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John Oliver - Thailand is obsessed with Adolf Hitler

MilkmanDan says...

I put a browser in incognito mode (so there would be no cookies / history to tailor results with) and tried it. Should be pretty much on par with average Thai results since I have Thai ISP and went through Also, I changed the search term to "Hitler" in Thai language script: "ฮิตเลอร์".

I'm pretty functionally fluent in listening to Thai and semi decent at speaking it (I can get along in daily life fine although I'll never be mistaken for a native speaker since I didn't grow up with a tonal language). I'm not completely illiterate when it comes to reading it, but I'm quite slow. Sort of "Dick and Jane" level. Anyway, it would take forever for me to interpret the results of that search reading everything in Thai, but here's a quick once-over:

#1 result isอดอล์ฟ_ฮิตเลอร์
The Thai wikipedia article on Hitler is a bit shorter than the English one, but seems to cover everything in a similar way. I didn't try to read much to confirm but it does talk about the holocaust and Jews.

#2 result is
Seems to be a blog-type article on Hitler, written by a (high school?) student. I used the Chrome translate feature (which generally produces nonsense with Thai to English, but can get you broad strokes) to save time. This one does mention that Hitler hated Jews and talks about the holocaust being "cruel", although it seems to present a sort of positive take on Hitler in general. At least, more than we'd generally be comfortable with in the West.

#3 result is
This is a web forum. The article/post is called "(เรื่องน่ารู้) 10 อันดับเหตุผลที่ทำไมฮิ
605;เลอร์ถึงเกลียดชาวยิว", which google translate converts to "(I know) 10 reasons why Hitler hated the Jews". My stab at a better translation would be "(Things you Should Know) 10 reasons why Hitler hated the Jews". Thai doesn't really have pronouns, so that bit in parenthesis is semi ambiguous, but น่ารู้ means "should know" or "worth knowing".

This one is interesting. The list it presents is:
* Jewish influence in communism.
* Jewish causes lost World War 1.
* Jews make Depression
* Hitler knot lodged since childhood.
* Hitler was influenced by the idea against genocide.
* Hitler's brain has been affected as a soldier.
* Master Race theory
* Hitler believed in conspiracy theories about Jews.
* Political nationalism
* Hitler envious of wealthy Jews.

It explains those in brief terms (a few sentences each) and then there is a poll where readers can vote on which one was the main reason that Hitler hated Jews. There's some anti-semitic implications mixed in there, but it is also blunt about the evil stuff that Hitler did and doesn't present him as a person to be emulated / respected.

I wish I read Thai better so I could get a better read on those. Your question is quite interesting, along with (my potentially incorrect take on) those first few search results.

noims said:

I'd be very interested to know what the first few results would be if the average person in Thailand did google Hitler. Given that they tailor their results to what they think you're looking for, I wouldn't be surprised if it's not what you'd expect.

John Oliver - Trump vs. Truth

ChaosEngine says...

This is just un-fucking-real.

How do you deal with this? If you can't legitimately engage with your government at a semi-honest level... do you even have a democracy any more?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Watch reporter go face-first into giant snowman.

Smarter Everyday - How Engines Work

newtboy says...

I used what we called a semi-hemi cut on my racing VW motor. It was pretty close to the Chrysler picture at the end of the wiki page. It's a 1776cc, but I was repeatedly accused of it being a 2180 because of the power it put out. Just a little milling improved the flow immensely.

Payback said:

The weird thing is just about everyone makes a "Hemi" head for their engines, and mostly Dodge uses Hemi as a brand name.

Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

newtboy says...

For my two cents, I'll gladly admit that today, Islam has the worst problem with violent extremism.
Will would admit that this is a transient condition and in the near future another religion will wear that crown?
Remember, on South park, Super Best Friends episode, they drew Muhammad and portrayed him as a semi super hero, it was broadcast, and nothing. Those days should return soon.

transmorpher said:

I totally agree that all religions have a problem, and all cultures have violence, fundamentalists, and other issues, but it's dishonest to say that they are all equal in problems, equally serious, equally harmful, or that the problems are equally widespread, equally ingrained in the culture, and especially equally represented by law and the government.

