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Johnny Carson confronts Don Rickles on his broken cig box

Lolthien says...

Damn, a bit racist with the hanging of the blackman jokes and the cotton mill down south reference for a guy who was just hanging around doing his job and didn't have anything to do with the box.

But still, a funny moment from a different time I guess.

schmawy (Member Profile)

CaptWillard says...

Dude, just hang onto it. Sooner or later you're bound to get a video with more votes than this one got, and then someone around here (such as me, for instance) can * promote it back to life.

It's nothing to be ashamed of anyway. For a while my top-rated video was one about a briefcase machine gun. Not what I wanted to be my highest, but eventually a quality video overtook it. That will happen with you too.

Stop being so serious, cat.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
If I die tonight I don't want to go out with this being my top video. Some one else can re-submit it. It's gotta be good for at least ten more votes. Here's the info...



I do have my standards, however meager

Radical Christian Missionaries in Iraq

raven says...

@snoozedoctor & arsenault (if you really care to learn why sending missionaries to Iraq stirs up so much trouble)

While I think you have made a somewhat valid point... I ask you not to forget that our great and wonderful nation of 'free-peoples' was only gained via the slaughter and removal of an indigenous population. The rationale for this removal often was that it was completely legit due to the fact that Native Americans were 'heathens' and 'pagans' and therefore not children of God blessed with all the divine rights that the good people of America were inherently imbued with... and don't forget our 'Manifest Destiny, which was essentially God's will that America stretch from coast to coast and become the leading power in this hemisphere. Historically, American armies may not have been have entered battle under the banner of a crucifix, but the justifications for their deployment have often been laced with the rhetoric of spreading 'Christian values' and thereby civilizing the heathen peoples of the world... so, even though this country is not technically a 'theocracy', which is a nation governed by a religious body who forcibly imposes one faith upon all of its citizens (which the Ottoman empire was NOT, by the way- political and ruling powers lay in the hands of the Sultan and his heirs, the Caliphate only established to give their dynasty legitimacy, and by and large the Empire was comprised of peoples of MANY faiths- it was no more a theocracy than was the Holy Roman Empire, or any of the Medieval European States, in fact, in a lot of ways, it was probably much less of one. That corsairs or an envoy operating under its aegis chose to justify their actions by using the Koran is no different than the thousands of other actions carried out by European kings, and conquistadors who chose the Bible as their umbrella), the justifications for the actions of the American military have in the past often been aligned with 'Christian' motivations or agendas (once again, see the conquest and 'taming' of North America)... and given the discourse in American politics today, I think it is hard to deny that there is a great portion of this population that would very much like to see it formally defined as a 'Christian Nation', with Bibles in the classroom and Commandments at the Court House, so the perception abroad that Iraq is a 'Christian War' is not unsurprising, its like to spring up anytime a predominantly Christian country sets foot in the Middle East.

But back to history and the motivations of international shenanigans of the more recent past.... Its not only America that is guilty of working in tandem with the motivations of religious institutions and their rhetoric... throughout the Golden Age of Imperialism foreign missionaries more often than not preceded the armies of Western nations throughout Africa, Asia and the Pacific, establishing churches and converting portions of the population. Attacks on these outposts of Western thought and culture would often then be used as an excuse for a Western nation to move in and establish a military presence before moving on to full blown colonization (see the French takeover of Indochina/Vietnam if you don't believe me).

In regards to this situation then that pattern is important to keep in mind, because I think it helps explain some of the anger that is being raised by missionary activities in the region. Given the prevailing attitude against Western influence in Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries (due mostly to the experience of having been subjugated by Western Imperialist powers in the past), it should not be so surprising that these FOREIGN AMERICAN missionaries would be viewed by Iraqis as a threat to the sovereign identity they are trying to create for themselves. It is not that the Iraqis who might strike out at these people are doing so entirely because they are averse to Christianity, after all, there has been a long standing population of Chaldean Christians within Iraq that has gotten by just fine for centuries- it maybe hasn't been on top and they were pretty fairly discriminated against under Saddam but they certainly have never been outrightly persecuted for not being Muslim. Even today, despite all the turmoil in the country, those who have remained are pretty much just hanging in there and riding things out while the various Muslim factions around them blow one another up.

So, a large component of the problem is that many Iraqis ultimately feel that they are being 'invaded' by Imperialist Western influence, on many fronts, militarily, politically, and via these missionaries, religiously. So, therefore, this conflict of interest goes beyond simply just religion and it is important, I think, that Christians (missionaries and otherwise) realize this, the situation is not just Christian vs. Muslim- Iraqi Muslims are not just angry or striking out because the people of Jesus have dared tread on their sand to convert their neighbors. There are many many other factors involved in this that explain why they would not want missionaries from America to be active within their country... especially at a sensitive moment in history such as this.

