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Rising Folk Star Taylor Mitchell Killed By Coyotes!

entr0py says...

I'm sure that I am no alone when I say that I am terrified by the thought of maladjusted pairs of coyote-wolf hybrids, outcast by their kind and full of hate, that will kill you for no good reason. I don't mind wolfs, or coyotes, but wolfotes? Fuck. We need to stop them.

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

MaxWilder says...

>> ^Jesus_Freak:
Wow. I'm accused of making lazy arguments, when some of the best you guys can throw at me is that we have 100% odds of living on the planet we live on under the conditions that currently exist. That's not lazy?
"Well, we're here, so how we got here is irrelevant."

Let's be clear about this. No scientist has ever or would ever say that "how" we got here is irrelevant. Why do you think so many people are fighting to make sure natural selection and the theory of evolution are taught in schools?

No, what's irrelevant is the "odds" against life developing. As with an earlier example that you seem to have ignored (big surprise), imagine you roll a die a thousand times and write down the numbers you get in order. Now show that list to someone and say "What are the odds against rolling those numbers in that exact order?" The odds against it would be enormous! But that doesn't mean God made those numbers happen, it happened because the die was rolled and there was a record. It doesn't matter what the odds against doing it again are, because it already happened. It took an estimated 13.7 billion years for life to develop to this point. A whole lot of crazy shit can happen in that amount of time, with an estimated 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars and who knows how many planets and moons around each star?

So what are the odds against you having rolled that sequence of numbers on the die? Zero. It happened. There are no odds against it. The odds against it happening again may be huge, but it happened once and there's no wagering against that. So the odds against life developing on Earth? Zero. It happened. Pick something else to base your silly arguments on.

"I do take exception to how off-handedly dismiss the Bible, though. The Bible has been validated through historical accuracy of events depicted, is a unique document in all of human history, and is validated through the fulfillment of prophecy over time."

There are massive and glaring historical inaccuracies, or at the very least, completely uncorroborated by contemporary historians. There is no evidence of Herod's Massacre of the Innocents, no evidence that a "city" named Nazareth existed at that time, no evidence that there was a tradition of letting a prisoner go free (when the crowd supposedly chose Barabbas instead of Jesus), no record of a disruption in the temple during passover (when Jesus drove out the money changers), no record of a prophet who had thousands of people going to listen to him.

There were a number of good writers in those times, many of whom wrote on the events of the times. Nobody mentioned a person resembling Jesus at all until many decades after his supposed death.

"The lazy argument probably on the tip of your tongue is that the Bible has been altered a bazillion times to make it look like it got the story right. You've got quite a steep slope to climb to make that argument. The Bible includes 40 authors, 3 languages, 3 continents, and a authorship span of 1500 years. Studies have verified that the transcripts have held up without material alteration according to the earliest known records."

You are off your rocker. All you have to do is look at a few passages from a few different translations to know that is complete bunk. Consider for instance the most famous of the ten commandments: Thou shalt not kill - King James Version. That is also translated as "You shall not murder." (New International Version) Consider the difference between killing someone and murdering someone. Killing can be self defense, or what a soldier does in war. So making a new translation that uses the word "murder" instead will allow priests the justification to let people go become soldiers, or perhaps use the death penalty ("It's not murder, it's justice.") Huge difference in just that one translation, and you think that doesn't happen all over the bible? You know nothing. And religion depends on you remaining ignorant and pliant. Why do you think it took so long to translate the bible into English? Because before that happened, the priests had complete and utter control over the interpretation. Now they have to twist the words around and create convoluted justifications for weird stories there. It's not as easy, and fewer people are buying their bullshit every day.

"I'm still not impressed with the answers."

You won't be impressed with anything that anyone has to tell you about the truth behind religion until you stop holding on to the idea that blind faith is a good thing. Faith in something without any evidence is never considered a good thing by anybody, with the sole exception of religion.

If you want to be impressed, start looking for real evidence that what you believe about God is true. And when you find that there is none, anywhere, except for the dubious scribblings of some unknown authors many centuries ago, maybe then you'll be impressed. But I suspect your head is just too far under the sand for that to happen.

