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kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

NetRunner (Member Profile)

rasch187 says...

Personally I like it when people express an opinion I can, in principle, agree with. And choggie was, like me, very opposed to the extreme number of 'infotainment' vids concerning just about everything under the sun. While he chose to blame you (and others possibly, I'm not sure), I see it more as a problem for this website in general. Not because I necessarily disagree with the political viewpoints these people convey but because I find it repetitive and boring to always see these videos around, and more importantly, because I think they define what kind of opinions are accepted and expected from new members.

I don't like all these vids, but blaming individuals for what they believe and how they express it has never been high on my agenda. I don't feel any need to attack you personally, even though I don't necessarily agree with or like what you (and others) do in that regard.

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
@schmawy, @rasch187, and hell, @enoch too, let's really get down to brass tacks.

You guys are all speaking in generalities about how choggie was single-handedly saving the sift from mediocrity and sameness. Well, it's laid out for you all in the farewell rant of your martyred hero that I am public enemy #1 of the Sift.

Will you take up the torch that's been passed to you as his devout followers? Will do your grave and solemn duty to defend the sift from people like me?

I just want to know, since y'all seem to think he's someone we should all view as a hero for standing up to, well, me, though you can't bring yourself to refer to me by name, even as a passing example.

Your hero wouldn't approve of your cowardice.

Yes, I know I'm stirring up drama, but I'm kinda tired of seeing people make the argument that choggie's ad hominem attacks are all righteous, when more than a few of them have been aimed squarely at me. If you guys think he was right to do so, I want you to address me directly -- tell me that everything choggie said to me was really right, and maybe repeat some of his insults to my face.

If you can't or won't, tell everyone why not. Is it because you're too cowardly to speak the truth to me? Or because you think insulting people you don't really know in that way is wrong, and should be frowned upon in a civilized society?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Parting Words from Choggie (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

@schmawy, @rasch187, and hell, @enoch too, let's really get down to brass tacks.

You guys are all speaking in generalities about how choggie was single-handedly saving the sift from mediocrity and sameness. Well, it's laid out for you all in the farewell rant of your martyred hero that I am public enemy #1 of the Sift.

Will you take up the torch that's been passed to you as his devout followers? Will do your grave and solemn duty to defend the sift from people like me?

I just want to know, since y'all seem to think he's someone we should all view as a hero for standing up to, well, me, though you can't bring yourself to refer to me by name, even as a passing example.

Your hero wouldn't approve of your cowardice.

Yes, I know I'm stirring up drama, but I'm kinda tired of seeing people make the argument that choggie's ad hominem attacks are all righteous, when more than a few of them have been aimed squarely at me. If you guys think he was right to do so, I want you to address me directly -- tell me that everything choggie said to me was really right, and maybe repeat some of his insults to my face.

If you can't or won't, tell everyone why not. Is it because you're too cowardly to speak the truth to me? Or because you think insulting people you don't really know in that way is wrong, and should be frowned upon in a civilized society?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Stephen Fry talks about the rate of imprisonment in the USA

MrFisk says...

No. This is the consequence of lawmakers pandering fear from old people who vote. Sure, Nixon proclaimed drugs to be Public Enemy #1 in order to counter negative Vietnam coverage, but politicians have exploited sensationalistic media coverage. Might I remind you that cocaine kills the same amount of people as aspirin, annually?
Once the baby boomers start dropping off Generation X can start the repair process.

Anyone Seen "Moon" (Scifi Talk Post)

my15minutes says...

i saw it. after scanning the then-upcoming summer movies, about 3 months ago, i told my buddy chris that 'Moon' was the only one i really wanted to see.

when summer came, i heard that it wouldn't even get a wide release, only opening in less than a dozen cities (NY, LA, etc), and then those copies get bumped on down to smaller markets. so i picked 'Public Enemies' as a backup, as i'm a big fan of the director, but it seemed like pretty well-worn material for him, bordering on tired.

both wound up playing on the same weekend, several weeks back. we wound up leaving after only an hour of 'Public Enemies', so we could catch an even-earlier-than-planned-on showing of 'Moon'.
having seen some torrents of other summer movies since, i still think 'Moon' was the only really good one.

Public Enemy vs Benny Benassi - Bring The Noise Remix

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'public enemy, benny benassi, bring the noise' to 'public enemy, benny benassi, bring the noize, remix' - edited by EndAll

US Military Burns Bibles In Afghanistan To End Proselytizing

Lithic says...

As much as I loath the burning of ANY books this seems like a non-issue to me. Just stop sending the army shit they didn't order and problem solved. Hell, if I got this much bad press for all the crap in my mailbox that I throw away I'd be public enemy nr. 1.

Siftquisition of feature Siftquisition (User Poll by Ornthoron)

thinker247 says...

Dag is such a Nazi.

>> ^dag:
That's why I'm not happy that the people are deciding to give it back.

But if it's truly a democracy, than we should be allowed to give the power back. And then fight the powers that be. Sorry, channeling Public Enemy.

When Jimmy Wants A Drink Dont Give Him Any Lip.

Legalization: Yes We Can

MrFisk says...

The U.S. judicial system is broken. The U.S.A. incarcerates more people than any nation per capita, surpassing China and The Soviet Union. The onset of all anti-drug laws in this country stem from racism and profit; i.e opium in California and marijuana in the deep South.
Nixon made drugs Public Enemy #1 in an effort to hoodwink the population from focusing on Vietnam. The 80s saw a drastic increase in resources to combat a ghost problem. Minimum mandatory sentencing and three-strike laws ushered in the prison-industrial complex nation we live in today. Fortunately, minimum mandatory sentencing and three-strike laws are unraveling.
The waste of money to incarcerate non-violent drug offenders is staggering and shameful. Something must be done hastily.

Napalm (Member Profile)

Public Enemy - Welcome To The Terrordome

jonny (Member Profile)

Public Enemy vs Benny Benassi - Bring The Noise Remix

lurgee (Member Profile)

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