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US Food: Industrial Capitalism

yaroslavvb says...

May issue of Scientific American has a relevant bit on US farming -- farming now uses less land, produces more food and degrades the soil less than 50 years ago. The arable land used for farming dropped 25% in the last 56 years, the total farm production increased by 166%, and the rate of soil erosion small enough that at 1982 erosion rates, after 100 years, the yields on the same land would drop only 2-4%

A monoculture has a risk of becoming easy prey to parasites (as Ford learned in his ill-fated attempt to start rubber tree plantation in Brazil), but the risk of parasites is not a worry for consumers since it's the farmer that takes the risk.

If current practices are undesirable, we should blame not the corporations, but the consumers. It's the consumer ravenous demand for lower prices that favors the streamlining that mom-and-pop farms can't provide.

Boiling Water to Snow Instantly

The Colbert Report: A Rare Behind-the-Scenes Look

BicycleRepairMan says...

I think Kerry was very uncomfortable with the balance of having the camera present and being in this off-the-record moment of "Ok, here's the plan" American politics is so constructed and all politicians , certainly at presidential candidate level, must present this flawless, streamlined, completely fake face every single second in the public spotlight. Look at the transformation Gore (and Bill Gates) has gone through. They appeared as lying, deceptive glossed-paper versions of themselves throughout their campaigns, there was almost nothing "real" to be spotted. Now that the stakes are down, they relax and become more like real human beings.

Swimmer has no arms and sets world record

Deano says...

Blimey. Does having no arms in this event actually confer a cool advantage? For a short distance he can kick like a mule and the rest of him is very streamlined?

Vacation from Videos II (Sift Talk Post)

James Roe says...

They aren't so much privileged as they wouldn't make much sense without a familiarity with the back bone of the site. We are trying to rework the way we handle some of our data so that scalability is less of an issue. We're also looking at streamlining our sign up process, and fixing a couple of other bugs that affect significantly large portions of our user base, ie some css issues in ie.

Armed Assault - follow up to Operation Flashpoint!

Farhad2000 says...

This game just looks like teh sex0r.

Armed Assault (ArmA) is a computer game by Bohemia Interactive (BI). It is currently available in the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. A multiplayer demo version of the game was scheduled for a 21 December release on Fileplanet, and is currently available for download. It is a tactical military first and third person shooter which is considered to be a successor to Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. The game is anticipated to be fully updated with modern graphics, physics and a complete game engine overhaul, including a new streamlined campaign and game editing tool.

Convert a Photo into Vector Art

benjee says...

Why on earth is he using PhotoShop? It's a raster program, and handles vectors very poorly (that's what Illustrator's for!) - obviously, this guy's not in the design industry. And if you wanted to be really quick, you can use Illustrator CS2's Auto-Trace function to do it for you. I've used Adobe software for over eight years - the StreamLine based Auto-Trace is actually surprisingly accurate (but I don't recommend it to my students - as they're lazy enough as it is!)

Plus, technically: it's not a vector he's rasterized the mathematics into pixels to add shading.

Playlist Management Upgrades (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

....Damn!, Hate to think what would happen as fast if this intruder had an epiphany...!
Here's one to think about..It is very easy, and or difficult, to navigate already-all for new and better...but;
"Short, yet sweet."-Streamline, without colvolution....unique, subtle(should talk)-umtil u have

the minerals to back it up....Hmm?

"Why All the Media Has it All Wrong about Google/YouTube" (Sift Talk Post)

winkler1 says...

An aside..Qloud has an interesting iTunes plugin and site to let you tag your tunes, and do searches across all tags, or subscribe to RSS feeds of your friend's playlists.

Nifty stuff. I like the idea of a content butler that learns your tastes and brings contents to you. It'd be based on collaborative filtering among individuals, not payola. It's easy to imagine a customized channel (a la which will play VS vids based on your past voting history. It should let you upvote/downvote/skip in a streamlined way. A multimedia morning paper.

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