It's about rates, scale and motivation.

It would be dishonest to claim that there is no difference. Yet that is what it appears to be that's what you're suggesting.

Perhaps when you can draw big old Mo without the fear that someone will come after you, then we can start to talk about how equal all this is.

Video from the Future, Trump's wall completed

MilkmanDan says...

One of the more sensible things Trump has talked about doing is to repair and expand infrastructure. The wall could fall under that heading, and potentially even be a semi-positive thing (at least sections of it).

Big public works and infrastructure projects helped bring the US out of the Great Depression. Big public works and infrastructure projects helped prevent an economic crash after WW2 finished and soldiers returned home.

The wall is somewhat racist/bigoted in motivation, but illegal immigration is a real issue with real, tangible, negative effects. Building or attempting to build the wall would/will create jobs. Manning, maintaining, and watching the wall would/will create more jobs. And while the wall couldn't ever prevent all or even most illegal immigration, it could make it harder or less convenient enough to encourage going through the correct channels and procedures to come in legally instead. Which would be a good thing. Overall, I think a project like the wall could have much greater long-term value than something like the TSA, which is a colossal waste of money that produces ZERO real benefits.

However, realistically I doubt that much will actually happen with the wall. Not very much will actually get built, and any that does will probably NOT be maintained by whoever the next president is. So, long-term benefits are likely nil. Obviously, I'd prefer that Trump spend more money on building/repairing infrastructure that actually will have long-term benefits -- the interstate system, dams and flood prevention systems, etc. But there is some potential for construction on the wall to actually be a good thing, even if it is never completed and/or maintained.

Death Race 2050 - Red Band Trailer

Payback says...

Not a reboot, a TRUE sequel.

Those semi-serious reboots were just plain awful.

newtboy said:

Yes please.
Looks like the *quality awful, ridiculous cheeseball movie that the title "Deathrace" deserves.

Chrysler Hemi FirePower Engine Rebuild Time Lapse

newtboy says...

I wish they paid more attention to the combustion chamber. Most people don't know what a hemi is beyond a powerful motor. The hemispherical combustion chamber produces far more power than a normally shaped one. Even partial hemispherical combustion chambers (semi-hemi) can seriously increase the power of most motors....but also decreases the fuel efficiency.
I use a semi-hemi cut 1776 VW motor in my race buggy, and it outperforms much larger motors.

Maryland fuel tanker plunges off highway I-95 and explodes

kceaton1 says...


Absolutely terrifying stuff. I would do everything I could possibly imagine to flag down those vehicles in that oncoming lane. To see all that black smoke come up after those semi's entered was just terrible, because you knew just what that meant--I worked for UPS and those things are NOTHING but fire fuel (they are practically mini-bombs once they catch on fire at a good enough temperature...).

It would make a good driver-ed video, UPS driver video, state leaders, and even our country's leaders. So we can Improve our systems, education, infrastructure, first response, and our view of the issue.

Nope, just another day. Remember when Obi-Wan got killed by Darth Vader? Remember?

(Oh, spoiler, sorry...)

a celebration of stand-up comedies best offensive jokes

enoch says...

and what angle would that be?
YOU said mike ward was "rightly sued" for basically calling a kid ugly,and i asked for you to explain how this is a legal matter.

or is it your contention that because mike ward "punched down" instead of "punching up" IS the legal precedent?

what if he spoke on how ugly patton oswald is?
or ridiculed michael j fox's parkinsons?

would THAT be acceptable?
or would that be acceptable,but just in poor taste?

and you still haven't addressed how this young boys reputation has been ruined.from what i have been reading it was not his reputation,but how mike wards joke had become semi-popular and the kids in his school started busting this young boys balls to a degree where school was becoming an anxiety riddled event for the young man.

