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Dragon Age: Inquisition Teaser Trailer: The Fires Above

Jinx says...

Hey, at least they didn't just recycle an earlier trailer, only changing the ordering a bit or switched some locked doors around!

DA2 wasn't THAT bad. It wasn't so much that the environments were repetitous, they were like that in DA:O, it was that the copypasta was so flagrant it completely broke any kind of immersion. Every now and again I reinstall the game to see if I can put up with its bad parts and finish it, and every time I have failed.

My Computer is Smarter Than an Atheist

Drachen_Jager says...

So... wait, let's back up there. The computer doesn't want to delete the file (in his words) therefore it is rational and intelligent.

Yet, he does want to delete the file. He deletes it even after the computer asks confirmation and it hits him so deeply. Doesn't that make the computer smarter and more moral than him too?

If so, then isn't recycling computers murder and how exactly do computers figure into the afterlife, heaven, and such?

Awesome! We Got a New Phone Book!

volumptuous says...

Well, Yellow Pages aren't made from trees. Rather they're made from sawdust and lumber scrap and post-consumable recycled paper, and either soy or veggie ink.

But that doesn't take into account the fossil fuels used to manufacture and deliver them.

They'll stop eventually, but there's still lots of rural communities in the US that don't have high speed internet access, and people rely on the YP.

It should be opt-in to receive them.

Hypnotic Soda Can Crusher

Japan Presents the Incredible Shrinking Building

poolcleaner says...

If you invested into owning a couple of these, how long would it take to make back the cost if it could recycle the materials AND provide energy? Or does the cost of operation greatly outweigh recycling?

I'm thinking from the perspective of a Terran that wants to sell back a building for a portion of the cost to build it.

MonkeySpank (Member Profile)

SDGundamX says...

In Chiba, where I live, they do have a recycling program but it could use improving. For example, you'd be amazed at how many types of plastics are considered "burnables" here. However, they do have clothing recycling which comes ones every two weeks. I'm told the clothes are given to needy folks in Japan or sent as donations overseas if they are still in good enough condition, which is pretty cool.

Second-hand stores here have gotten really big recently--two opened in my area in the four years I've lived here. Used book/manga/game stores have always been big but these new places stock everything you can think of including kitchen appliances, surfboards, etc. They pay utter crap and turn the items around for ridiculous mark-up, but given how stuffed from floor to ceiling with items they are, clearly people are using their services regularly. We actually have gotten lots of great children's toys for our daughter from them--stuff that retails for $40 (US) or more we've picked up for $5 or less in excellent condition. Also picked up a mini-fridge for the office for cheap.

MonkeySpank said:

This is awesome! Does anyone know if Japan has a good recycling program? I'd like to think that they are not wasteful.

Do they fold your shirts like this when they move you?

Japan Presents the Incredible Shrinking Building

Japanese Movers Have Been Rigorously Trained

Title: AWESOME Toronto Junk Car Removal! (FREE TOWING)

Zero Punctuation: The Cave

Fletch says...

If you can't watch it, let me fill you in... pretentious British game reviewer, and Australian resident, waxes snarky about said games in Powerpointesque internet videos that, for some reason, many viewers find entertaining, even though they all contain the same recycled shtick over and over. Apparently, fans are so enraptured by his worldly accent and monotone, comma-bereft delivery that they don't care that they can't even tell whether he liked the game or not.

The Harlem Shake

Why Don't We Taxidermy Humans?

Human Spirit-Violins & Cellos in slums and landfills

Let's talk about *Promote (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Ok then-How about a float-over link to a page specifically FOR recently promoted videos?
They don't have to all be plastered on the top of the front page-Simply place a prominently-visible link to promoted videos.

I have enjoyed perusing promoted viddies first when coming to the main page, and also recycling a viddy there to jack the votes up or in order to keep it in everyone's face longer-

Hybrid said:

I'll transfer 10 power points to the person who comes up with the better solution (that also isn't the old system)

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

recycling videos in a profile from the picachoo would be nice again...liked the little arrows chasing one another...the old, rifling quickly through a user's random pqueue offerings makes hatching viddies with one vote to go, quick and painless!

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