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7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True

modulous says...

Doesn't saying that a 14 billion brain cell error is significant because its the size of a baboon's brain, just after telling us that size is not the important factor? It is a small error, given how difficult it is to count billions of brain cells and the earliest decent methods used to get in the ball park. This seems to me like asking 'How many people were killed by lightning last year?' hearing the answer 'About 100?' and saying 'No! That's a myth, it's only 86.', and defending this on the basis that 14 people's lives are very important.

Tesla Tower in abandoned woods near Moscow

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Chicago Derecho Storm Video and Time-lapse Highlights

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'chicago, storm, lightning, derecho' to 'strobe warning, chicago, storm, lightning, derecho' - edited by oritteropo

Is the F-35 worth it?

Is the F-35 worth it?

The Pentagon Wars -- A product management lesson

The Pentagon Wars -- A product management lesson

moving truck struck by lightning

lv_hunter (Member Profile)

moving truck struck by lightning

Storm Chaser Hit By Lightning

jimnms says...

It's not some law of nature that lightning only strikes the tallest spot or goes for the path of least resistance. I think there's a video that has an ultra slow motion capture showing how lightning works. Before the actual bolt strikes, you can see these little "finger" looking things coming down. Once they touch something that gives it a path to the ground, the lightning is discharged. Basically it strikes what it finds first, which generally is something tall, but if it happens to find something else first, like you, it's going to strike that instead.

Kalle said:

But how? He was in a car?
How then? Even looking out the window you are definatly not the point of least resistance nor the tallest pole..

Storm Chaser Hit By Lightning

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Strobe Light filmed at 5 million fps by HyperVision HPV-X

BoneRemake says...

I thought it was refraction from the heat ?

so a shockwave like how a lightning bolt makes thunder I would guess ?

oritteropo said:

It certainly is It's actually one of the major limiting factors when determining maximum power output of the lamp. If the power is too high, the shock wave can break the glass envelope.

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