why aren't his school mates also being fined?
i mean,if we are going to bring in the state to handle every and all social issues..let us at least be fair.

and what about the people in the audiences that found the joke funny?
aren't they contributing to the continuation of this young mans suffering in school?

see,i think you are viewing this as a bullying situation (my assumption),and you are viewing this young man as a victim.a victim to bad jokes done in poor taste,and maybe you are correct,but jokes are subjective..NOT objective..and there is no tangible evidence that this young mans reputation has been affected.

it is the INTENT of the joke that should be scrutinized,and that is something that is also subjective and an issue we all deal with on an individual basis.the legal system should NEVER be used to decide such arbitrary and subjective material,because now you setting precedent and punishment based on "feelings",and this tactic can be easily abused.

so you may "feel" mike wards jokes are offensive and damaging,and that in your country mike ward should be executed for his crimes (fascist much?).

but remember...that pandoras box door swings BOTH ways,and the abuse can come from a direction that you,and i for that matter,would be appalled in its application.

and to even suggest that this is not a free speech issue is incredibly naive'.
if you think being charged in a civil case,and having to show in court multiple times to defend "joke" with the possibility of even MORE financial hardship,will not affect how a comedian approaches his routine and the jokes he writes,you are simply NOT thinking this whole situation through and the unintended consequences of situations such as these.

this is most certainly a free speech issue.

let me give you a hypothetical,but using the same parameters.

the wesboro baptist church goes to protest an abortion clinic,and are met with counter protesters.

the counter protesters begin to chastise and berate the westboro people.ridicule their stance on abortion and their much so that one of the younger westboro children becomes distraught,and anxious and begins to cry.someone films the exchange and posts to youtube,and it goes viral.

now the young westboro kid is being harassed in school,being picked on and being called names.the young kid is so vexed and humiliated that he avoids school at every step and is having self esteem issues.

so much so that the westboro church decides to sue the counter protesters in court.

what do you think the outcome should be?
should they even be allowed to sue?
and if so,should the young westboro kid receive damages?
or should those counter protesters receive the death penalty in your country?

do you see what i am saying?
you getting what i am laying down?

because free speech means that you are free to express yourself,but you are NOT free from offense,and offense is subjective.what offends YOU might not offend ME,and vice versa.

free speech means you are free to express every little thought that pops into your pretty little head and share with the world,and i am free to ridicule you relentlessly if i so choose.

and i will.
with gusto.

Hef said:

I think you're coming at it from the wrong angle.

Why should this comedian feel like he needs to take the low hanging fruit of making fun of a disabled boy?
He doesn't. He shouldn't.
Everything he cops after that is fair game.
He's lucky he didn't get the death penalty for making fun of a disabled boy, because that's the minimum sentence in my country.

BARBARIC Dakota Access Oil Police Cause Mass Hypothermia

bcglorf says...

So, the police have setup a barracade that the 'peaceful' protestors tried to attack with a semi truck so that they could attempt to trespass(according to the law). The police then tried to defend the barracade against the angry mob, or perhaps more accurately the rioters.

Funny how the perspective you tell the story from changes it entirely even while keeping to the overall same facts.....

An Intriguing New Gun Safety System

TYT - How to Rebuild the Democratic Party

MilkmanDan says...

I agree with his 5 points completely, but I am optimistic that it will be easier to swing back the other direction in 2018 (midterms) or 2020 than he thinks.

Trump got a lot of angry, disenchanted voters to swing his direction because a complete question mark sounded better to them than Clinton's known-quantity establishment. But if he doesn't follow through for them (which is essentially impossible in many cases for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is self-contradictory stances/promises that can't ALL be followed) much of that support will collapse fast.

IF the Democratic Party gets its act together semi-quickly and follows at least some of Cenk's ideas, they can ride the wave the other direction.

An Intriguing New Gun Safety System

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