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Bump Fire Stocks

MilkmanDan says...


1) There has been a ban on sales of new, fully-automatic firearms ("machine guns") since 1986. That leaves some loopholes (can still buy them if they were manufactured before then, but that demand plus scarcity makes them expensive, etc.) but in general, there isn't a whole lot of uproar over that 20-year-old ban.

2) These bump-fire stocks don't technically convert a firearm into fully-automatic; the trigger is still being pulled 1 time for each bullet that comes out (semi-automatic).

3) However, they easily allow for rates of fire (bullets per minute/second) comparable to fully-automatic weapons. So, I think an unbiased and reasonable person would say that while a firearm equipped with one of these does not violate the letter of the ban on fully-automatic firearms, it does quite reasonably violate the spirit of that ban.

4) Doing anything to correct that discrepancy will require updated laws. Updating the law requires a legislature that generally supports the update and a president that agrees, or a legislature that overwhelmingly supports the update and can override a presidential veto.

5) None of that exists at the moment in the US. So, it is (perhaps coldly) logical to say that these bump-fire stocks will not be banned as an extension to the 1986 ban on full-auto firearms, at least not in the short term.

6) However, before quietly accepting that, it is worth noting that political fallout amongst those individuals in the legislature that refuse to consider updating the law is a very real possibility. Plenty of people, even on the right, even plenty of gun nuts, say that they are in favor of some degree of "common sense" gun control. Pointing out that bump-fire stocks essentially circumvent the already in-place ban on fully-automatic firearms seems like a good way to test that professed adherence to common sense.

7) Get that word out there, and pretty importantly, try to do it in a way that is as respectful towards the average "gun nut" as possible. Their minds can be swayed. Hunters, sportsmen, and even people that have guns for self defense can be persuaded with reason -- they can still do their thing even without bump-fire stocks, just like they can do their thing without fully-automatic firearms. Congresscritters probably can't be convinced, because they've already been bribed"persuaded" with campaign donations, NRA lobbyists, etc.

So, don't preach to the choir. Try to convince the people that do actually own guns. The good news? You've got "common sense" on your side.

Machine Gun Attack On Las Vegas Concert

Guy shooting at houses in Houston

VICE covers Charlottesville. Excellent

MilkmanDan says...

@Jinx -- Whether in "meatspace" or on the internet, I think the difference is engaging with others vs being in the echo chamber.

A lot of "engaging" with others is going to be negative. Picket line meets picket line has about as much chance of being productive as reading the comments on a controversial YouTube video.

But even if the majority of the "engagement" is that, there are going to be some patient people who connect in a positive enough way to actually enlighten and persuade. Like the former-WBC lady's new husband.

And while that positive engagement seems to have the best shot at redeeming those that can be redeemed, it also might be the best way to show the true colors of those beyond redemption. The skinhead leader guy got maced by counter-protesters twice. That gives him a semi-legitimate provocation to respond in kind or with escalating violence (bloody knuckles, broken bones, whatever). But if he isn't provided with any such provocation and still resorts to violence, people can truly see his "idealogy" for what it is.

Hence Rosa Parks responding to the bus driver in Montgomery:
Driver - "If you don't stand up, I'm going to have to call the police and have you arrested."
Parks - "You may do that."

If I was there in Charlottesville in the heat of the moment, face to face with that kind of hate and bigotry, I'd have been one of the people chanting "fuck off nazis". I'd have cheered when somebody on "my side" maced chief-skinhead in the face, if I hadn't done it myself. ...But I recognize that we could sure use more people that react like Rosa Parks did, and less like I would have.

Amazing Street Performer

newtboy (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

Newtie Newt Newt! Perhaps a semi aquatic adventure is in store for your Birthday Celebration this fine day? Whatever transpires may it be an adventure worth cherishing ... enjoy

Greenhouses of the Future, Growing Food Without Soil

oblio70 says...

Take this idea vertical, imbed in a skyscaper's fascade, and you have (semi-)passive evaporative cooling as well as ag-production.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

I do not support a livable wage

enoch says...

all of us?
no one?
mighty big on the presumption bubba.

let me guess,YOU run a business?
is your boss nickname captain whiny cunt?

because every owner/boss i run into that complains about having to pay this or this or that are whiny little bitches.i am not suggesting that some of their gripes are not valid,because they are,but when it comes to paying their employees?

yeah..whiny,little bitchy cunts.

they complain endlessly how they can't find good the turnover is brutal and it costs them soooo much to train,gear and clothe etc etc.

and almost every single one of them pays under 10 bucks an hr.

my son owns his own business.pays 100 bucks a job to start and if you work out? raises it to 150 bucks a job,usually does three jobs a day.

he has only had to replace one helper in five years.

compare that to his cousin,who pays a whopping 9 bucks an hour,and he goes through helpers like a semi-automatic.

guess which one is the whiny little bitch?

to be fair,the cousin does own two houses,five cars and all the newest gadgets.while my son is working on his first home.

but he ain't no bitch,and his workers adore him.

which one you billybussey?

ahh../slaps back
no need to answer!
we already know.

billybussey said:

None of you have ever run a business.

Ennio Morricone - The Ecstasy of Gold - theremin & voice

MilkmanDan says...

So conflicted!

A) She got a better sound and musical performance out of that theremin than anything else I've ever heard on one. Awesome!

B) With that kind of dexterity and musical skill, think how great she could be at playing literally any other instrument. You know -- a "real" instrument that isn't just a semi-pointless exercise in being as weird / avant-garde as possible...

...Still, my bias against theremin aside, that was great. Nice sift!

Bowler Ben Ketola sets world record with fastest 300 game

RFlagg says...

I have to wonder how are the lanes oiled? As that can effect one's scores greatly. Are they using a professional oil pattern, sport, recreational, or an even more casual pattern that favors strikes? Still impressive, as you still have to actually bowl it semi-decent even with recreational patterns... I once wanted to open a Family Entertainment Center, of which a bowling center would be a focus, using a Kegel lane machine, despite the fact I'm not a bowler...

Sedan Dragged By Truck For Miles Down Freeway

Happy 11th Birthday, VideoSift :-* (Sift Talk Post)

sillybapx says...

Glad this site is still around, despite semi-abandoning it about 4 years ago. I just got told that I'd been with video sift for 10 years, glad to see Mintbbb, zifnab, dystopianft, ant, and all the rest still as top users!

Still got any zero punctuation videos?

24 Things Nobody Does Better Than Donald Trump

kceaton1 jokingly says...

I also said that if Trump got in office that JUST perhaps we deserved it as a country, but I did expect more fallout for the South (sorry, that is where the Trumpsters are) and 'Shotgun-w/a-Jesus-Land', of course, I live in a state that almost became Schizophrenic (did I say "almost") in the last election due to what was going know: Utah...

Let me go ask Trump what type of sub-machine gun the Budha would use; and also what type of gun Gandhi was famous for using in his marches near the Sinai River from Kathmandu all the way to Istanbul, and finally going home while he traveled upon the Great Agra that took him to New Delhi!

I'm sure Trump would readily admit it was the Nambu Type 14-1927 semi-automatic sidearm. Made famous in so many Hollywood and Bollywood movies...

newtboy said:

As I've said all along, we would be far better off with Nobody as president. A bit odd that Trump agrees, though.

I guess he was tired.

Mordhaus says...

This is the longest version I have seen of it that doesn't cut off part of the picture or the beginning. My best assumption is that it was from the passing minivan, as it is too small to be a semi tire.

ant said:

Where did the tire come from?

Since the original video was on LiveLeak, does anyone have its URL to see the rest?

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