"If you want to get into a theological debate on whether my Bible is rubbish...I ask a similar question. Why would Jesus' disciples subject themselves to being cultural outcasts and ultimately suffer fates of excile and execution if they didn't truly believe in the message? Wouldn't at least one of them, seeing their reflection in the executioner's sword, yell out "Just kidding!" unless they passionately knew theirs was the most important message of all time?"

You don't know the bible at all do you? "And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out, and wept bitterly." Who knows how many others abandoned their belief after supposedly being in the presence of the Christ himself, and we are all asked to devote our lives to him without even having met the guy? Again I call bullshit. If God wants me to believe in him, he can come tell me why himself.

But the messages I'm getting lately are quite the opposite. Just a few years ago I discovered there is no evidence outside of the bible that the person we call Jesus even existed.

"The Bible depicts Herod, the Ruler of Jewish Palestine under Rome as sending out men to search and kill the infant Jesus, yet nothing in history supports such a story. Pontius Pilate supposedly performed as judge in the trial and execution of Jesus, yet no Roman record mentions such a trial. The gospels portray a multitude of believers throughout the land spreading tales of a teacher, prophet, and healer, yet nobody in Jesus' life time or several decades after, ever records such a human figure. The lack of a historical Jesus in the known historical record speaks for itself."

- Jim Walker,

The Jews were very good record keepers, and these glaring omissions are very telling.

On the other hand, there are many, many legendary mythological figures, from Mithras to Hercules, that have a very similar story to Jesus. I see absolutely no reason why Jesus isn't just one more myth that will eventually fade into time and be taught along side Greek and Roman mythology.

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

Jesus_Freak says...

Wow. I'm accused of making lazy arguments, when some of the best you guys can throw at me is that we have 100% odds of living on the planet we live on under the conditions that currently exist. That's not lazy?

"Well, we're here, so how we got here is irrelevant."

I take no offense to you cutting directly to an attack on my Bible. The premise of my argument did the same thing with science, so that's fair play.

I do take exception to how off-handedly dismiss the Bible, though. The Bible has been validated through historical accuracy of events depicted, is a unique document in all of human history, and is validated through the fulfillment of prophecy over time.

The lazy argument probably on the tip of your tongue is that the Bible has been altered a bazillion times to make it look like it got the story right. You've got quite a steep slope to climb to make that argument. The Bible includes 40 authors, 3 languages, 3 continents, and a authorship span of 1500 years. Studies have verified that the transcripts have held up without material alteration according to the earliest known records.

The type of forgery necessary to corrupt the Bible we know today is a feat I doubt would be possible even in this day and age. You'd have to destroy every prior copy and convincingly alter remnant copies, all the while leaving no historical footprint to tell the tale.

I posed a scientific question to see how entrenched you all were about the notion that God could not exist. I'm still not impressed with the answers.

If you want to get into a theological debate on whether my Bible is rubbish...I ask a similar question. Why would Jesus' disciples subject themselves to being cultural outcasts and ultimately suffer fates of excile and execution if they didn't truly believe in the message? Wouldn't at least one of them, seeing their reflection in the executioner's sword, yell out "Just kidding!" unless they passionately knew theirs was the most important message of all time?

Pentagon Investigation Evidence Contradicts Official Story

Smugglarn says...

The truthers and movements like theirs are a pathetic attempt to project a false sense of understanding of events clearly beyond their intellectual grasp. It is obviously a defense mechanism for dealing with their own lack of knowledge of the world beyond their groups activities.

The notion that an often basement dwelling social outcast can uncover great conspiracies, and a deep understanding of the intricacies of centuries old conflicts thousands of miles away is ludicrous. Actual intelligence agencies attempt and often fail at this every day - and they have considerable resources in both manpower and technology.

The irony inherent in all these theories is the attempt to somehow remove the obvious foreign (and therefore unknown) influences in these events, and instead put all the blame in a supposedly omnipotent US government. In doing so they have created a rather flattering image of a super villain they can not defeat, thereby validating their continued struggle, and reassuringly know all about.

If their fantasies were real they would of course be jailed or dead. That is the case of all real dissidents of actual autocratic states.
Eventually this serves the lone purpose of maintaining a community of believers similar to that of a cult. By ascribing to these beliefs they gain access to a social construct often denied them earlier in life.

