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LEXUS Creates a Hoverboard

newtboy says...

There was absolutely nothing more on that site. No info, no more video, no pictures, nothing new. I'm still waiting to see it ridden over normal concrete (without embedded copper plates/magnets). I think that's what we're all waiting for in a hover board.

shagen454 said:

Official site:

Who's got the ball?

Esoog says...

Correct. He started his windup but never actually made motion toward home plate. Took 4 players to sell that fake-out, and they nailed it.

Payback said:

Looked to me like he rotated away from home. His step was away from, not towards, home..

Might look weird because he's left handed.

Soccer Kick Fail

Sagemind says...

Dads "increase in size", from finishing off the plates of their kids when they don't eat their dinner. A dad hates to see good food go to waste.

Ultimately, it's the kids fault.

artician said:

"Dad is fat."

Service dog alerts to self harm (Aspergers)

ulysses1904 says...

Understood. And it is upsetting to watch and comforting to see the dog's reaction. But on the other hand this is the first I'm reading that self-abuse, depressive episodes and panic attacks are now included in Aspergers, so I question the accuracy of the video's title. Or else I have been skimming the subject all this time, which is entirely possible.

I always read about it being socially inept, not being able to interpret facial reactions and body language of others, retaining reams of trivial data in memory (serial numbers, license plates), sitting awkwardly, being committed to certain routines, in general being smart and odd, etc.

People seem to cherry pick some aspect and now they have a "touch" of Aspergers, or they are now an "Aspie" just like their favorite character on "Big Bang Theory".

Payback said:

I somewhat agree, although from what I've been led to believe, this type of attack builds up somewhat slowly. The person knows it's going to happen and can't do a damn thing about it.

Who's got the ball?

Chinese Couples vs. Western Couples

lucky760 says...

That's so fascinating to me. You're clearly only looking at all the couples from one perspective: American males are shit and Chinese males are wonderful.

Try considering it from both points of view in both couples. The Chinese girl forces her boyfriend to hand over all his money even though he clearly doesn't want to. In order to appease his ball-and-chain, the Chinese guy has to bribe her with a purse. The Chinese girl forces her guy to hold her purse and suffer through shopping with her. The Chinese father-in-law is overtly overbearing and controlling. Chinese couples dump off their babies with in-laws to live free of their burden.

It's not racist to joke about American males being infamously fearful of commitment. In America there are endless references in popular culture to that aspect of American society all the time. Does that make racist the producers of such content?

It's also very commonplace for couples in America to get divorced. Would it have been racist if they'd joked about Americans divorcing versus Chinese staying together despite being miserable?

It's a matter of facts, and pointing out facts in a humorous (to some) way is not a racist act.

And the whole "fucking bitch" line was mostly an over-exaggeration for comedic effect, and it worked. But the fact remains that it's not uncommon for Americans to really feel that way about their SO picking off their plate. (Like I said, I've seen worse than a verbal insult in the form of a physical attack.) Whereas it's ostensibly more uncommon in China.

Magicpants said:

Personally traits have nothing to due with it, the video has two messages the first, funny message, is that yes there is a difference between the traits of westerners and Chinese people. The second, racist message, is that western couples don't actually love each other.

The video shows all the Chinese personality quarks as good natured ways the couple loves each other, such as sharing food, and the man sacrificing his money. The "western" people are shown in a relationship where they don't trust each other such as the man calling his SO a "b*tch" and spending all their money behind her back.

Think for a second, what of the video had been made about African Americans? would that be okay? (No it would not)

World's Dumbest Cop

newtboy says...

Don't be so sure about that being the case if you come to the USA.
I was pulled out of my car at gunpoint, thrown to the ground, and had the knee to my face because an idiot officer read my license plate wrong and assumed my car was stolen, then when he realized his mistake, threatened me with reprisal when he said "...remember, bud, I know where you live if you report this".

I did report it. I had to fight tooth and nail just to make that report, the officers at the station didn't want to take it or allow me to make a written complaint, and actually said at one point 'we don't take written complaints about officers.', and absolutely nothing came of it in the end.

