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Sifty why don't you remember me (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Couple of things. First, we used to have a cookie lifetime of two weeks. That's since been increased by much more, like beyond a year. For example, my cookie also expires in May, but of 2013. Are you sure your cookie expiration isn't 2013?

Second, I can't really think of a reason that you might get logged out, except if you upgrade your browser. The reason for this is there's a security precaution in place that in part uses your browser's user agent to ensure you're the rightful owner of the cookie.

Is anyone else experiencing these issues? I never have to log back in whether in Firefox, Chrome, or Safari, except after upgrading.

Red Panda vs. Pumpkin

Mmm window...*slurp slurp*

Mmm window...*slurp slurp*

Mmm window...*slurp slurp*

Videosift 5.0 Request: Allow block of user Avatars (Terrible Talk Post)

Videosift 5.0 Request: Allow block of user Avatars (Terrible Talk Post)

Videosift 5.0 Request: Allow block of user Avatars (Terrible Talk Post)

Videosift 5.0 Request: Allow block of user Avatars (Terrible Talk Post)

Deano says...

There's various ways to do this yourself I'd imagine. You could search for software that allows you to block images of a certain size. I'd bet there is a Firefox extension for this.

videosift removed from google?? (Sift Talk Post)

gourmetemu says...

Funny enough when I search from my Firefox google toolbar it similarly doesn't show up. It is a wikipedia article, 2 videos hosted from videosift but not the front page, twitter, neatorama, facebook, google plus, other things regarding videosift, but never precisely.

gwiz665 a similar thing happens when I click your link except in German.

This is also the first time I've ever actually googled the word "videosift"

It's Time ... (Sift Talk Post)

Shepppard says...

>> ^darkrowan:

2nd the motion on keeping night mode. In fact, it'd be nice that all channels had the ability to have (note: not required) a night version of their channel theme. It sucks moving from the main sift to a channel that is much, much brighter. It's like turning a flashlight on your face for a few seconds afterwords.
>> ^Shepppard:
Uhh, well, I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it's been bugging the hell out of me for months.
On firefox, if you're not logged in you can't use the search function.
Also, don't get rid of "night" mode. I honestly can't stand "daytime", too damn bright...
I still miss the old sift Grey though

THIS x 1 million.

This was added to controversy and now I can honestly barely read anything on this page, to the point where i'm considering taking it out of controversy.

OK Go - Needing/Getting Official Video

SWBStX says...

No Questions these guys make the best music videos currently, probably the best ever. Simply awesome!

If you never saw their last video on it's own website you really should check it out. It's optimized for Google Chrome but it works fine with Firefox as well. It opens up nearly two dozen windows and re-sizes and moves them around throughout the video and even lets you put in your own line of text to see in the video in a really interesting way.

Check it out at

TDS-Poor Pee-Ple (Drug Tests for Welfare Recipients)

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^notarobot:

blocked in Canada. Use modify headers to get around silly geographic silliness
use this link:

Yarr, blocked in Thailand also. I tried your .ca link here, but it manages to stream a 30 second commercial only to say "sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties downloading your lineup". Living in a land of ubiquitous piracy plus running 99% of the time with AdBlock and NoScript has made me very impatient with advertising, DRM, etc.!

Thanks anyway for the alternate ideas, I'm looking up the modify headers solution now.

It's Time ... (Sift Talk Post)

darkrowan says...

2nd the motion on keeping night mode. In fact, it'd be nice that all channels had the ability to have (note: not required) a night version of their channel theme. It sucks moving from the main sift to a channel that is much, much brighter. It's like turning a flashlight on your face for a few seconds afterwords.

>> ^Shepppard:

Uhh, well, I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it's been bugging the hell out of me for months.
On firefox, if you're not logged in you can't use the search function.
Also, don't get rid of "night" mode. I honestly can't stand "daytime", too damn bright...
I still miss the old sift Grey though

It's Time ... (Sift Talk Post)

Shepppard says...

Uhh, well, I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it's been bugging the hell out of me for months.

On firefox, if you're not logged in you can't use the search function.

Also, don't get rid of "night" mode. I honestly can't stand "daytime", too damn bright...

I still miss the old sift Grey though

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