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Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research

Walmart on strike

My_design says...

Not to say that Walmart treats its employees well, but you people are missing something here.
First why should Wal-Mart do anything beyond what is required by law? Minimum wage is minimum wage. The government set that rate and Walmart pays its employees over that wage. They do not have to give insurance to their associates, yet they do. Most states are "At Will" states which means you can be fired for any reason aside from sex, age or race. If you don't like what Walmart offers then there is a McDonald's on almost every corner. Or even a Starbucks.
As for manufacturing, while Walmart is BRUTAL on it's vendors, they also have one of the strictest social compliance programs in the world. They've also instituted a packaging reduction program that looks to reduce packaging waste and increase the amount of recycled material used.
It is not totally the fault of Walmart that everything is made China. They buy from Vendors, vendors moved manufacturing to China in order to be competitive. Everything could have stayed in the USA but with the increasing wages and government policies US manufacturers could not compete(At the same time restrictions on imports from Asia were loosened) Now if you wanted to make a plastic piece in the USA it would cost 4-6 times more than in China, generally speaking. Recently I have found some US manufacturers that can injection mold components at a reasonable cost, but due to the havoc wreaked by everything moving to China I lack the infrastructure to be able to do things like Paint Decoration (Again something so strictly regulated that it would be near impossible to do in the US).
As we continue to see the USD falter against the RMB and as the price of oil continues to increase we may reach a point of balance where manufacturing in the US could come back, but it would most likely be automated and would not result in near the number of jobs it had in the past. Of course at the same time, due to those same changes in Oil prices and the USD against the RMB we'll be seeing some pretty big price increases on product. Hang on to your pocket books everybody it's gonna be a rough ride.
On another note Sam Walton was a total skin flint, but he did it across the board. The guy didn't even get heat in his office until he was near death. Only then it was done because the engineer put it in with out him knowing. They feared him catching a pneumonia. He complained when he found out. No one could drive fancy cars, because if Sam saw them he'd figure he was paying them too much. After he died all kinds of sports cars popped up in the Walmart parking lot.

Simon Pegg's Present - Derren Brown: Trick of the Mind

mindbrain says...

" way to [handle, bar] none."

"..reCYCLE the same TWO TIRED.."

" creating.."



"BM-or Xbox"

Curious how much subject priming is required for suggestions of this sort to attach.

Styrofoam: Meet Acetone!

EvilDeathBee says...

I got all this styrofoam at my place which I need to get rid of, and the area I live in don't recycle it. I could just get some of this stuff and melt it away! Then... I dunno, flush it down the toilet?

Disney buy Lucasfilm for $4.05bn. Star Wars Ep. 7 in 2015.

Bottles beware! He has a Katana

This Machine Creates ANYTHING

Deano (Member Profile)

"Miracles" Mega Mash up

"Miracles" Mega Mash up

"Miracles" Mega Mash up

"Miracles" Mega Mash up

"Revolutionary" Milk Carton On Austrian Television (1980's)

notarobot says...

These cardboard containers replaced bottles for delivering milk. It makes me think of soda pop. Listen to what this guy has to say about recycling and why companies switched from glass bottles.

How Could you do this Kristen Stewart?

What Is Your Worst Pet Peeve?

Xaielao says...

I have a few of them. A big one is scummy dish water, shit is nasty. Rinse your fucking dishes people. I'm not a clean freak or nothing and am not apposed to some dirty dishes but when they are in a sink full of water with bits of food and other gunk floating around, it's just nasty.

Another is toothpaste bits in the sink. It's sloppy and if it isn't cleaned out it gets all hard.

Last, and biggest pet peeve, cigarette butts (or worse, chew spit) in a beer or soda bottle. Here in NY our smoking population is pretty light but even still this so grosses me out. These stink up my place after a party and just leave me with a nasty aftertaste in my mouth. I cant recycle them because I sure as fuck am not going to wash them out. This is such a big pet peeve that I have forbade smoking or chewing in my house. If your doing either when you come over, you can spit it the fuck out before entering my abode. And don't spit it out or toss the butt on the sidewalk either you heathen!

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