The group inflates the participants egos and and instills a confidence rarely felt before. That feeling is obviously precious to these people, much like jewelery to a cave dwelling humanoid featured, not surprisingly, in certain works which many of them hold as the pinnacle of literature. Therefore, one should not be surprised by the lengths to which these people will go in preaching their convictions. Their newly found social status depends on your acceptance of their inane rants.

The Largest Street Gang in America

quantumushroom says...

There's two sides to every story and unbalanced crockumentaries like this do a disservice to their own POV as well as the one they castigate by fanning the flames. There are bad eggs in every profession. Be sure to check out some prison vids and witness some of the animals cops have to put up with on a daily basis and you'll better understand their POV.

By these very loose definitions, even Congress is a gang. The federal government acts like the mafia all the time. Everyone 'protects their own', at every level, in every organization. How hard is it to get rid of a POS unionized government school teacher? Very.

Don't see why it should be such a shock that the po-pos protect their own. Whether good or bad, the law enforcement field requires being 'outcast' from society in order to police it. I don't envy the job; it's vital and not going away.

It's "normal" for this society to not respect cops anymore, which is disgraceful. Cops in uniform represent the law itself and should be respected for that EVEN if acting like jerks.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

xxovercastxx says...

  1. When I was 4 or 5 I fell on a log that contained a bees nest and was stung over 30 times. I'm not afraid of bees anymore.
  2. I wish I had gotten to meet my maternal grandfather and I wish I had known my paternal grandfather better before he died.
  3. I seem to be immune to poison ivy and poison sumac.
  4. The only time I feel comfortable in my surroundings is when I'm out in the woods.
  5. I have always felt like an outcast, even among other outcasts.
  6. I have struggled with depression and anxiety at various times throughout my life.
  7. I think people try too hard to avoid death and that it hurts the species as a whole.
  8. I wish I didn't have to work so I could focus on hobbies and things that actually matter.
  9. In contrast to almost all my friends, I don't seem to have any phobias.
  10. I am a skeptic. I don't believe claims that aren't supported with evidence.
  11. I can make rational decisions about very emotional topics without those emotions clouding my judgment.
  12. What I think and what I feel are often at odds with each other.
  13. I really struggle to connect with people.
  14. I find humor in everything, even the most horrible things. It's my coping mechanism.
  15. I'm completely open to questions and encourage people to ask me whatever they want, especially since I'm usually at a loss for words.
  16. I spend a lot of time reading wikipedia.
  17. I really want to design and create a videogame.
  18. I have no patience for stupid people.
  19. I've never even been tempted to try drugs, cigarettes or alcohol. I just don't see the point.
  20. I think all drugs should be legalized. If you're dumb enough to smoke crack, you're supposed to die. Bring back natural selection!
  21. I have the full gamut of almost-siblings: a step-sister, a half-sister and an adopted sister.
  22. I think I've wasted most of my life.
  23. I take pride and joy in deflating big heads.
  24. I don't really like being the center of attention.
  25. I never did manage to learn to swim. Through great effort I can stay afloat for a minute or so, but that's it.

    Killing 22 final bosses in 5 minutes

    Defrost_My_Head says...

    Wow so I'm not the only person that played Wheel of Time! Balefire em into oblivion!
    Perhaps more types of games would be better as FPS bosses can't be made that difficult. But even the most complicated game boss there is always going to be a vid on youtube showing how to glitch kill it in 10 seconds. Spoils the fun I reckon.

    The games shown and bosses killed are:

    Quake II - Makron
    Red Faction - Colonel Masako
    Jedi Outcast - Desann
    Jedi Academy - Marka Ragnos
    Deus Ex - Walton Simons
    Deus Ex: Invisible War - J.C. Denton
    Blood 2: The Chosen - The Ancient One
    No One Lives Forever - Tom Goodman
    No One Lives Forever 2 - Super Soldier Lieutenant
    Aliens vs Predator 2 - General Rykov
    F.E.A.R. - Alma
    Hitman 2 - Sergei Zavrotko
    Command & Conquer: Renegade - Dr. Petrova
    Far Cry - Dr. Krieger
    Wheel of Time - Ishamael
    Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi - Malachi
    Iron Storm - Consortium Officer
    Bet on Soldier - Max Balding
    Jurassic Park: Trespasser - Alpha Raptor
    Kill.Switch - Archer
    Klingon Honor Guard - Korek
    Thief: Deadly Shadows - Gamall

    Jane Hamsher Serves Up Healthcare Smackdown on MSNBC

    Citrohan says...

