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Tom Mabe funny phone call

Memorare says...

That telemarketer isn't very experienced.
When someone like that answers you just hang up, you don't waste time actually conversing with them.

Makes me wonder if it isn't a fake.

Kidkanevil - Kranium Rock

BBC reported WTC7 Collapse while it was still standing!!

ren says...

You can never send ground troops to another country under the flag of one nation and not make it look like an invasion. I think making comparisons to the Nazi regime is an insult to Hitler, atleast Hitler had the balls to just hang his crazy ideas out there, instead of this misdirection and manipulation of the international community.

YouTube Disdain (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I share your frustration Anliz. I think YouTube videos are made with Flash 7 which makes them more widely compatible with browsers, but perhaps not as smooth on the interface front.

Actually I'm not sure if that's the reason, more of a guess. YouTube have made a few improvements since launch. They now include the duration of the video in a counter, and give a "This Video No Longer Available" Message. They used to just hang.

Presenting the Sony Mylo (2:02 min)

tedbater says...

seems like such a pointless device. You can do all of that and a whole lot more if you just buy a dell pda for cheaper. (well you can't stream music from other pda's...but I doubt anyone is going to be in an area with loads of mylo's just hanging out)

NAtile Portman on SNL

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

This has been posted before, and was pulled due to NBC nasty-gramming YouTube.

See our blog post on this topic here:

I'll leave this one up, and we'll see if it get's pulled as well. The bad thing is that if it is pulled, it doesn't actually let you know that it's been pulled, just hangs on "loading" ... YouTube hopefully will fix that.

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