Obama and Huckabee slam dunk in Iowa, big margin (Election Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

Now is not the time for the sift to endorse a candidate. It's too late. It would want to endorse Kucinich who has all but quit or Paul who will never win. When the general election rolls around, the sift will side with the democrat, period, no question. You should just hang the Obama for president signs now and save the effort.

How small are we?

Trancecoach says...

It turns out the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) institute is right around the corner -- last time I visted for a fundraising art show they held, Dr. Arroway (Foster's character) was just hanging out with the 6 of us that showed up. Nice woman, interesting work.

If WWII was a MMORPG (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

raven says...

@looris, ah yes, I must've skipped the line where he got eliminated... but yeah, I can totally see him being the type of player who just hangs out long after he's out of the game, no where to go, nothing better to do than just sit around and insult the better players.

I'm having a few problems (Sift Talk Post)

Krupo says...

I've seen that a few times, where on a certain video page the Sift just hangs on a vote. I bookmarked those posts, came back, and the next day or a week later it worked. I'll be reporting them again if it repeats itself.

Copied for Qruel: Crysis: How to Activate DX10 Feature in XP (Videogames Talk Post)

karaidl says...

Money of course!

That isn't all. My monitor kinda sucks. I can turn up resolution all the way to its highest with full AA, but I'll still get jagged edges. My speakers are going out too. I just hang in there like a good little fanboy and enter a lot of contests on Alienware.

And you're more than welcome to start that charity. In fact, if you do it, I'll try to get Jesus to cook you an omelet for breakfast.

*Save not working for me. (Sift Talk Post)

Grimm says...

I kind of see what your saying...but then that would mean assuming that dead, findthumb, blog, and return, can not be done to your own posts along with save and promote. Also if you look at the [channel subdomain] and nochannel commands they both note (not for your own post) at the end.

I think we all agree (not for your own post) should be added to the end of save and promote to make things clearer for us gold noobs. Of course if siftbot would have told me "you can't do that to your own post" instead of just hanging at "Please wait..." it would have been made known at that point instead of making me think something wasn't working.

If it is a matter of trying to keep those descriptions short and sweet then perhaps a second footnote could be added "2 may NOT be performed on your own post".

Time Displacement Experiment (2:16)

lucky760 says...

From time to time I experience what was probably vexing Hex. I try to play a video and it just hangs and hangs and hangs sitting at "Loading" even though other YT vids work fine.

A video is only dead if it is really dead. E.g., a message like "This video is no longer available" or "Embedding disabled" etc.

I will re-publish the original post and this one may be discarded at will.

Lost in Translation

swampgirl says...

This movie was thoughtful, insightful and just plain brilliant. It captures so much what an extended visitor's perspective is. There was a scene or two when she was just hanging out and musing over the scenery. There's nothing like the feeling of walking around experiencing a different culture from your own for the first time.

Office Lip Dub done by one of our own here on VideoSift

Mainstream Media Silently Screams for New 9/11 Investigation

drattus says...

I'll give it a vote because I do think we've got unanswered questions, but I do have a lot of reservations about the issue myself and it's one I'm hesitant to get involved in. Not because it's not a valid issue but because so many seem intent on discrediting both themselves and the movement which makes it messy to get involved in.

The investigation was flawed no doubt. Telling us that nobody was responsible for anything or could have prevented anything is garbage when they stripped the nation of air cover for exercises and went ahead with the plan even though that info had been released to the press. If they had remembered the basic principle of what a defense was for in the first place the first plane might have hit but probably not the rest.

It was underfunded, one of the members themselves said it was like they were set up to fail. They were blocked at too many turns for access to information such as not being able to interview high level prisoners or their interrogators but being confined to reports instead. The story we got wasn't their story from their investigation so much as it was the administrations.

You've got so many good issues and reasons to ask for another look, there's just one problem. Alex Jones and the type. Reasonable questions and reasonable doubts get lost in all the wild stories and theories being tossed around as proved in some way till the issue is the punchline for a joke rather than anything people want to get involved with.

From what I've seen the family members, firefighters, and commission members who want answers aren't attaching themselves to Jones and the type. He's just hanging on to them for the ride. If the movement never watched a thing he made or said again and followed the families and firefighters and such instead, then you'd get somewhere. Its biggest enemy right now is itself.

Sorry for the long post, activism is what I do and it frustrates me to see an issue blown like this one has been. The point is to reach people and change minds, if nobody listens it doesn't even matter if you were right, you aren't changing a thing. The wild stories I don't think are right, but even so. You have to work in a way people hear and understand.

A man makes friends with a wild raven (Happy B-Day Raven)

bamdrew says...

i've seen raven's in parks in california that are very used to close quarters with people. easy to get free food if you just hang out and look majestic for the cameras, especially near picnic areas, even just to keep an eye on scraps that fall if not to beg for handouts.

Dee Lite - Groove Is In The Heart

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