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DOOM - E3 2015 Gameplay Trailer

ChaosEngine says...

Ahh yes, painkiller.. the game with a gun that shoots shurikens and lightning... that could only be more awesome if had tits and was on fire!!

thanks, Yahtzee!

Agree about the atmosphere but I think Serious Sam was more fun for me anyway.

00Scud00 said:

I think Painkiller actually followed in Doom's footsteps more closely in terms of atmosphere. And there was no shortage of things to shoot at in Painkiller either.
That said, I doubt I'll ever forget the first time I heard the distant screams of headless bombers.

Real Time with Bill Maher: Christianity Under Attack?

JustSaying says...

Three things I have to say, @bobknight33:
1. You're complaining about christianity being attacked. Ok, fine, I'll tell you something: I am tired of your religious beliefs invading my life like an middle eastern dictator a small, oily country. Oh, I have it good, I'm a straight, white middle-european man, I'm fine so far. Others are not. They're tired as well.
I can go on a meth-bender, marry one of the Kardashians in Vegas and annul the whole affair in less than a week. If I win the lottery, I can post on Craigslist and get myself a nice gold-digging whore who'll sign a certificate that makes us husband and wife if I'm willing to trade lackluster blowjobs for money. Best part, it ain 't prostitution if you're married, legally worldwide. Heck, I can even become an abusive piece of shit as long as I can beat her well enough so she won't complain to others.
Because marriage is sanctimonious.
If I was gay and would like to marry the guy of my dreams that I've been with for 20 years, that isn't possible. Because the book doesn't approve.
If my sister got raped, you people would force her to birth the child of her rapist. Her concerns don't matter, life is a holy gift from god. Care to explain to me the position of the catholic church (you know, those christians that make up the majority of christianity) on slavery during centuries slavery? How holy was life in all those european colonies back in the day with all these missionaries teaching the good book? What exactly was their statement as an organisation when millions or people were murdered during the third Reich?
All that silence but when it comes to abortion, you people show up with guns and show the value of this great gift by murdering doctors. Fuck my sisters concerns, right? It just rape, walk it off.
I'm well of, I could join the club as a full member anytime. As long as I'm not calling the cops on the pedophile priests and the self-loathing faggots can stand on their pulpits and tell little children they're broken. I could be among you.
But I have a conscience. I can't buy all that talk about love and forgiveness and ignore all that hatred and cruelty that is in the very basis of your beliefs, that wretched, old bible of yours.
I have to look that man in the mirror in the eyes.
The only way you can impose all that crap on me anymore if through the government. I believe your faith has as much place in there than Tom Cruise's. None.
The Prodigy said it best and I think the people who lived at the time the bible was written would agree: Invaders must die.
Your religion invades my rights as a human being.

2. Did he rise?
Nope, little, brown Jewish got killed. End of facts, begin of story. I don't trust the testimony of men (and I said this before) who consider a walkman witchcraft. People at that time could be convinced that they farted because they swallowed an angry spirit that wants to escape.
You book did a terrible job of explaining how the world came to be (we're golems that had so much incest that they inbred mankind), makes up the worst disastermovies (everything turns to Waterworld but we have a boat with a pair of every animal in existence [imagine all those different kinds of ants alone] and then incest till population is back up) and turns mushroomtrips/mental illness in supposedly accurate future predictions (you know it's the end of the world because none of the riders is called "Incest").
The only reason people buy into the mythology and the extended universe (where's that bible chapter about Satan ruling the Sarlac Pit and Santa being canon again? ) is because for centuries children were taught it at a young age. And then you told them not to question it as heretics get the stake. Ashes yes but not the quick Buffy way.
Don't get me wrong, I like that Jesus fellow and I'm willing to believe his basic message but let's be honest. If J.K. Rowling was born 2000 years earlier, we'd pray to Harry Potter and wear lightning shaped jewelery around our neck. You guys got big because the Roman empire made you relevant. That's it.

3. What's up with '53'? Is that the christian answer to '42'?

How to slate for the camera

Reefie says...

Surprised he didn't mention the importance of the colours on the slate for editing purposes. Allows the editor and post-production folks to ensure everything looks right in the final mastered version of the film. For example if an actor's costume appears to be a different colour in certain lightning then the post-production folks can adjust the filter for the whole scene using the colours on the slate as guidance.

3-piece teen girl cover of Enter Sandman

ChaosEngine says...

Forgive me, oh benevolent metal god, I guess you're more metal than me.

/rolls eyes

I never said you only listen to metal, and I didn't disagree with you that Metallica's early albums are great (although Lightning, Puppets and Justice are a massive improvement on Kill 'em all).

But you're not some benevolent metal guru here to "bestow a gift", you're bitching about a song that a bunch of teenage girls choose to cover. They're just starting out as musicians. Let them find their way before you get all righteous on their ass.

And just for the record, I didn't upvote this either. I just don't see the point in picking on them.

poolcleaner said:

Fuck true metal? It's mostly a joke, dude, not a sense of entitlement. You want to read entitlement and serious judgement in my comments? By all means, chaotic fool, use it as a platform for your Internet social gain. But I'm speaking from the perspective of someone with years of knowledge passing it down. I cited songs which Metallica wrote and played which are hard and fast, raw and powerful, exuding the youthful energy of their best albums, which are for some reason blacklisted and instead we hear the songs that the recording industry WANT you to hear because they're marketable. The songs I listed are awesome and considered by some to be the real gift Metallica left us with, like Van Halen's first 4 albums.

