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thepinky (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

Re: evidence against God:
Well, obviously this is a tough one, because you can never prove a negative. The problem is you cannot prove it positively either. Or rather, no one has. We can prove that zebras exist, because there are pictures/videos, many, many people have seen zebras and the thought "makes sense" to us. While I have not seen a zebra, I take it faith, for lack of a better word, that they exist and that it is not an elaborate scheme or conspiracy. It is also relatively easy to verify the theory of a zebra at any given time. It is not all that easy to verify a proof of God, because all the "evidence" are aberrations: Jesus in a can of beans, someone being healed of some disease or being awed by nature. Do you see my point?
To be able to dispute a claim of God, I have to have a definition to go on. Many times when someone disproves a definition, people go "well, but that's not my God". If you make a hypothesis of your God, I'll do my best to disprove that hypothesis.

The Christian Creation theory is not just illogical it is blatantly false and foolish. Creation makes very definite claims, for instance young earth Creationism (earth <10.000 years old) is provably false, the claim that God made all species they way they are now with no transitions is provably false. When a religious doctrine makes such definite claims about our natural world the scientific method has crushed them every time. God seems to retreat into more muddy waters every time science proves him wrong; "God in the gaps".

Re: faith and logic
Your argument that you are able to correlate your faith and logic is more indicative of your ability to overlook some scripture and accept other parts. To make the Bible, for instance, cover the world as we see it now, we have to pick-and-choose which parts we really want to follow and which parts are just gibberish. I think this is a wrong way to go about it. There is a reason the Bible is as it is, you have to either accept it or not. Christianity as an idea is also "evolved" over time, into the many, many variations we see now. Some differences are greater than others, and some are minute. I am troubled by the pick-and-choosing, because that is not the way we learn things about the world. I view the Bible as the evidence that Christians use, and in that case you have to be able to fit everything into your theory, if it doesn't fit, you must acquit. Or make a new theory.

I respect your reverence of your parents, but they can be wrong too. Not that you should questions everything they say, but my point is that they may not really have the answer you are looking for.

The Scientific method is not well equipped to handle moral or ethical questions, because they are not (yet, anyway) a countable, measurable thing. We can't observe moral in its pure form, only the effects it has on people. It is possible to form theories about how it has originated through social sciences and anthropology, but "hard science" has trouble with it. Concerning philosophical questions, it really depends on what kind of philosophical question it is. Some are surprisingly easily bounded in biological evidence, while others are more ethereal.

If God chose to reveal himself, he would manifest in our natural world and thus the scientific method would suddenly apply to at least that avatar in our world. We could then do tests and gather evidence on this manifestation and, at least, get some ideas of how he exists. The fact that this has never happened, does seem to show a tendency.

Re: Existence of the universe
You're just throwing curve balls, aren't you?

Your third possible answer is the same as number two or one. The unmoved mover would need an origin too, and either he has his own 3 or he came from nothing or he always existed.

The problem with inserting God in that theory is that it can never explain anything. You enter into an infinite regress, that goes: "Us <-- God <-- superGod <-- supersuperGod" and so on (<-- "made by").
We have very little scientific evidence that shows the origin of the universe, but that does not mean that we should insert a prime mover into the equation, because that does not logically add up.

I will submit that the nature of the universe may be more mysterious than we think now and that the three possibilities does not adequately cover what "really" happened. Time could be cyclical, or something entirely different from a different point of view than our 3 dimensional world. I'm inclined to that the universe always existed in some form or another, but I have no scientific basis for that thought.

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Palin Abused Power but did Not Violate the Law

13330 says...

>> ^NetRunner:
CNN needs to read the findings more closely.
Abuse of power is unlawful according to Alaska state law.

Alright, I had to make an account just for this. I'll go ahead and quote the findings from page 8 of the report right here, verbatim.

Finding Number One

For the reasons explained in section IV of this report, I find that Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.51.110(a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act. Alaska Statute 39.52.110(a) provides

"The legislature reaffirms that each public officer holds office as a public trust, and any effort to benefit a personal or financial interest through official action is a violation of that trust."

Finding Number Two

I find that, although Walt Monegan's refusal to fire Trooper Michael Wooten was not the sole reason he was fired by Governor Sarah Palin, it was likely a contributing factor to his termination as Commissioner of Public Safety. In spite of that, Governor Palin's firing of Commissioner Monegan was a proper and lawful exercise of her constitutional and statutory authority to hire and fire executive branch department heads.

Finding Number Three

Harbor Adjustment Service of Anchorage, and its owner Ms. Murleen Wilkes, handled Trooper Michael Wooten's workers' compensation claim properly and in the normal course of business like any other claim processed by Harbor Adjustment Service and Ms. Wilkes. Further, Trooper Wooten received all the workers' compensation benefits to which he was entitled.

Finding Number Four

The Attorney General's office has failed to substantially comply with my August 6, 2008 written request to Governor Sarah Palin for information about the case in the form of emails.

Analyzing this, a few things should be readily apparent. One, it's completely contradictory. The first finding states Palin broke the law. The second says she didn't for the same reasons. Also note, in finding number one it states "I find that." This isn't a report from the legislative committee on the investigation. This is one man's interpretation of events. The legislature isn't even in session and this isn't their report! They didn't find anything! The only thing they did was agree to release this section of Mr. Branchflower's report. That's it. Mr. Branchflower is just providing counsel for the committee.

