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Austin gets lit

nanrod says...

Because that's what lightning usually does. Actually it goes both ways. A weaker charge goes cloud to ground and ionizes a pathway for a much larger charge to go up. Both the up and down stroke happen so fast your eyes usually perceive only the brighter upstroke. This video has been slowed down.

shinyblurry said:

Why did the lightning go away from the ground instead of towards it?

Austin gets lit

Asmo (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

There is plenty of employment law that says that there is an objective correct answer.

It is very frustrating to get into the conversation over and over again, meet the intellectual points with reason, and be dismissed.

Until men -- and they are mostly men -- step up to the plate and acknowledge that their biological responses are a problem that relegate women to pieces of meat for their pleasure, this will never be addressed in a way that lets us move forward.

It is akin to racism. I'm a racist. I have racist responses that are a combination of what I was brought up with (thanks, dad) and are part and parcel of how human's brains evolved.

We evolved to quickly see difference.

Helped us survive, that lightning quick assessment.

But racism is purely BELIEVING that lizard brain reaction is based in something real and should be given precedence over the frontal cortex.

Racism and sexism are related. They put lizard brain over the frontal cortex.

Just because you feel it doesn't mean it should be indulged.

And there is plenty of equal opportunity laws on the books to say that subjective racist responses, while endemic in humanity, shall not be allowed in a modern society.

We are struggling as humans to rise above the muck of biology. Wanna join me?

Asmo said:

Yeah, fair points and completely subjective, I'm pretty sure there's no right objective answer here ; )

Dear Satan

shinyblurry says...

Satan is not a horned beast with a pitchfork, he is a fallen angel. The scripture tells us that he appears as an angel of light, and his ministers, ministers of righteousness.

Satan means enemy, and he is the enemy of both God and man. He has many names: the devil, red dragon, beelzebub, father of lies, prince of the power of the air, the god of this world, the accuser, the adversary, the tempter, the serpent, belial

In Heaven, he was called the "annointed Cherub who covers", as in the Cherubs that covered the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant. He was perfect in all of his ways until iniquity was found in him, and he was cast out. He was lifted up because of his own beauty and desired to replace God and be worshiped. Jesus said that He saw Satan fall from Heaven like lightning.

He deceived 1/3 of the angelic host to follow him into perdition. With them he wars against God and man, and has deceived the whole world. The scripture tells us that the whole world lies in the lap of the wicked one.

Jesus Christ defeated Him on the cross, 2000 years ago. He took from Satan the keys of death and hell. The demons believe in Him, and tremble.

Every person who comes to faith in Jesus Christ, as having died on the cross for their sins and being resurrected on the third day, will be forgiven for their sins and receive eternal life. The devil will lose his power over them and they will be set free.

Dear Satan

HenningKO (Member Profile)

Transient ~ Beautifully-photographed Lightning

A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement

Hiddekel says...

In America poor people have all the same legal rights as rich people (lightning fast response)

bcglorf said:

First question, which country are you from? From what I'm familiar with , Canada and the US both have ALL the same legal rights for men and women. I suppose abortion rights in some states might be the one exception depending on your leanings. Could you share any other rights that need to be extended to women that have yet to be 'equalized' yet?

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | "The Heart's Voice of a

newtboy says...

So, wiki says they're convicted terroristic mass kidnapping murderers of children dressed up as a Chinese Christian group...and the disguise seems to work as often as not. To me, that says as much about mainstream Christianity as it does about this apparent cult.

I think this music video is an example of "flirty fishing".
Wiki-Christian groups also regard the group as a heretical sect that deserves the label "evil cult" due to the radical differences that separate Eastern Lightning teaching from orthodox Christian doctrine.[7] The group seems to stray from the second Christian doctrine of neighbourly love. The group also uses flirty fishing to attract potential converts.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Man films lightning that strikes 5 metres away

Man films lightning that strikes 5 metres away

Wendy, get out of the pool

shagen454 says...

I moved to southern Arizona last year - still have yet to experience one these - but I surely will in the next two months. These dust storms are actually called "haboobs" and are prominent during the monsoon season which is typically June-August throughout Arizona & New Mexico. Which is quite interesting because those are the hottest months and although somewhat dangerous (floods/lightning) the monsoons begin a cooling down process (and immediate relief) which correlates with another 6 months of really nice weather.

ant (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Woman Struck by lightning speaks!, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 44 Badge!

ant (Member Profile)

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