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Wonder Woman 1984 - Official Main Trailer

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

bjornenlinda (Member Profile)

Two Players struck by lightning

lucky760 says...

I find this hard to believe.

I've seen a lot of videos of people catching on video a close-up lightning strike (like in their backyard) and there's always an enormous, deafening explosion sound when the lightning hits, and you also see it.

In this video there's just a flash in the sky and the two blokes seemingly just lay down with a bellyache.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

BSR says...

What would you do if it was a bolt of lightning that was the cause?

We Didn’t Start the Fire -Billy Joel

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

It's not about throwing money at a problem. It's about giving someone trust, inspiration and recognition.

newtboy said:

3) ? You would catch the arsonists before the home owner and their children and not lay blame at their feet. I would let the arsonist burn, locking them inside the house they ignited after saving the family. He's the one with the gas can and lighter if you can't identify who is who.
Calling out wholly inappropriate behavior/speech is never a waste of time. Gaining the trust of racists at the expense of their victims and society as a whole is worse than a waste of time, it's supporting racism.

4) My point. Let them get it, while not allowing your gift to be stolen or misused for harm or other things they get judged harshly for. No judgement, no opportunity for misuse, not just throwing money at a problem, helping a person.

WWI Bombs Are Still Being Found Over 100 Years Later

StukaFox says...

When I was in Belgium a couple of years ago, I visited a farm where they're still pulling WW1 iron out of the ground on a daily basis. "The Iron Harvest" it's called. Finding WW1 shells is so common that farmers in the area just collect them and put them at the end of their roads for the disposal guys to pick up.

The truly scary part is that somewhere in Belgium, there's about 87,000 kilos of high explosives, which was supposed to be used to blow an enormous hole in the German trenches became lost when the Brits had to fall back. To this day, no one knows where the explosives are. In 1955, lightning hit a similar "lost mine" and pretty much leveled an otherwise dull field of vegetables.

Article about these lost mines here:

Lightning at 103,000 fps

fuzzyundies (Member Profile)

AOC Exposes The Dark Side - "Let's Play A Game"

enoch says...

this right here is what drives me absolutely bonkers.

you proceed from a false premise:
that "wealth" translates to being less corruptible.

blindly ignoring what wealth actual not only IS,but what it represents to the elite class in America.


so could we please STOP with how much trump is actually worth,as if it has any inherent meaning in terms of power?

i do not understand wasting time with an ideologue,or dissecting his obviously conflicting comments as somehow expressing a clear and definable philosophy.these people play in the realm of cult of personality,spectacle and magical thinking.

their adoration for a particular public figure is cultish,and has very little to do with reality but more how their idol represents an ideal that they feel very strongly about.

so are we really surprised that bob will give Alexandria ocasio cortez a nod for exposing how easy it is to corrupt the system,but then conveniently excuse his idol and give him a pass based on the flimsiest of reasons:wealth.

when it was Alexandria ocasio cortez's lightning round that exposed how it is actually EASIER for the executive branch and the president to sell their influence for money.

but to bob,and how he sees things,the very idea that trump would ever engage in a breach of morality,and break his promise to the American preposterous,...because trump already has money,why would he sell his integrity?

because BOB has integrity.
because BOB would never break a promise.
this is basic projection of ones morality onto a figure they admire.
we can apply the exact same metric to those who voted for Obama.same thing.same results.

you will never get bob to admonish his hero,because that hero represents the IDEA of what bob is projecting,not the actual reality.

fundamentalists engage in the exact same magical thinking.

so how can i get mad for bob,and the other trumpsters of the world?
i pity them.
because delusional dreams always crash on the shores of the real eventually.

and that is going to be a sad day for bob.

scheherazade said:

Bob said that her line of argument (selling regulation policy changes for self enrichment), is less of an obvious motivation for someone who enters politics already wealthy.

That's a perfectly fine statement to make, as there is less to gain.


Mordhaus (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Austin gets lit

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'kxan, texas, thunderstorm, lightning' to 'kxan, texas, thunderstorm, lightning, timeshift' - edited by bareboards2

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