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Sexiest Hula Hoop Ever

Sexiest Hula Hoop Ever

Chimp Surprise

Why the "Star Trek" Universe is Secretly Horrifying

brycewi19 says...

>> ^CrushBug:

Chrome. It is some sort of Facebook takeover, because if I click on either of the border images, it takes me to Facebook. It is pretty messed up.

That sucks man.

Do you get the same result if you switch browsers?

I'm certainly not seeing any of that with Firefox.

Some Youtube Videos Not Playing in Opera (Sift Talk Post)

Some Youtube Videos Not Playing in Opera (Sift Talk Post)

Fantomas says...

I'm also having this issue in Firefox 12, but not in Chrome.
Interestingly the player in Firefox looks different to the Chrome one. In Firefox it is a dark grey bar and black play button, while in Chrome it is a light grey bar and red play button.

Some Youtube Videos Not Playing in Opera (Sift Talk Post)

Some Youtube Videos Not Playing in Opera (Sift Talk Post)

thatavguy (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

Thanks for letting me know, that's really useful! I don't suppose you know a way of watching Channel 4 stuff from the UK in America do ya?
In reply to this comment by thatavguy:
Or you could watch from their website

If your using Firefox or Chrome
Download the Add on Modify Headers

In the Add on, Select Add
Header Name - Type X-Forward-For
Header Value -

Make sure its enabled and then click start

You will now have access to The Daily Show and Colbert Report

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Phreezdryd:
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Phreezdryd:
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Boise_Lib:
Ah em, It's Jon Stewart.

Thanks! I'll blame the fact that I can very rarely watch anything Daily Show cos it's all goddamned blocked, which I remain sore about even now!

Blocked?! You have the internet, man!
There's a tube for that.

Wo-man, and I'm not very good on the internet, the only way I know how is to fuck about with my ISP address and I don't want to
I should have specified my message was in the voice of a loud, English Stephen Fry type character, and the line sounded good in my head, wrong gender intact. I guess you don't do BitTorrent then?

Hahaha, oh! Yeah, I'm not adverse to torrents, but I'm not quite curious enough to go about downloading yet. I just want it at my fingertips, so many times I've seen stuff I know I'd love and whoops! it's TDS. Fuckers...

Between Two Ferns With Jon Stewart

thatavguy says...

Or you could watch from their website

If your using Firefox or Chrome
Download the Add on Modify Headers

In the Add on, Select Add
Header Name - Type X-Forward-For
Header Value -

Make sure its enabled and then click start

You will now have access to The Daily Show and Colbert Report

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Phreezdryd:
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Phreezdryd:
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Boise_Lib:
Ah em, It's Jon Stewart.

Thanks! I'll blame the fact that I can very rarely watch anything Daily Show cos it's all goddamned blocked, which I remain sore about even now!

Blocked?! You have the internet, man!
There's a tube for that.

Wo-man, and I'm not very good on the internet, the only way I know how is to fuck about with my ISP address and I don't want to
I should have specified my message was in the voice of a loud, English Stephen Fry type character, and the line sounded good in my head, wrong gender intact. I guess you don't do BitTorrent then?

Hahaha, oh! Yeah, I'm not adverse to torrents, but I'm not quite curious enough to go about downloading yet. I just want it at my fingertips, so many times I've seen stuff I know I'd love and whoops! it's TDS. Fuckers...

ant (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

That almost must be something to do with your browser, perhaps an add-in, or something you've turned off that the code requires.

What happens when you try it on a different workstation, with a bog standard IE or Firefox or Safari or whatever is standard there?

I have given you the basic template though, if you really want to embed vimeo clips you can use that and just change the clip_id parameter.
In reply to this comment by ant:
Yes, the same one. VS will approve the code (with a different ID and not a dupe), but after it changes it for the final submission, then it gets rejected to say code is invalid.

Facebook link (Sift Talk Post)

Sifty why don't you remember me (Sift Talk Post)

Sifty why don't you remember me (Sift Talk Post)

sanderbos says...

Indeed, 2013. When was the lifetime changed from 2 weeks to a year?

You use the user agent, like the full user agent including version number? Doesn't Chrome autoupdate all the time? Anyway, I am a pretty plain browser user, I am pretty sure that I only log in on Videosift on my own computer, and only through Chrome, without any special cookie settings, but autoupdate is on in it.

>> ^lucky760:

Couple of things. First, we used to have a cookie lifetime of two weeks. That's since been increased by much more, like beyond a year. For example, my cookie also expires in May, but of 2013. Are you sure your cookie expiration isn't 2013?

Second, I can't really think of a reason that you might get logged out, except if you upgrade your browser. The reason for this is there's a security precaution in place that in part uses your browser's user agent to ensure you're the rightful owner of the cookie.
Is anyone else experiencing these issues? I never have to log back in whether in Firefox, Chrome, or Safari, except after upgrading.

Sifty why don't you remember me (Sift Talk Post)

jimnms says...

It doesn't happen that often for me. I have my browser (Firefox) remember logins and passwords (and use a master password). When it does happen though, the standard login screen that you get doesn't play nice with Firefox, but I discovered that right clicking the login "button" and opening it in a new window gives me a page that does work with Firefox.

Are you using any addons that might be clearing your cookies? The last time I played with Firefox's private browsing mode, when switching back to normal mode I had to log back in to every site that uses cookies to remember me. I don't use the private browsing mode because of that.

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