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Diablo II - Trailer number one (preview)

U2 - "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" live

Videosift 3.1111eleven11: In Review (Sift Talk Post)

smibbo says...

I agree about numbers two and three.

Seriously, I think the day after I made gold, they took away my ability to promote/save and gave me this paltry substitute.... I can xquality now and that all I get for rewarding someone's contribution? By mashing promote and save together and putting it on the same timer as "quality" you have effectively cut down my ability to exercise my goldie arm to once every two days. I understand wanting to cut down the amount of pointless "quality"-ing post but that means I have to either never use the invocation or be very very sure its what I wanna do instead of look for someone's video worthy of promoting/saving.
I guess I'm lamenting because I was all excited to get to gold and as soon as I got there, you made it less "special"

And GH, you're one to talk against Eric3579 - how long you had that same picture? C'mon, we know you must have agred since then.

Least helpful/ Most hated comments. (Sift Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

Damn. I was just gonna post something like this, but you beat me to it by a few minutes.

I often do number three, but it's usually "I'm sure I've seen this before, but I can't find it right now. It's not my responsibility to take my time and search for a dupe. It's the submitter's job. If I have the time, I will, but that comment serves the purpose of letting them know they should look a little bit harder.

As far as number two, that one goes to say "Hey, if you liked this one, go check out this other one!"
Why not? Isn't that what VS is for?

Disclaimer: The first line is obviously satirical in nature.

AP Reporter Calls Bullshit on Romney During Photo Op

bleedingsnowman says...

As of May 2006 Olbermann was doing pretty well for himself and his ratings have only improved since. From MediaWeek: "Third-place MSNBC saw its prime time audience jump 8 percent to 370,000, bolstered in part by the success of its Countdown with Keith Olbermann, which was the number two cable news program in the 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. time slot in the 25-54 demo, behind O'Reilly. Olbermann averaged 419,000 total viewers on the month, and 156,000 in the news demo, an increase of 37 percent. Headline News' Nancy Grace took third in the demo at 8:00 p.m., averaging 150,000 25-54s, while CNN's Paula Zahn Now lost 41 percent of the demo, coming in fourth with 147,000."

blankfist (Member Profile)

MINK says...

i am still really 50/50 about globalisation.

all i can tell you is that freedom of travel in the EU is great, and that i think it would be much harder for any "dark forces" to control us if we mingle more.

my current guess is that the higher ups like globalisation because it makes trade easier and less of their profit goes on bureaucracy and crap.

also consider this example: i am in lithuania. i have a young musician friend in poland from the internet, he wanted to come to lithuania to play in one of my parties, but he couldn't because of problems with his passport and an alcoholic father. Now thanks to shengen he can come without a passport. i think that's good.

living in europe (not uk or usa) i have got much more confident about man's ability to retain his own culture while mixing with others. also i think the cultural gene pool NEEDS mixing.

i am more worried about google world domination than anything else.

just interested what you think on that.


In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Yes, it's a scary time, because the Executive Branch is acting outside the powers given to them by the Constitution. The President cannot make treaties with other countries without the Senate's approval. Currently, these deals between the US, Canada and Mexico are being passed off as trade agreements, not treaties. But a dissolution of our borders is not a trade agreement.

Welcome to the sift, by the way.

In reply to this comment by Jordass:
Wasnt endorsing Globalization just wanted to know more. Thanks for all the information, it was very informative and more people should familiarize themseleves with the organizations you metioned

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Well, the reason for the US Dollar losing it's value is a separate issue, altogether, and we don't need a North American Union to increase its value. That aside, this debate really comes down to whether you'd prefer to remain a sovereign nation or not. The borders between Canada, the US and Mexico will effectively disappear if there's a NAU, because the NAU goes much further than just currency and trade. The purpose of our Declaration of Independence was to claim our Union of States' independence. The NAU will render that document obsolete, and shortly thereafter the Constitution would be obsolete, because it cannot exist without our DoI. This isn't something to shrug at, because the changes won't come hard and fast, and most likely the general population would never notice their liberties and freedoms being taken away.

If you'd prefer the notion of a one world government (the true end to the globilization means), then you should be for the NAU, because that is step number two. Step number one was the EU, and next will be the Asian Union, then the African Union. Eventually, all of the "Unions" will probably become a one world union. And, if you still think all the nations that used to be sovereign would retain their "current governments" or "identities", as you put it, then I don't know what else I can say to you other than support globalization because, boy oh boy, does it sound nifty.

Take a little time to research the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the North American Free Trade Agreement, (NAFTA), and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). While you're at it, research the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and see how many of the current candidates are part of the CFR. If, after all of that, you still don't see how globalization is a bad idea for our sovereign nation, then, well support globalization. Support a one world government. A one world police force. Oh, what a happier utopia this world will be.

9058 (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Yes, it's a scary time, because the Executive Branch is acting outside the powers given to them by the Constitution. The President cannot make treaties with other countries without the Senate's approval. Currently, these deals between the US, Canada and Mexico are being passed off as trade agreements, not treaties. But a dissolution of our borders is not a trade agreement.

Welcome to the sift, by the way.

In reply to this comment by Jordass:
Wasnt endorsing Globalization just wanted to know more. Thanks for all the information, it was very informative and more people should familiarize themseleves with the organizations you metioned

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Well, the reason for the US Dollar losing it's value is a separate issue, altogether, and we don't need a North American Union to increase its value. That aside, this debate really comes down to whether you'd prefer to remain a sovereign nation or not. The borders between Canada, the US and Mexico will effectively disappear if there's a NAU, because the NAU goes much further than just currency and trade. The purpose of our Declaration of Independence was to claim our Union of States' independence. The NAU will render that document obsolete, and shortly thereafter the Constitution would be obsolete, because it cannot exist without our DoI. This isn't something to shrug at, because the changes won't come hard and fast, and most likely the general population would never notice their liberties and freedoms being taken away.

