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Rough Hit Destroys Belgian Soccer Player's Leg

CNN: South Florida's Pain Clinics Or Narcotic Pill Mills?

enoch says...

very awesome of you revted,
and thanks for making some clarifications and also adding a personal touch concerning your practice.
my family is in the medical field and they have stated similar dilemma's as you have here.on one side you have responsible doctors such as yourself and on the other you have inscrutable practitioners who are just there for the quick cash.
instead of going through a whole diatribe on addiction let me just state a quick anecdote.
a former student of mine,bright and quick-witted,a stellar student heading to graduate one year she was in two car wrecks and damaged her back something awful.she was over-prescribed pain meds and within a few months this brilliant young woman went from a casual pot smoker to a pill is the tragic part:she never realized until too late.she was taking her meds as prescribed but when the insurance ran out she found herself host to a myriad of problems that she could not understand i.e:fever,nausea,cold sweats,horrific nightmares,insomnia and her back was worse than ever.not understanding withdrawal symptoms from pain meds she bought off the street some painkillers and LO and BEHOLD..she felt better.

sadly it was i who informed her that she may be an addict and in her rage and disgust at me for even suggesting such tripe has discontinued our friendship,leaving me impotent to offer any assistance at my dear friend,with her infant daughter,has a full time job of aquiring pills everyday just so that she can feel normal.graduate school....a
i worry about her very,very much and pray for every day but until she is ready to face what she has to there is naught i can do.
what many people do not realize is that coming clean from narcotics is one the most incredibly hard things to is a body addiction and if you try to stop cold turkey your body makes you spades.

i cannot relay just how personal this is to me.i have a young woman in my home right now who i am helping detox because the local drug rehabilitation center will not accept her(her fault)and she has no money,lost her kids,her business and success with her is not written in stone,but i have had success in these cases.

on a side note.
i give you incredible credit reverendted.the fact the you are aware of the dangers and hence your responsibility speaks volumes to your character.the only consolation i can offer concerning those that abuse the system due to their addiction is that you have no control over that.your patients are lucky to have such a doctor as you.
i salute you my friend.

CNN: South Florida's Pain Clinics Or Narcotic Pill Mills?

enoch says...

this is a far bigger problem than this story is alluding to but because the problem deals with "legit" drugs it may never get the real coverage it deserves.
notice the drugs this story was talking about?oxycodone,to be more specific-roxxisetts-100% painkiller,no actimetophin or bufferin which means they can be cooked down and injected.along with oxycontin this is the favorite drug on the street.where can they get such easy access to these prescription drugs?you just watched the video...pill mills.

i cant speak for anywhere else,but i have lost 7 friends in the past five years due to oxycontin/xanax overdoses.they get high..go to sleep and never wake up.this is a very personal story to me,due to the fact that i counsel many people struggling with this overwhelming addiction.
and you are right duckman,and it pisses me off to no end seeing how other drugs,weed included,are demonized while the most abused drug in america is painkillers.thanks for posting this,maybe the message might get out.
i have watched too many lives be destroyed over supposedly "legal" drugs.

*and before anybody says anything.while i agree that it is ultimately the persons responsibility to inform themselves and take medication as prescribed.many people actually trust their doctor and do take as prescribed,but when the doctor prescribes 300 roxy 30's for a MONTH...well,thats not the patients fault,thats a doctor looking to cash in on a sales bonus.let me break that prescription down for those who may not know.
roxy 30=3 perc 10's=3000 mg's pure oxycodone.
300 prescribed a month means 10 roxy 30's a day=30,000 mg's
thats a HUGE amount of painkiller.
lets consider a few more factors.
it can take as little as seven days to actually feel a withdrawal from painkillers.
the body can only process around 4000 mg's of oxycodone in a 12 hr period.
so not only will a person become a junkie by following doctors orders,but most likely will experience problems with liver/kidney functions fairly soon.
this whole mess really pisses me off and i wish i could do something about it.
im sure there are some here who can break this down far better than me,but its a far bigger problem than we have been lead to believe.
thanks for posting duckman,and thanks for listening.

The random music game (Music Talk Post)

deputydog says...

1. Juicebox - The Strokes
2. Locked Out - Crowded House
3. Fancy Footwork (Crookers Remix) - Chromeo
4. Painkiller - Turin Brakes
5. Eternity One Night Only - Cut Copy
6. Pieces Of You - Islands
7. Tessellate (Field Music Remix) - Tokyo Police Club
8. Mr Pitiful - Otis Redding
9. Brainy - The National
10. An End Has A Start - Editors

Zero Punctuation - Red Faction Guerrilla

Xax says...

