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Fantastic Dove Ad: Talk to Your Daughter Before They Do!

joedirt says...

WTF smibbo, are you a paid "online marketing specialist"?? Are you furthering the green washing with your take on it being a "good" ad.

The ad bombards you with all the negative images, and it isn't a positive, alternative, like "this is what real people look like". It is a Rovian, F-You morans, here's what WE GOT IN STORE FOR YOUR KIDS.

This is paid for by Unilever. I know green washing is the wrong term, but it's equivalent concept for the "beauty industry". Evil f-ing corps polluting people's brains and culture with their sell-more crap marketing and psychology and then putting the orwellian opposite-ads, as if one right counters the last 100,000 wrongs.

MIT geek nearly shot by airport police for wearing 9V & LEDs (Geek Talk Post)

joedirt says...


You really need to check out google news, it has like articles and stuff.

The video did not say that the police stopped her because they saw putty, nor even that they saw it prior to arresting her. She walked into Logan Airport with a blinking breadboard on her chest.

Ok, look at the picture again. Tell me how this thing is "blinking"! I could draw you a schematic, but here's a hint, there is nothing on the back side, and nothing on the front side but hot glue, tape, wires, leds, and resistors. There may be one pnp, but it looks like a shadow to me. Her craftsmanship doesn't scream, "I can make an astable RC oscillator".

At any rate, this is just a little lighted star. You know they SELL BALLCAPS WITH THE SAME LEDs AND EVEN A 9V iN THE BACK. Is wearing an ornamental LED badge really akin to klan robes? Or anything resembling, gee I had better not wear this to MEET SOMEONE AT THE AIRPORT.

She wasn't even going through security. Just standing around the terminal checking the arrival times.

I have no idea how she was handled after apprehension, and if she was not basically immediately released upon realization that she was simply stupid, then yeah, the cops went to far.

She was arrested and held in jail overnight until she appeared before a judge. She was charged with disturbing the peace and possessing a hoax device. At the airport the counter person asked her what it was and she said it was art. The MSP then ascended upon her and if you make one false move they shoot you.

Why are airport security walking around with sub machine guns??? Are you for real? In Logan Airport? Do I think it's right? Of course not, but it's certainly understandable if not legally defensible. And where the hell were sub-machine guns mentioned anyway. Furthermore - a sub-machine gun is essentially nothing more than a pistol that shoots really fast and has a bigger clip. It's not even close to something like an M-16A4, which I have seen carried by several agents in several airports (and scares the living shit out of me).

They carry submachine guns (not fully auto pistols) since the Mossa.d has helpfully revamped and retooled airport security.

<A HREF=",0,6326257.story?coll=ny_home_rail_headlines">"If she had shown any</A> indication of not responding, the probability of her being shot was very high," said Rafi Ron, an Israeli security expert who helped Logan overhaul its procedures after two of the 9/11 hijackers flew through that airport. ...

Ron cited the fatal shooting of a mentally ill male passenger at Miami International Airport in December, 2005, by two federal air marshals, which he described as an "unavoidable tragedy." The man, who wore a backpack across his chest, threatened to detonate a bomb.

In another recent case, in Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, he said a man wearing an overcoat with wires coming out of it on a summer day narrowly avoided being shot."

If you have any wires hanging off of you in the airport, you are near death. (What about headphones??)

and while given the right parts and a big enough board, I could likely work out a 4 stage pipeline, I have never once successfully soldered a circuit together. Soldering if for technicians.

Ok.. technicians and plumbers. Just so you know, soldering is pretty easy: apply heat, apply solder, remove heat.

As to the playdoh, the only person who has made this claim was the State police at a press conference. Maybe they just made it up because they realized they were caught with another moonite moran episode, or maybe it was in her pocket, or maybe she doesn't smoke and passes time waiting by making little playdough dudes. My vote is that they made it up completely. FYI, she also made the star for the day before this was a career fair and it's actually a pretty good gimmick and conversation starter. (As long as the attendees don't have machine guns)

bluecliff (Member Profile)

VideoSift Delurking Week (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

I don't really have a mullet.. It's a wig that got fused... oh nevermind. (But I do think there are some real life Morans around here sometimes)

I also don't think there are really cliques. Maybe up-your-vote-buddies which is pretty gay, but that is about it. I think it's a community of hit-and-run posters. It used to be fun to be outrageous, but I'm out of my league lately.

Speaking of spiteful down-voting, where is ant? (zing)

Excerpt from Iraq for Sale (4:35)

bl968 says...

On May 10th, 2007, this video was banned in Congress Robert Greenwald, the director of IRAQ FOR SALE, was invited to testify before Congress by Rep. Jim Moran. He prepared four minutes from the documentary to show. Republicans insisted this not be shown. This clip is the banned video clip.

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

joedirt says...

Phew.. Ok, I'm done. I read all of articles by Lou Dobbs, all 897 of 'em. No really, I needs to be 'edumacated' and racially tolerant as you are. I want to be made into a proud USA lovin' Moran, so I can join you at the vigilante rally and citizen border patrol enlistment ceremony.

When I said you were a "half breed", I clearly meant that one of your parents was a goat (maybe sheep or llama). I would never insult any human race by implying half of any race could create something as hateful and small-minded as you. I may be slightly anti-goat.. so you got me there!

I'm not talking to *you* until you answer some questions first.

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

joedirt says...

