the abuse becomes frequent and malicious then report it to the admins... otherwise, the feature is pretty important to streamlining maintenance around this place.

Breaking out of the video box (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...

There are so many cool improvements and refinements that could be made around the pure idea of 'sifting, why bloat? Why not keep streamlining and trimming things to perfection instead? You have a great formula that can be refined.

Already we have the option to add text and links to video posts but most people don't do that because it takes a LOT of work.
It would be "great" but it wouldn't happen. Nobody asked for it.

Namechange? wtf? Focus not featurecreep!

I'll sit down now.

Bugs in v3.0 (Sift Talk Post)

winkler1 says...

Use case: I'm in SiftTalk and want to search for discussion on the Dead Pool. I see the search box - aha, bet that does it! Nope, it searches the vids. Damn. Oh look, an advanced search. Ah, ok.. that works.

:: There should be a more streamlined way to search ST, when you're in ST.

VideoSift on TechCrunch (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Dag, I think you is asking for trouble. I find about 10 tens things that need fixed on v3.0 and I'm sorry if it hurts people's feelings, but I have been pretty good with my recommendations in the past. The interface is overwhleming and needs a little streamlining. But hey, I just work here.

How It's Made -- Animation

qruel says...

hmm, this must be several years old as her description of how the animator lip syncs the caracters' mouth to the audio file is dated.
now-a-days it is much more automated, by software being able to analyze a audio file and pick out the phenomes automatically. yes, tweaking is still involved but it is much more streamlined. Heck, even Valve software (of Half Life fame) uses this technique in their video game engine.

Self Linking Policy For Youtube Playlists? (Sift Talk Post)

grspec says...

plus your not linking to your videos that you uploaded, you are simply streamlining the way people view multi-part videos instead of having part one all by itself.

Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC refuses to report on paris

BicycleRepairMan says...

Was this actually on, or are they just goofing around during commercials or something, if it was live, it sure beats the shit out of an actual PH story, but it doesnt seem like the sort of streamlined, choreographed stuff usually done on TV..

US Factory Laborers Are Wussies

choggie says...

Jeeez! What a picture. Wonder if this contraption was designed with the spots for the meat-bots, or if those parts were discarded to streamline the thing with Hunan Humans???

What the hell are they pressing??

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