Wikipedia says:

"Psychonauts, Call of Duty 4, The Orange Box, Painkiller, Saints Row 2, No More Heroes, H.A.W.X, Prince of Persia, Gears of War 2 and Fallout 3 are some of the few games that have actually received a favorable review (He also gave Grand Theft Auto IV a rather favourable review, but then later nulled the review, citing a lack of good games to compare to at the time). The Valve Corporation game Portal is the only game he has ever reviewed in a completely positive manner and is rated as one of his top 5 favorite games of all time (the other four being Silent Hill 2, Spider-Man 2, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, and Fantasy World Dizzy..."

My Vicodin Vacation... (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

Your Brain on Drugs - Hyrdrocodone

enoch says...

the number ONE abused drug in america is?
/drum roll
thats right kids..move over cocaine,heroin and weed.the real drug of choice is painkillers.
how come we dont see any wars against painkillers?
oh yeah..thats right.
they are considered legal and are manufactured by big pharma,and hey..didnt big pharma tell us oxycontin was not addictive?/winks
and heroin and cocaine are manufactured and distributed by "brown" people.
cant have that now can we?

in all seriousness,painkillers are just that if abused...killers.
i have lost 7 friends over the past two years to oxycontin/xanax overdoses.i have also had 5 people stay at my place to overcome their painkiller addiction in the last year.watching folks i care about go through that nightmare is heart-wrenching,and i would not wish that experience upon my worst enemy.
it is a sad sad commentary when the biggest killer is marginalized while drugs like weed are still demonized.its bizarro logic,and just perpetuates the status quo for corporations leeching off the ills of society.

Former Drug Czar Owned. Legalization Debate.

enoch says...

is it my turn to toss in?
lets take mr walters point by point.
1.he is from the hudson institute-(neo-con think tank)deduct 50 points right there.
2.taxable income questionable?ok,i agree here.there is no actual data as of yet.
3.weed is the number ONE reason for drug treatment.
what?where is the former drug czar getting his numbers?
the number ONE abused and treated addictive drug is legal prescription painkillers.even if we used illegal drugs, pot is fourth.(data from A.M.A)
4.weed is responsible for violence and deaths among dealers.
no..its creating a black market that leads to violence and deaths.
its not like a drug dealer can go to the authorities and bitch about another dealer creeping into his turf.this is just bad can apply the same sentence and just add:coke dealers,pimps,gambling,fights...
when you create a black market,the only way those who RUN that black market can protect their investment is usually through violence,which may lead to deaths,sometimes innocent. walters keeps using the term "drugs".
while not wrong,its not entirely accurate."drugs" is an umbrella term which includes ALL drugs i.e :coke,meth,x,heroin etc.
to conflate these very dissimilar narcotics is dishonest and misleading.
6.again mr walters conflates "drugs" with violent behavior.
"many of the arrests found weed on the person"
and?using circular logic to make a point is still circular logic.
so if i got arrested with a playboy in my possesion that would mean im a sexual deviant?thats just weak.
6.marijuana dependency?
first off,doesnt least not in the way mr walters is portraying it.
THC is fat soluble,which means it takes at LEAST 3 weeks for HALF the THC to leave your have to smoke a tremendous amount,consistently for a very long time to feel any adverse affects if you stop smoking.even then the effects are mild.
7.0.3% is the population percentage in jail for possesion of weed..
thats an outright lie.
that figure is way higher,some as low as 20% and as high as 65%(couldnt get a solid number)but considering that private jails are now the number 9th largest lobby,and are the biggest funders of keeping weed illegal. tell me what that looks like.
8.more conflation about number of people who use "drugs".
the fact is,a certain amount of the population will use drugs.
its predictable and steady.this number coincides with weed smokers.
i believe the number is 23%,but im not sure and forgot the studies name.
but its around there.

one final note.
some have mentioned it here already,and i totally agree.
if you do something in your own home,harm noone,not even yourself.
how can it be deemed illegal?
even the constitution backs up the dissilution of this ill-thought,inane,archaic and totally useless law.
the man who demonized weed was a man named henry anslinger.
who used the "demon weed" for political purposes,and he did a damn fine job of it.
that was in the late 30's and early 40's.
time to huck this piece of irrelevant legislation out the door.
thank you..and good night.

What is Dubstep? (Obscure Talk Post)

srd says...

Thanks for this post. I spent the last weekend getting aquainted with dubstep and listened to a lot of it during the week. My basic impression (note: I have neither 18 inch headphones nor do I live in London) is: Great mood, great rhythm, but a bit too repetetive and the soundscape is too sparesely populated for my tastes. It's great to listen to while coding, and kind of relaxing (yeah, other people's dance music is my chill music).

The bastard child of Dubstep and Breakcore does peak my interest, though. Ebola's "Painkillers" (from Mutant Dubstep Vol 1) is currently on heavy rotation in my private soundpool. Looking around for Vol2 and 3 of the mutants. I may report back unless my face is et in the meantime.

What should we do concerning a *financial channel? (User Poll by dystopianfuturetoday)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

^Are y>> ^joedirt:
LOL.. what a fail poll.
If financial a great idea or the greatest.
What kind of coward doesn't include the option for STFU with you brilliant idea which you think is so brilliant that no one cares.