If you'd prefer the notion of a one world government (the true end to the globilization means), then you should be for the NAU, because that is step number two. Step number one was the EU, and next will be the Asian Union, then the African Union. Eventually, all of the "Unions" will probably become a one world union. And, if you still think all the nations that used to be sovereign would retain their "current governments" or "identities", as you put it, then I don't know what else I can say to you other than support globalization because, boy oh boy, does it sound nifty.

Take a little time to research the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the North American Free Trade Agreement, (NAFTA), and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). While you're at it, research the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and see how many of the current candidates are part of the CFR. If, after all of that, you still don't see how globalization is a bad idea for our sovereign nation, then, well support globalization. Support a one world government. A one world police force. Oh, what a happier utopia this world will be.

blankfist (Member Profile)

9058 says...

Wasnt endorsing Globalization just wanted to know more. Thanks for all the information, it was very informative and more people should familiarize themseleves with the organizations you metioned

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Well, the reason for the US Dollar losing it's value is a separate issue, altogether, and we don't need a North American Union to increase its value. That aside, this debate really comes down to whether you'd prefer to remain a sovereign nation or not. The borders between Canada, the US and Mexico will effectively disappear if there's a NAU, because the NAU goes much further than just currency and trade. The purpose of our Declaration of Independence was to claim our Union of States' independence. The NAU will render that document obsolete, and shortly thereafter the Constitution would be obsolete, because it cannot exist without our DoI. This isn't something to shrug at, because the changes won't come hard and fast, and most likely the general population would never notice their liberties and freedoms being taken away.

If you'd prefer the notion of a one world government (the true end to the globilization means), then you should be for the NAU, because that is step number two. Step number one was the EU, and next will be the Asian Union, then the African Union. Eventually, all of the "Unions" will probably become a one world union. And, if you still think all the nations that used to be sovereign would retain their "current governments" or "identities", as you put it, then I don't know what else I can say to you other than support globalization because, boy oh boy, does it sound nifty.

Take a little time to research the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the North American Free Trade Agreement, (NAFTA), and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). While you're at it, research the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and see how many of the current candidates are part of the CFR. If, after all of that, you still don't see how globalization is a bad idea for our sovereign nation, then, well support globalization. Support a one world government. A one world police force. Oh, what a happier utopia this world will be.

North American Union - Shared Sovereignty

blankfist says...

Well, the reason for the US Dollar losing it's value is a separate issue, altogether, and we don't need a North American Union to increase its value. That aside, this debate really comes down to whether you'd prefer to remain a sovereign nation or not. The borders between Canada, the US and Mexico will effectively disappear if there's a NAU, because the NAU goes much further than just currency and trade. The purpose of our Declaration of Independence was to claim our Union of States' independence. The NAU will render that document obsolete, and shortly thereafter the Constitution would be obsolete, because it cannot exist without our DoI. This isn't something to shrug at, because the changes won't come hard and fast, and most likely the general population would never notice their liberties and freedoms being taken away.

If you'd prefer the notion of a one world government (the true end to the globilization means), then you should be for the NAU, because that is step number two. Step number one was the EU, and next will be the Asian Union, then the African Union. Eventually, all of the "Unions" will probably become a one world union. And, if you still think all the nations that used to be sovereign would retain their "current governments" or "identities", as you put it, then I don't know what else I can say to you other than support globalization because, boy oh boy, does it sound nifty.

Take a little time to research the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the North American Free Trade Agreement, (NAFTA), and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). While you're at it, research the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and see how many of the current candidates are part of the CFR. If, after all of that, you still don't see how globalization is a bad idea for our sovereign nation, then, well support globalization. Support a one world government. A one world police force. Oh, what a happier utopia this world will be.

New Comment Voting (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...

well, what a thread. i mean, how much opposition do we need before the Sift Lords actually remove the comment voting thing?

this week's trial... what are your criteria for success?

how's the "top comments" thing going? oh... it's a racialist pun about a fictional porn star at number one, and my opposition to commentvoting at number two. and OMFG is at number three. kewl feature.

Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way - Dance Tour '97

Does anyone believe we should allow gays to serve openly

gluonium says...

The thing that's WRONG with don't ask don't tell, as if it actually needed to be spelled out, is that number one PEOPLE ALWAYS ASK and number two this requires gays to either lie or tell the truth and be kicked out. The military is thus in the business of fostering deceit amongst its own soldiers, is this something you find compatible with the forthright and honest ethos that training in the armed forces is ostensibly intended to foster?

Alternate Cheers Intro (The Jihadist Version)

karaidl says...

Hey! Not cool! What do you mean "several scenes?" Number one, I counted only one that could fit into a very liberal defintion of snuff, because, number two, it was a picture!! You know, fake! Hand drawn! Tell you what, how bout I NSFW it and call it even?

Bombshell Insider Book: Administration using Evangelicals

winkler1 says...

From Crooks And Liars:
According to Kuo, Karl Rove's office referred to evangelical leaders as 'the nuts.'

Tonight on Countdown–David Kuo, who was the number two guy at the Office of Faith Based initiatives in the White House writes a scathing account of how the administration used Christians to grab and maintain power. This story validates Tucker Carlson's admission that: "The deep truth is that the elites in the Republican Party have pure contempt for the evangelicals who put their party in power."

Snake Bite

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