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Chicane - Going Deep

Put on Your New Silver Suit!

bareboards2 says...


There was a movement afoot to boost you to Silver Star and maybe lure you back. You are remembered with fondness -- especially fondness for a good spirited conversation. Blankfist has been banned, probably forever (I suspect sock puppet status but you never know) so it is safer here than it used to be.

Come back and work towards your next star level?

And congrats on the Silver Star.

One Happy Dog

One Happy Dog

Jimmy Carr - What You Can And Cannot Say On Stage

luxury_pie says...

>> ^poolcleaner:

The audience isn't deciding what is acceptable. He's lured them in and removed their inhibitions, making it all very easy to swallow. But I guess that's the point really -- getting someone else to swallow something you know is nasty. Take it, audience, take it and like it.

But they could still spit it out, if they don't like the taste...

Jimmy Carr - What You Can And Cannot Say On Stage

poolcleaner says...

The audience isn't deciding what is acceptable. He's lured them in and removed their inhibitions, making it all very easy to swallow. But I guess that's the point really -- getting someone else to swallow something you know is nasty. Take it, audience, take it and like it.

Riot Granny

bcglorf says...

>> ^rougy:

The problem I have with your point of view mainly rests on the presumption that the people who were defrauded "got what they deserved." I just don't see it that way. It's sort of justifying the bankers actions.
When somebody who is in a position of power and respect, as are most bankers and investors I would say, you can't blame John & Jane Doe for trusting in their advice.
The bankers and investors should have known better, and the vast majority of them did, but that didn't stop them from spreading the lies and conning people into signing their lives away.
P.S. - I hope Greece defaults. Something is rotten in Denmark when entire countries must go bust in order to satisfy Wall Street.

The people I figure were defrauded were the ones investing in the companies that were carrying terrible bad mortgages but calling themselves grade A safe investments. Those investors were defrauded and have very serious cause for concern as they were outright lied to by people wanting to profit off them.

As for the people buying homes at inflated prices, I would say they hold some blame and some plain old bad luck. The ones that took on mortgages they could only afford if the home increased in price I do blame pretty readily. They took a big risk, and risk were they were informed. They knew that they were betting on housing prices increasing. They knew the terms they were betting under and what it would mean if they won or lost the bet. They lost and should take the loss. The banks encouraging and focusing on those bets lost as many times over as they had customers lured in. The difference is the banks were pocketing more profit and got tax payer assistance to cushion their loss while the customers were left to deal on their own. I'd prefer both were left to deal with the consequences.

As for Greece, I've only scratched beneath the surface still, but it is looking like their debt problems run much deeper than just social services spending. I'm very curious were the real turning/tipping point in this was. If anyone has any good advice aside from the lead Rougy already threw out that'd be great. My current trail is the 40% of the Greek economy that was purely public sector jobs. That makes for a house of cards that's very vulnerable to government cut backs. My province(Manitoba) is in that very same boat and it is federal transfer funds from the federal government alone that is keeping us afloat.

Curious Cat vs Plastic Bag

sickio says...

You guys aren't the only ones.

From the uploader of this vid:

"My mother found him about an hour later in the attic hiding in a corner. Still with the bag around him.

When she lured the cat out my mother discovered the cat left a present in the bag, a poopoo and a peepee from fear."

'Experience Zero Gravity' - Base Jumping At Its Best

mintbbb says...

I copied the title from the original video (and added 'basejumping at its best' to lure more people in!). When it comes to stuff that I post from Vimeo, I try to keep the original title somewhere in the VS header, even if might be inaccurate

Skewer Us with your Rapier Wit! Winners! (Sift Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I think this entire contest is part of a larger false flag op, designed to draw attention away from the 911 attacks. You and your operatives have lured political malcontents to this site with a combination of videos featuring boobs, cats and far left/far right agitprop/disinfo. Once mentally enslaved, you 1) force these captives to compete for 'power points' (which are not tied to any kind of gold standard), 2) create conflicts among them to keep them occupied, which in turn keeps them from becoming politically active outside the site, and 3) create this contest which just so happens blow right past the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 to 9/12, nullifying all of our voices.

And you almost got away with it. But now you have a full blown mutiny on your hands. Commence DNS attack in 3.. 2.. 1..

Please Don't Open My Personal Queue and Upvote Everything! (Sift Talk Post)

Google+ Invites (Geek Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

shtop luring childrensh wif candeesh>> ^ant:

I refuse to use it for using real names like Facebook (was on it for about three weeks and got kicked off). I had no problems on MySpace, Friendster, etc.

Idaho Prison Fight on Camera Prompts FBI Scrutiny

Peroxide says...

>> ^jmd:

Chaos, not so much. Gladiator fights doesn't seem like the type of thing that would make a robber re-offend. infact stuff like this could be considered a good deterrent. I don't find it unusual for private jail facilities. The government is always known for its inability to streamline cost, so there is money to be made by doing just that. Unfortunately much like red light cameras, once something is moved out of official hands, they no longer want anything to do with it, no official supervision. Eventually corruption weaves its way in with the lure of money and this happens.
Just like red light cameras, I am fine with privatization of correctional facilities, but I am severely dissapointed in the lack of oversight, because even those with the best of intentions eventually do something wrong if not supervised and this is one of the areas where you cant fck up...even just once.

Idaho Prison Fight on Camera Prompts FBI Scrutiny

enoch says...

>> ^jmd:

Chaos, not so much. Gladiator fights doesn't seem like the type of thing that would make a robber re-offend. infact stuff like this could be considered a good deterrent. I don't find it unusual for private jail facilities. The government is always known for its inability to streamline cost, so there is money to be made by doing just that. Unfortunately much like red light cameras, once something is moved out of official hands, they no longer want anything to do with it, no official supervision. Eventually corruption weaves its way in with the lure of money and this happens.
Just like red light cameras, I am fine with privatization of correctional facilities, but I am severely dissapointed in the lack of oversight, because even those with the best of intentions eventually do something wrong if not supervised and this is one of the areas where you cant fck up...even just once.

you are fine with correctional institutions being privatized?
and your main point is streamlining cash?
did i read your comment correctly?

have you even considered the implications of a powerful lobby driven by this privatized institution you have no problem with?
considered how they may use these lobbyists to influence lawmakers?
because an empty cell=NO MONEY!
so it would be in their best interest to lobby for stricter and harsher sentences that include mandatory jail time.
oh wait....
thats riiiight.they already did that didnt they?
or have you never heard of the "3 strikes" rule?
now go look up who pushed for that to be implemented...
notice anything? think thats a coincidence?

america has more people in prison RIGHT NOW than any other country combined.mostly non-violent.
but its so heart-warming to know that you consider a good ass kicking a good "deterrent" for re-offending.
lets televise these brutal beatings so you can bet actual cash and watch from the comfort of your sofa!

christ on a stick.please tell me your comment was sarcasm.

Idaho Prison Fight on Camera Prompts FBI Scrutiny

jmd says...

Chaos, not so much. Gladiator fights doesn't seem like the type of thing that would make a robber re-offend. infact stuff like this could be considered a good deterrent. I don't find it unusual for private jail facilities. The government is always known for its inability to streamline cost, so there is money to be made by doing just that. Unfortunately much like red light cameras, once something is moved out of official hands, they no longer want anything to do with it, no official supervision. Eventually corruption weaves its way in with the lure of money and this happens.

Just like red light cameras, I am fine with privatization of correctional facilities, but I am severely dissapointed in the lack of oversight, because even those with the best of intentions eventually do something wrong if not supervised and this is one of the areas where you cant fck up...even just once.

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