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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

San Antonio teen's golf ball struck by lightning at Topgolf

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Lightning Strikes a Moving Car, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Here Are Some Examples Of Asian Americans!

Rising crime rates

luxintenebris says...

that's the perfect response.

why bother the bothered. (not buying bob)

The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right. - More Maxims of Mark, Johnson, 1927 [Mark Twain]

why from now on your nickname is " lightnin' "

just let that mill burn down.

BSR said:

" get outta here "
3 stooges clips

Nika uses Esper Hand. By Esper Bionics

00Scud00 says...

Make sure it's the one that also shoots lightning, the only way to make it better is to put tits on it and set it on fire. (according to Yahtzee at least)

newtboy said:

I'm on pre-order for the one that shoots ninja stars. I'm waiting until it ships to cut my arm off.

Impeachment Managers Make Case Against Trump to Open Trial

luxintenebris says...

"Never underestimate the stupidity of American blowhards."

Y'all approproated that from H. L. Mencken.* Thought of that too. But sometimes, folks can surprise a body.

EX: mininum wage ballot ininitive, a few election cycles ago, came up in 5 RED red states and they passed easily. even when the state govenments wouldn't do so at gun point. sometimes folks know what's what and go w/it.

just saying things can go so bad for so long, good things can slip in w/o anyone noticing. progress in america has never came in waves but in sporatic pulses.

heck. the GOP was a progressive movement at conception. some of that progressness flowed into the turn-of-century. got nat'l parks from teddy. (think of that? a Republican supporting land - for everybody - just to look at and not exploited? it's true!)

hope for hope's sake, s'all.

'Lightn' Hopkins said (or close to), "If'n your first though is 'I can't'; then don't even try". I say we should try. It can be done.

*he also said, "On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." spot-on.

I can't walk past this snake...

Doorbell Captures House Struck by Lightning

ant says...

"There was a thunderstorm with lots of lighting. Our doorbell camera caught our neighbor's house getting directly struck by lightning. It started a small fire which was put out quickly. No-one was harmed. When the lightning strike happened it made our garage door open and also the garage door of a neighbor to the west of the struck house. Fire crews and police responded extremely quickly." from its description.

eric3579 said:

Well since there power stayed on i figured it didn't mess with the electrical, but who knows.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Smoke From Forest Fire in Oregon Reduces Visibility

newtboy says...

So I'll tell you again, no, and it's not arsonists in Oregon either, antifa or not, maybe a few, but not a statistically significant number. It's lighting and wind and accidents in California and Oregon and Washington. A massive lightning storm hit the west in mid August sparking fires everywhere, and unprecedented dryness and high temperatures has kept those and other fires alive since.
The newest right wing claim is that climate change has nothing to do with the fires, they're all antifa arson. Of course I assumed that's what you were referencing when you erroneously claimed many of the Oregon fires were arson.

Read it this time, the answers are there...

bobknight33 said:


I asked arsonist not antifa arsonist.

From what I find many seem to be from from arsonist. You live out that way so I ask you.

So I ask again.
Are there many fires from arsonist , like Oregon State?

Smoke From Forest Fire in Oregon Reduces Visibility

newtboy says...

No, Bob. The "antifa is setting wildfires" claim is pure bullshit with zero evidence. I bet Trump is repeating it. The fires in Oregon were started by lightning. Edit: and downed power lines, and dragging trailer chains, ....

The cop who posted that bullshit lie with no evidence whatsoever has been suspended for spreading lies designed to instigate violence.

The fires are started by lightning mostly.

The wildfires are not caused by antifa or spontaneously exploding trees. They are caused by excessive dryness and decades of drought caused by anthropogenic climate change and dry summer thunderstorms that are increasing in number as our climate changes.

One was started by morons doing an explosive baby reveal.....yes, another one.

They are made worse by the criminal mismanagement of federal forest lands, which make up about 57% of the state's forests. Trump likes to blame California government for mismanagement of the forest, but is too ignorant to grasp that California only owns 3% of it's forests, and they're managed far better than the federal lands.

If you watched anything that wasn't pure propaganda, you would know this. Only right wing bat shit crazy propaganda hides those facts and pretends the fires are from liberals....Only fools believe the same people who've lied to them constantly for years.

bobknight33 said:

Are there many fires from arsonist , like Oregon State?

BSR (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

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