    “I’m sorry I’m not a cancer survivor” WTF?!?! Could this woman be any more callous, any more heartless? This attitude is exactly why the Regressives are being treated as outcasts.
    Bandes displays all the traits of what conservatives do when confronted with inconvenient facts: interrupt and talk over your opponent, lie or just make stuff up and holler. Her stupidity is breathtaking. Does she and other conservatives not realize that by lowering the number of people that are uninsured hurts their argument? If the number is as low as they say it is, then the cost of providing health coverage for them just got remarkably lower.

    Doc_M (Member Profile)

    KnivesOut says...

    No need to apologize Doc_M. I just enjoy debating the nits. In regards to the video in question, I defer to your channel assignments and tags, as they are perfectly accurate and functional.

    In reply to this comment by Doc_M:
    I apologize personally if I upset you with my re-tagging of your post. I meant nothing mean in my manner. I merely was concerned that the post was inappropriately labeled in a way that would discourage discussion and dissension. I like to see discussion and people who are viewed merely as comedic outcasts from the get-go will not offer their dissenting opinions. I mean no offense. I only mean to be accurate and to encourage discussion.

    Please forgive me if you have been angered by this action.

    ponceleon (Member Profile)

    peggedbea says...

    why would assume i would ever let the man on top?

    edit: bwwhahaahahahaha

    In reply to this comment by ponceleon:
    >> ^peggedbea:
    is it wrong if i send this to the 32 year old warhammer playing socially inept outcast thats currently trying to and failing at fucking me?

    Exactly how is he failing at fucking you? I mean, are we talking figuratively in that he's trying to get in your pants, or are we talking literally in that you are naked, he's on top of you, and something goes horribly horribly wrong?

    Go get a job! (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

    Go get a job! (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

    ponceleon says...

    >> ^peggedbea:
    is it wrong if i send this to the 32 year old warhammer playing socially inept outcast thats currently trying to and failing at fucking me?

    Exactly how is he failing at fucking you? I mean, are we talking figuratively in that he's trying to get in your pants, or are we talking literally in that you are naked, he's on top of you, and something goes horribly horribly wrong?

    Go get a job! (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

    Go get a job! (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

    Creationist robot falters under rationalist onslaught

    spoco2 says...

    What creationists DO want is for their belief to be taught alongside science as if it were on equal footing.

    IT IS NOT.

    However, what I would LOVE for schools to have is a broad based 'religious education' class which teaches about all the major world religions and the people who believe them, the different countries etc. but does so in a way that isn't saying ANY of them are true or false. Just teach it as another form of history. Here kids is what makes up a large portion of the world. These are all the things that people believe.

    But is that what is taught?

    ooooh no, not here in Australia.

    Our eldest is in Prep this year (preparatory year, before grade one, in primary school, effectively your first year of real school). On the enrollment form there was a question 'do you want your child to have religious education'. Now, KNOWING that state schools teach Christianity, and teach it as 'fact', we said NO. As did at least one other family (as they are Muslim). We discovered a few weeks in that all the kids were having Religious education, and that he was asking about Jesus and God... *sigh*. I was happy to discuss it, happy to say that the bible is a book of stories that try to give some good idea across etc. and that there may have been a man called Jesus and people liked what he said... BUT I don't want some person teaching this crap as fact each week to my son.

    We said we didn't want it taught to him, so when it was RE class they put him in the back of the classroom to play. We said this was unacceptable, because a) it will make him feel a bit like an outcast, and b) he can still hear the class. So now he goes to one of the other Prep classes during RE.

    Now, I can just hear religious people going on about 'What are you afraid of?' 'Shouldn't your child be able to make up his own mind?' 'You're being a fascist and being just as bad as the people you say are being closed minded'.


    A 5 year old does NOT have the critical faculties to be able to tell if what they are being told is REAL is actually real or not. Plus I don't want someone at his school telling him these things as fact, only for us to have to tell him they are NOT fact. That'll just make him less inclined to have any respect for the actual, real truths that the teachers want to teach like... oh... science etc.

    Any single faith based teachings have NO PLACE in a damn state school. There are religious schools for that crap. It has made us consider moving schools. And so many parents are just sheep and just accept it...


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