I'm not trying to defend Palin in anything. Have your reasons for hating her, I don't care. But have a valid reason. This is just a ridiculous, contradictory hatchet job that doesn't prove anything, yet people are eating it up.

enemycombatant (Member Profile)

ElJardinero (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

NetRunner (Member Profile)

What do you do after number two? (Howto Talk Post)

What do you do after number two? (Howto Talk Post)

littledragon_79 says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
Fold and wipe. Front to back. No one likes shitty balls.
If in a dire situation and you only have a really small bit (say a few sheets) but a whole job to clean, then you poke a hole through the middle of the sheets,(save the punch, you'll need it) wear the TP like a ring around the top knuckle, and use your finger to scrape the dark matter from the black hole. Pinch the TP around your finger and pull it off your finger trying to pull as much of the mess with it. Still have that punch? Use it to clean up the residual poo and scrape under your fingernail.
Field survival 101

Do I smell a how-to video being made, posted to YouTube, then sifted?

What do you do after number two? (Howto Talk Post)

gourmetemu says...

>> ^kulpims:
I remember this weird guy with a trained monkey coming over to my mom's house one day. we sat there in the dinning room, drinking liquer (monkey too) when after a while, the monkey started doing some weird sign-language so the guy asked me if I can show the monkey where the toilet is. I took the monkey's hand and it followed me to the toilet. After I opened the door, the monkey did everything on its own, like it was living there for years and not just visiting. I watched, feeling a bit like a pervert... The monkey was a crumpler, back-to-front. Even washed its hands afterwards.

Score one for my mom. Apparently a monkey would make a better house guest than me.

What do you do after number two? (Howto Talk Post)

videosiftbannedme says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
They both circle Uranus in search of Klingons. wipe out. (Had to add that last part. )

What did Spock see in Kirk's bathroom?
Captain's Log.

Why did Capt. Kirk piss on the cieling?
Because he wanted to go where no man had gone before.

...I think that's all the Star Trek potty humor I know.

Sin City Opening Sequence

Obama Turns Heckling Into a Discussion at Townhall

imstellar28 says...

Transcript for the hard of hearing/thinking:

Part 1: how to effectively pause while the audience is interrupting you
thats all right....lets....excuse me....hey.....hold on a second...........(audience chanting)....hold on....hold on everybody...excuse me young man...this is going to be question and answer session.....youll have your chance to answer your question, you dont have to disturb the whole meeting.

Part 2: how to stall while you are thinking of an answer to the question
alright alright, well uh i-i-i-they-uh-well-i-i-i-guess-i-i-i-hold-on-hold a second-everybody-i want everybody to be respectful, thats why were having a town hall meeting, this-this-this is democracy at work, and he-he asked a legitimate question so i want to give him an answer. um, i think you are misinformed about when you say not one time, every issue you spoke of i did speak about

Part 3: how to fabricate an answer to a question off the top of your head
ive been talking about predatory lending for the last two years in th us senate, and worked to pass legislation to prevent it when i was in the state legislature. and i have repeatedly said that many of the uh-uh predatory loans that were made in the mortgage system did target african american latino communities. ive said that repeatedly. number two, gina six. i was the first candidate to get out there and say that this was wrong and we should change it. thats number two, when sean bell got shot i put out a statement immediately saying this is a problem.

Part 4: how to ineffectively cope with your questioner confronting the absurdity of your response, in stutter
so so all all all i all im all all all im im saying im sorry wait wait wait dont start wait wait ho ho ho hold on. dont start dont start shouting back im just answering your question. on on on each of on each of these issues ive spoken out, not i may not have spoken out the way you would have wanted me to speak out, which is which is fine, because no no no i understand, no no look look but but, well well they we well they uh, re-re-re-remember i have other people so im just trying to answer your question.

Part 5: how to make excuses for your answer, in stutter
so so all all all i so uh all i uh ho ho ho ho hold on dont dont dont start shouting back im just answering your question on on on-on each of on each of these issues....i have spoken out, now i may not have spoken out the way you would have wanted me to speak out, which is which is fine, because i, no i understand, no, but but, uh , which is fine, well uh uh, well uh uh they well uh hold on a second, re-re-re-remember well ive got other people.

Part 6: how to deflect attention from your ridiculous response, while trying to establish false credibility through past actions, in stutter
heres what im suggesting is, is that on each of these issues that you mention ive spoken out and ive spoken out forcefully, and i-i-i-i-i uh listen i was a civil rights lawyer i-i-i-i-i i have i have passed the first racial profiling legislation in illinois i uh i passed i-i-i-i passed hold on a second i passed some of the-the-the-the toughest death penalty reform legislation in illinois so-so-so these are issues ive worked on on for decades

Part 7: how to assault your questioner, then raise your voice as you proudly recite a feel-good, meaningless, cliched statement to distract your audience from what just happened
now that doesnt mean that im always going to satisfy the way you want these issues framed. which which which uh gives you the option of voting for someone else, it gives you the option to run for office yourself, but, the, those, those are all options, but, but the one thing but the one thing that i think is important the one thing that i think is important, is that, is that we are respectful to towards each other, and what is true, the one thing i believe is that the only way we are going to solve our problems in this country, the only way we are going to solve our problems in this country is if all of us come together black, white, hispanic, asian, native american, young old, disabled, gay, straight that i think has got to be our agenda. alright. okay.

my15minutes (Member Profile)

Stewart Slams MSM For Ignoring Phase II

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