You must be a simple troll to not respond to any questions posed to you. Also, instead of refuting the economic claim cited by someone from a reputable peer-reviewed journal, you just babble on from your own limited knowledge in a lame attempt to dismiss facts with your own version of truthiness. Why not cite your references into how poor California and Texas are being bankrupted by illegals, who pay taxes from sales tax, DMV fees, property tax, and thanks to Bush and the US Chamber of Commerce, most pay income taxes. (You do know the govt withholds income tax, and if you don't file... like illegals probably don't, they keep it all)

It is a fact that Social Security is being added to by legal and illegal aliens and foreign students who pay into the system and never collect from it.

(BTW, the Border Patrol has unprecidented authority and power thanks to the Patriot Act. Don't you think the formation of a new DHS with unprecedented funding and a tripling of the Border Patrol would be the opposite of what you say. The Border Patrol is welcome to do their job and fight illegal border crossing, no one is against that. Everyone wants a secure border.. everyone but Bush and his corporate friends... and people like you that use it as a rasicist boogeyman)

"WAKE UP AMERICA" must be your code for "WAKE UP WHITE PEOPLE"

Anyways, I pegged you as a Moran and I will edit the VideoSiftopedia to reference Moran to mean an "orwellian troll who uses their hatred of 'others' and Constitutional Rights to defend their position and attack critics"

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

joedirt says...

QM! Finally a breathe of fresh air. At least he sticks to the wingnut talking points. He also makes his points so blatant, everyone realize there is no hope or humanity left in him, so why try and talk reason. At least QM makes his points well and I can at least respect his position.

Now BGW keeps blathering on without defending his hatred of the Constitution. I'm sorry, what part of "their criminal wrongdoing" and "illegal" and "criminal" didn't imply you were talking about Mexicans. See I read and can even remember all of your vile spew.

if they had open boundaries and just let anybody in.... these desperate people... You should let anyone in your own home who wants to be there-you know--thiefs, murderers, criminals, lawless people in general... No screening process.
Seems like you are implying Mexicans will come across the border and break into your house. So, yeah, you kinda DID say that. I'm just repeating your provocative crap.

You honestly believe cops should go around Union-busting immigrant rallies. (It's a historical term.. look it up, I'm not implying anything to do with unions, but rather public servant behavior)

Do you believe in the Bill of Rights? (yes/no)
Do you believe in the First Amendment? (yes/no)
Do you know what the First Amendment says? (no/no)
Do you believe the US gov't should torture people? (yes/no/Enhanced Interrogation Techniques)
Do you believe cops should shoot women & children with rubber bullets? (yes/no)
Do you believe illegals should be rounded up and put in Halliburton detention centers?
Do you know what happens to a fascist regime after it starts rounding up people and putting them in detention centers?

(Are you purposefully pretending you can't click the Morans link.. I know it is internets 101 to include links to explain things. You're more of a truthiness kind of guy. Don't need no stinkin' hyperlinks))

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

joedirt says...

For the second time (you have to repeat everything to Morans)... It is not a crime or criminal offense to exist and breathe air in a foreign land. It is a policy issue. INS is welcome to deport them all. Heck the border patrol is welcome to turn people away. But it is not a matter for police or redneck vigilantes.

What you fail to understand is that only a few state see large influx of "Mexicans" (said in your derogatory tone). And of the total illegal immigrant population, Mexicans only make up barely of half (54%?). Your classification of Mexicans as criminals who want to break into homes is a sad attempt used by western Europeans for ages against Jews and Gypsies. It is sad that your Moran brethren has resorted to drumming up this kind of fear and loathing because the Schiavo thing didn't work, and the gay marriage thing didn't work (well it did give us Bush.. which again backfired). So "illegals" is the last refuge of the desperate.

I care about this country enough to want there to be a First Amendment
(even if that means a few illegal Mexicans can spend a day in a public park).

I'm desire to live in a USofA that doesn't have militarized police shooting women and children
(in spite of perfectly good Mexican women and children that *could* have been shot)

I want to live in a proud nation that doesn't imprison people without the centuries old Writ or torture people (even Mexicans and muslims)

I wish we could live in a free country without Orwellian concepts as NCLB (No Child Left Behind), HAVA (Help America Vote), "fiscally responsible Republicans", compassionate conservatism, intelligent design, etc. (even an internet free of hate filled, small minded people who can't recognize a parody of themselves)

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

joedirt says...

The colonists were originally friends with the Indians here. Then it turned bad.

Classic. And Noah put dinosaurs and the Ark with all the other animals. Let me guess, you made a pilgrim hat and construction paper turkey every November. Yep, the colonist were friends. Just like the Spanish were friends to the Incas. Just like Southern Plantation owners (and US Presidents) were friends with African slaves. Sure, put it in a coloring book and it must be true. I'm glad to see what kind of simplistic Moran you are.

(I thought he had things bad with QM, but at least he stuck to approved wingnut talking points, this guy is going off his own script...)

Mayday Immigration Reform Demonstration

joedirt says...

Read your Constitution ignorant morans. peaceful assembly.. it's like in the first 50 words of the Bill of Rights. And now you got paramilitary police thugs literally violating your rights cause they think it's fun and time to test out their new tactics and training.

It used to be illegal to send in "peace officers" to do this kind of dirty work, that is what the national guard was for. But of course they are all off in Iraq. Someday when you figure out what Marshall Law means, I will be laughing at you backwards fascist morans.

'Fox and Friends' show spreads fake story about ATHF Boston

joedirt says...

It is the most fascinatingly horrible and lying propaganda show on TV. I love watching it!!! It's like video feed right out of N Korea. And the stupid, loud, lisping guy is priceless. What a Moran!

Stand Up Dylan Moran - Religion Skit

Ant Muzak

Dylan Moran - The French

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