Until American police forces clean house, if I wanna see a "good cop", I'll have to go on vacation to another country. When you say "People in your country hate cops so much because the good ones allow the bad ones to dominate the public Image." you miss the point that they also allow the 'bad' one's to act badly with no consequence, and stand behind them consistently with lies about what really happened...only to be proven clearly to be liars when video comes out. That's why I say the 'good cops' are endangered, if not extinct at this point.

JustSaying said:

And here's the interesting thing: you feel the need to show that good cops exist, to remind people of that.
If I wanna see a good cop, I walk into the local police station. These men and women aren't all perfect but I'm pretty sure in a conflict, they wouldn't shoot me or kneel on my face or kick me while I'm handcuffed. They're trained not to do that unless they have perfectly good reasons to do that. Perfectly good.
I don't live in your country. Nobody here needs good cop videos because in my part of the world, even unpleasant encounters involving the police don't necessarily reflect badly on the officers involved. We don't have your kind of horror stories here.
We have shitty cops, certainly, some pretty racist guys. Just go and read some reporting on the NSU (Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund), it's our little domestic terrorism problem showcasing how terrible our police can be.
Do you really think that can compete with the terrible shit in your country?
People in your country hate cops so much because the good ones allow the bad ones to dominate the public Image. They hate them because the whole institution has systematic problems with racism, accountability and excessive force.

Indian scrambled eggs with a surprise

artician says...

I don't know that this is fake. It happens all the time with eggs and hens that don't benefit from modern production methods of sorting.
(I never would have guessed I'd say something in favor of modern food production, but there you go?)
Anyway, I've had to do this myself when I was a kid, growing up on my families ranch. I doubt this was fake because of the reaction of the guys cooking, too, but if it were I'd hold all their faces to that frying pan for throwing three baby chicks onto a hot plate.

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

JustSaying says...

That isn't a tourist, that's a german license plate on the car. What this guy does is obviously intentional. There is no way he couldn't notice the big fucking red firetruck with lights and sirens going. Also, that's not a panic reaction either, that is pure assholery right there. It goes against every normal, responsible, civilised driving-behaviour.
If I were behind the steering wheel of that truck, I would've forced him out of the way. With my big ass truck.

rancor said:

I always thought Germany had fantastic driver licensing requirements. Guess it's not universal, or maybe it's a tourist. Another really strange thing is the way everyone starts driving past it at the end. Shrug.

Clearing the road to Geiranger

Payback says...

Meh, just weld on some armour plate.

I'm still waiting on someone in the walking dead using my idea of harvesting walkers to create bio-diesel. I find it hard to believe no pragmatic-minded people survived the outbreak.

dannym3141 said:

You and everyone else, that's the problem - not enough to go around. Also slow moving and therefore not safe against bandits.

Driver Speeds Past School Bus Almost Hits Three Kids

newtboy says...

Even if that were a lane, you are never supposed to pass a stopped school bus, the lights flash when the doors open. They should angle the cameras so they can get the license plate numbers of anyone doing this.

Elvis' 1st Recording Digitally Transferred

The Last Ever Top Gear

dannym3141 says...

Let's face it.. they did everything, and the shows were becoming more and more contrived, obvious and staged. It was about time it stopped.

The problem with Clarkson is similar to the problem with Al Murray the Pub Landlord. There are people laughing at him because they find the caricature of a racist, sexist moron saying stupid things funny - and they often are funny. There are also people laughing, saying "he's so right!" Clarkson does not have the advantage of being a comedian, and i reject the notion that he is one - he never has been one and could never front a decent comedy set under its own merit. If you want to see a comedian that correctly applies context and frames sexist/racist comments, see Al Murray.

If you find the idea of a man saying "catch a nigger by the toe" funny and somehow feel you're missing out if it isn't said, then we're never really going to see eye to eye. You can wave your hands and pass the buck about whether or not you think he said it all you like, the fact is that Clarkson has been caught red handed doing plenty of stuff like that so that guilt can be reasonably assumed given that it sounded very much like it. Add on top of that the apology - coming from a man who takes a piss on rules and convention, it's an admission of some degree of guilt.

