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The Beining of JackAss the Movie

Treadmill 3, Jackasses 0

¡Sí, Se Puede! (Yes, We Can!)

nuroticfish says...

First off...

"You notice how the Mexican flag has almost the same colors as the Palestinian flag.."- you're an ignorant asshole. How dare you, number 1, stereotype all Palestinians in such a negative manner, and number two where do you even make a comparison with Mexico to Palestine? I work with the two guys in the documentary, and they are some of the nicest people I've ever met. Their only goal is to make money to support their families--they're not criminals, they're not terrorists. They just work, and they work hard.

And secondly,
"Our country is not dependent on illegal labor. Without the illegals, we can just get unemployed, impoverished AMERICAN CITIZENS to do the same jobs that those illegals are doing."
Please, there are plenty of jobs out there for those who want it, but obviously those people would rather take a welfare or unemplyment check than work for their money. If they really wanted to go out and get a job--especially ones that Hispanics work (landscaping, busing, etc)--they could do it. But would they? I hardly doubt that a business over would pass an English speaking white American over for a Mexican. The President of Mexico (despite the political incorrectness of it) was right when he said that Mexicans take the jobs that not even blacks and poor whites would take. I have a hell of a lot more respect for those who risk their lives crossing a boarder to supprot their families than those who just pick up welfare checks.

Most of their intentions are good--they just want to make money, and don't we all? Making them legal and making them pay taxes would benefit everyone (our country's shit economy and their families).

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