I bestowed a gift, and you saw me being high and mighty for my gain? Sounds like YOU have some problems to deal with.

I dont only listen to metal. I played sax, guitar, bass, and drums, but now mostly play percussion -- I like hitting things. I was in a rolling Stones and velvet underground cover band, played some gospel folks stuff for a while. I provided my perspective on metal because I thought it beneficial. For the music obsessed, hearing something over and over on the radio for the remainder of your life, when there is better material from the band and the idea of popularity as some sort of higher value than the subtleties you pick up on when you have standards, it's all very silly to read. You are a jerk and now I'm sad.

Thanks. Gift horse doesn't like staring contests.

Volcanic lightning during massive eruption

newtboy says...

Not fully understood by scientists?!? It's static electricity caused by all the particles rubbing together, simple, known for decades. It's the same way regular lightning is created, just with larger, heavier particles closer together in a volcano. What are they talking about?

kulpims (Member Profile)

Watch German official squirm when confronted with Greece

RedSky says...


There is a long history of Latin American currency crises which I would refer you to as examples of disorderly collapse. That Tsipras would break most of his electoral promises in his recent 4 month extension agreement should tell you that he knows how catastrophic it would be. You can't quantitatively approximate these kinds of events but qualitatively* (TYPO) the following is likely to occur:

1) Bank run - You saw significant withdrawals even leading up to the meeting with the Troika because of the possibility funding will abruptly stop. A stop to euro lending will see mass outflows with the expectation of bank collapse which will itself likely lead to the collapse of multiple banking institutions.

2) Foreign flows of currencies will dry up - Greek bond yields will spike, in effect no one will lend to the Greek government from overseas. Since like any economy, Greece needs to pay its public sector workers and requires foreign capital for imports, to preserve what it has, it will rapidly convert back to using the Drachma which it can issue and print/create. It is likely the banks will follow in turn and convert deposits to Drachma (another reason why people will withdraw money from banks as soon as they think euro support is over).

3) Drachma collapse - The Drachma will then depreciate rapidly. Again, the expectation of depreciation pretty much causes the depreciation. If people expect their currency to be worth less in the future, they will sell it, causing it to be worth less. Any existing savings accounts remaining will be decimated in value. Wages will fall drastically for everyone. Suddenly the cost of anything that relies on imported products (hint, a lot in any economy, especially Greece) will rise several-fold. This will lead to further job cuts, collapse of industries, which will precipitate further job loss, unemployment, output loss etc etc etc.

The tl;dr version of this is that government funding crises whether caused by debt or currency collapse in the first instance are self reinforcing and the consequences of an unmanaged collapse are all but guaranteed to be much worse than austerity but order. There is some evidence that countries who have a massive collapse and see their currency depreciate are then about to recover faster afterwards (a cheap currency boost exports, tourism etc) but the human toll is much more sudden and much more severe.

As far as IMF estimates being unrealistic, sure. All I'm arguing about is what is likely to happen and which outcome Greeks should prefer.

Sure Syriza has talked about the good kind of reform, but he's also promised the rest of what I talked about. None of which the Troika will let him do if he wants retain their funding. Anyone following this should have known he would not be allowed any of these promises he made in his election. Surely Tsipras himself knew this. It was either posturing/bluster or pure politics. Now the stability of his government is going to depend on how he can manage down his unrealistic expectations.

A New Level Of Archery Skills

Drachen_Jager says...

Okay... but with that 2 pound draw bow, where are any of these skills useful outside of LARPing?

I mean, all he needs is a friend with a tinfoil covered wooden sword, and another with a funny hat, shouting, "Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt! Lightning bolt!" for this to be complete.

Pyrocumulus Clouds - King fire (N. California)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Zifnab says...

Thanks for the link. I always find it cool to see how much the sticks bend in slo-mo. I was at the Canucks / Lightning game on Saturday, good to see them playing with more heart than last year. Your Sharks are off to a good start this year, hope they keep it up (except when they play the Canucks). Cheers

eric3579 said:

This is fun to watch. Though you might enjoy.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Drones

Truckchase says...

Lightning strikes have killed 24 people this year which makes them substantially more dangerous than Terrorism. We need to fight lightning up in the clouds before it strikes us down here.

And unlike terrorism, we might not even make more lightning by fighting the lightning.


lantern53 said:

I agree that fighting in the Middle East is an apparent exercise in futility, but if we don't fight it there, it will eventually reach our shores, as it did on 9/11.

X-Men: Days of Future Past -Quicksilver Scene

Shepppard says...

Accurate for the most part. Quicksilver gets his powers from being a mutant, and can run at supersonic speeds (although later can go up to mach 10)

The flash gets his powers from.. well, they're still kinda explaining it, one got it from being struck by lightning, then a few after got theirs from the "Speed Force". The key difference is that the flash can run at light levels, and a couple of them are able to actually vibrate themselves so fast that their molecules don't interact with certain things around them, and they can pass through walls.

Teddy said:

Powers always change depending on what books your reading, but the big difference is that Quicksilver can only move at the speed of sound, and the Flash can move at the speed of light.

Close call with lightning

Jinx says...

Went to Xel-Ha just down the road from there in similar weather. If this place is anything like Xel-Ha it's worth braving the lightning to get the place to yourself.

Up-Close Lightning Elicits Best Visceral Reaction Ever

lucky760 (Member Profile)

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