Perhaps if he skirted other issues better, people wouldn't assume he was a fucking idiot. And i'm sorry to say, quite an entertaining idiot. take for example the falkland number plate - what sort of colossal moron believes it was a coincidence? I enjoy many parts of the show, but that doesn't mean i can't think he's completely irresponsible for being racist and for downplaying personal vehicle contribution to global warming when it is undoubtable to anyone who studies the subject appropriately.... which he owes it to the viewers and to the future of fucking humankind to do, considering the reach of his show.

radx (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Yes, I can even imagine how they would look - (I hope they kept the printing plates).

I do wonder if there is some obscure euro rule or bailout condition that would prevent it.. but in any case, as with previous governments, unless Syriza sort out tax and corruption they have no chance with or without TANs.

radx said:

As a fan of your fellow Aussie Bill Mitchell's work on MMT and the Eurozone, I'm quite delighted to see TANs offered as one tool of many to alleviate at least some of Greece's problems.

release us-a short film on police brutality by charles shaw

newtboy says...

OK, so you say my arguments don't hold water because a democrat is in charge of a government organization, and so you imply that means everything will be done properly without obstructionist barriers put up to halt the process, because the fed, and democrats always get the right thing done even when obstructed? That's a new 180 deg. turnabout viewpoint from you.

Actually, many of the laws being enforced by cops were put there, or kept there by police lobbying organizations. The prison guard union (cops) is the biggest, best funded, heaviest lobbying union in the nation. You know this, but you ignore it to spout nonsense.

Acting non-criminally only 99% of the time is 1% too little. If I only don't kill or attack 99% of the people I meet daily, I'm a cut throat thug on a murder mission. Are you so insane you don't get that?

Yes, required by law to be reported, but not enforced at all, with ZERO oversight. That means unless there's incontrovertible proof that's already gone public, they'll deny the charges, intimidate the abused, and have even gone so far as to steal and destroy the evidence of their crimes. Who's going to stop them, fellow cops? I think not.

My citizen complaint was first refused, then obstructed, then ignored. It was NEVER investigated, and no reprimand was ever given to the officer that jerked me out of my car, threw me to the ground, pulled his gun on me, and stepped on my head, all because HE read my license plate wrong and wrongly assumed my car was stolen...that's an assault and battery with a deadly weapon (yes, he was calling me disgusting names and threatening me while he did it, and afterwards) but my hard fought official complaint was never investigated at all. When the follow up is left 100% to the people being investigated, there's no follow up or investigation. That's the system we have today, we must trust the cops (who break the law daily, at least 1% of the time according to you) to police themselves, when it's been proven 99.99999% of the time they won't do that, and will lie, obstruct, destroy evidence, intimidate, and even kill people with honest complaints.

A few police may be fired when they can no longer hide the truth about their actions, but those times are few and far between compared to the proven indisputable situations that warranted far more than firing, as in prosecution, which almost NEVER happens even when they shoot unarmed kids in the back.

lantern53 said:

None of your arguments stand because Eric Holder is in charge of the entire US Dept. of Justice. He can't get it done? Ridiculous.

And I agree that police work is not the most dangerous job in America. But the difference is this: police officers die enforcing the laws that you put on the books, they die protecting those who cannot or will not protect themselves. This shows that the police act unselfishly, which makes their actions heroic.
Cops aren't perfect, they lose it on occasion, but over 99% of the time, they act within the law to protect the ungrateful (you).

Furthermore, every use of force is required to be documented by any modern law enforcement agency. Every pursuit is investigated to make sure it stays within departmental policy. Every citizen complaint is investigated to make sure the officer's actions are lawful and within policy.

Police officer's are reprimanded, suspended and fired if the situation determines it. There is nothing in this limp video to illustrate this simple truth.

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