I'm just going to preserve this exquisite comment in time for all to see before the glue and painkillers wear off.

I haven't seen you around here since blankfist publicly humiliated you so thoroughly last month. Nice how you've adopted his beat down as your new avatar. He'll be proud to see how you've internalized all that shame. You certainly are a glutton for punishment. To each his own though, I guess.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Ornthoron says...

1. I was both baptised and confirmed a Lutheran Protestant, but I have been an atheist and/or agnostic all my life.

2. I am a realist by mind and an optimist by heart.

3. I have a brown spot in one of my otherwise blue eyes.

4. I have flown a Vomit Comet.

5. I didn't vomit.

6. I played euphonium in the Norwegian military's Royal Guard's marching band.

7. I performed with them in front of several thousand spectators in a hockey venue in Halifax.

8. I have later switched to the jazz trombone.

9. I started singing in choirs when I was 20.

10. I was once mistaken for a girl at an airport in India, and got searched behind a curtain by two female customs officers instead of the burly male officer.

11. I have been humiliated in basketball in front of several million indian TV viewers.

12. I have never taken painkillers against a hangover, no matter how terrible.

13. I am very skinny, in spite of my exercise-free lifestyle.

14. I have two brothers who are remarkably similar to me in every conceivable way.

15. I wore braces into high school.

16. I consider myself a competent and safe driver.

17. I nearly crashed the car on the same day I got my driver's license.

18. I have never used a spellchecker.

19. I know a lot about quantum mechanics.

20. I have tried to learn string theory and failed miserably.

21. I have no idea what kind of job I want to make a living of.

22. I think I would be a good father.

23. I talk a more high class norwegian than my background should suggest.

24. When watching a movie, I am frequently the only person laughing. (Except if my brothers are there too.)

25. VideoSift is the internet community I have invested most emotionally in.

An Overview Of Migraines

dannym3141 says...

I'll add my 2 bits.

I get certain visual problems before a migraine. It begins with what i would liken to tunnel vision, where i'm focusing very hard on the "centre" of my sight, if you will, and the edges become milky almost. I wouldn't say i lose my sight in those areas, but i "don't see" them. Then, distances start to morph, and i translate the distance between my head and my book/monitor/desk/hand as both very small and HUGE at the same time. Almost as though i'm considering it on a relative level (relative to the size of my body) and also on a molecular level, where the distance is astronomical. Then, having recognised this, the distance begins to change in front of my eyes, almost like zooming in and out on a camera very quickly. It's nauseating, and it gives me a panic attack, it's a really scary sensation. Other times i'll get blue sparks occuring all around the peripheral vision area, they're nothing special really, the better of the 2.

Then i get a terrible, terrible headache that lasts for at least half a day. Often it feels like such a great pressure in my head that i think it'll explode. Usually it only goes if i sleep. I'm incapable of doing anything while i have that headache, it's debilitating. It pulses in a sense, become more painful for a while and then less painful for a while. I need utter darkness, including any LED's in the room, literally every source of light has to be extinguished. Marijuana has helped, and when i've been drunk i've thought that i had a migraine, but it wasn't feeling anywhere near as bad as a migraine (and so is it? perhaps not).

During the "aura"(?) phase with the visual hallucinations and for a few days after the headache part, i find it hard to speak. I know i can say something if i want to, but when i try to speak i stutter a lot, and it takes me a while to say what i want to say, and i often feel distanced from things.

I've never had one at work or at university, i dread to think what i'd say/do if i had one. It's something i feel almost guilty about because i feel that if you've never had one you'd never accept/understand just how much it hurts. "Boss, i've got a migraine." - "Yeah, i've got a headache too, get back to work."

I'm actually feeling my hackles rise explaining it and remembering the feeling. I don't get any other the other stuff though.

I never knew about medication for migraines, i thought it'd just be painkillers. Gonna speak to my doc thanks to mintbbb's initial post.

An Overview Of Migraines

Psychologic says...

For those with migraines:

What have you found that helps?

I've found that if I chug a beer at the first sign of an aura (I hate beer btw) then my pain is noticeably reduced. I've heard that anything that acts as a vaso-dilator helps. Marijuana helps me a little, but it makes it more difficult for me to stop thinking so it isn't a great choice. Painkillers don't really help either.

Puking. Guts. Out. (Blog Entry by UsesProzac)

Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw interview on Not Quite Art

Quboid says...

Painkiller sales tripled? What's 3 times fuck all? It is a fun game, but it doesn't mean much if 4 million people watch it and instead of 1 sale, they get 3. I always thought his material worked better if you've played the games, but to be honest I didn't think he realised this or perhaps wanted to realise this. Fair dues for seeing it as it is (or at least how I see it, which is the most important thing ).

Rugil, it's the interviewer who mentioned "moving units" (2:12). I thought he did come across as reasonably humble (e.g. the novelty of him saying something positive).

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