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Ferrari vs Dodge Viper Touge (suprise ending)

Steorn - Free energy technology, or hoax?

joedirt says...

Please sign up on our website and we will let you evaluate our new product. Sure they will get 1,000 scientists and engineers to review their product for FREE, and all of them will conclude there is not net gain in energy through a cycle.. But then again, they are getting free publicity, free peer review, free exposure to possible investors... So maybe there is a net gain in free crap for these idiots.

LOL.. total idiots. "if you walk up a hill and back to the same starting spot, there is a net gain in energy".. Ok.. freakin' morans. I think the whole concept is you wear coils and walk around in huge permanent magnetic fields, so yes, you are converting your work calories into some current. And you probably could charge a small device this way.. but have fun with that.

Photo Fraud in Lebanon

joedirt says...

what annoys me is that this video never compares the before and after photoshopped smoke over Beruit photo. Also, they waste a ton of time about a woman who is photographed two weeks apart. Odds are it is the same day and different reporters, then the newpaper just used stock footage. Or maybe the woman who was bombed out really showed up twice when the newscrews came around a week later.

Anyways, no one at LGF complained about DeWine taking a pre-9/11 photo and photoshopping smoke, to be used for a attack campaign ad. So they are a bunch of hypocritical morans.

9/11 Vendetta

9/11 Vendetta

YouTube's Google Ads! (Sift Talk Post)

Bonfire gone horribly wrong.

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