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Reality Check: How Prevalent is the Global Child Sex Trade

newtboy says...

No, I looked into him and see he does put forth the dumbest of right wing conspiracies, like pizza gate, anti vaxing, 9/11 is a hoax, school shootings as false flag hoaxes, etc.
Then I looked at real DOJ missing person stats and noticed he's also bat shit insane with his numbers.

Not bothering with your link, but if a lefty says there's 10000 new child sex slaves in America every year, they're also idiots or liars...Swann is obviously, demonstrably both.
Political leaning doesn't make facts out of lies.

bobknight33 said:

Bigots-- both of you.

Both of you are a disgrace. Just because this POV is from a Conservative ---

Guess u need fact from a Liberal source.

FISA Memo | Everything You Need To Know

newtboy says...

Everything you need to know....
There's not a single crime even alluded to in the memo, much less proven. Only accusations of bias against Trump by the agency that handed him the presidency.
The steel dossier was certainly not the only evidence presented to FISA, a fact Republicans are desperate to hide.

Republicans wrote the lax FISA rules, and renewed them just last month over Democratic objection, to make it easy to spy on Muslims in America and fight terrorism.
Those lax rules were used to legally get a warrant, and renew it.

Republicans eventually (after blocking voting on it for a week+) voted to release the Democratic memo, after it had been already submitted to the FBI and DOJ first and had a 10 day viewing period. The Republican memo was not subject to review. They also knew Trump would veto it's release, and he has so far. The democrats all voted to release the Republican the same time and with the same restrictions as the rebuttal, Republicans all voted against that.

Bias does not automatically make one not credible, or incapable of properly investigating crimes. Honest people are biased against liars. Most law enforcement is biased against criminal perpetrators. Intelligence agents are biased against traitors.

If bias was a disqualifier for investigation, what has the Republican party been doing looking at Clinton? They clearly should have recused themselves, but in that case bias against her was a prerequisite to be part of the investigation team. A little consistency would be nice, guys.

In short, this is utter bullshit distraction, fake misleading opinion based on factual omission made by those who've made a career of making unsupported, often debunked charges against political enemies, not credible evidence of crimes or improper action by anyone. Sorry @bobknight33

Trump Uses Nunes Memo to Attack Russia Probe: A Closer Look

bobknight33 says...

Trey Gowedy did read the FISA documents and did provide great incite in writing the Nunes memo.

Don't think there was any direct reading of any part of the memo from fake news outlets.

As for the memo::: Bombshell.::::::

Comey own words indicated that this dossier is “salacious and unverified."
McCabe testified “that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information”

Yet both signed off to obtain / renew the FISA surveillance.

The fact that the FISA has to be renewed every 90 days and that top leadership ( FBI Director James Comey, McCabe,) and others. The fact that they had to re-sign off every 90 days makes this even worse.

James Comey signed three FISA applications
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one.
Sally Yates, and Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of DOJ.

They all knew this was a bad document and this was for political reasons.

McCabe wife working for Global Fusion GPS worked on this steel document. McCabe’s wife received 500k for her political run from Hillary Clinton.

The Muller investigation was started due to this dossier. An un verified political slanted document.

Since this memo came out we find out that Hillary Clinton/DNC passed info to Steele to put in the dossier ..

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

The market drop is not from the memo. The market is fine , slight pull back from explosive growth. Hoped you did some stock shopping Friday.

As for the memo::: Bombshell.::::::
Using the minimally verified Steele dossier that the Clinton/ DNC ,( started by the RNC) then gave to FBI/DOJ is fine with me. IF IT WERE TRUE.

According to the head of the FBI's counter intelligence division, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial
Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated.

The rubbing point is that the FBI/DOJ used this material supplied by Steele to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on an American citizen, Carter Page to indirectly to spy on Trump for political reasons.

Comey own words indicated that this dossier is “salacious and unverified."
McCabe testified “that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information”

Yet both signed off to obtain / renew the FISA surveillance.

The fact that the FISA has to be renewed every 90 days and that top leadership ( FBI Director James Comey, McCabe,) and others. The fact that they had to re-sign off every 90 days makes this even worse.

James Comey signed three FISA applications
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one.
Sally Yates, and Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of DOJ.

They all knew this was a bad document and this was for political reasons.

McCabe wife working for Global Fusion GPS worked on this steel document. McCabe’s wife received 500k for her political run from Hillary Clinton.

The Muller investigation was started due to this dossier. An un verified political slanted document.

This is just the starting point for the American people, as more info is put forth.

With respect to the FISA court itself-- they did their job. The information brought to the court is to be true and accurate.

newtboy said:

I want to hear your take on the memo....I know mine.

Do you, like me, see the stock market crash as a response to it? I feel like those CEO s that are banking on Trump's policies were horrified to see what was being presented as a defensive move, because there is nothing there. Zero. Nada. Zip. Even if the accusations are true, and they aren't as presented in it, there wasn't a thing there that violated FISA or normal procedures.

I'm really curious if you still think it's a smoking gun of some kind, and not just a whining note from a retiring sycophant with no fact or legal charge included....and if so, why and of what?

Senator Jeff Flake Eloquently Addresses Our Political State

bobknight33 says...

pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko pinko ---------That's funny.

The Hillary /DNC/ Muller/ DOJ/ Urium Ship is sinking .. Whose colluding with Russia??? You are so on the wrong side of this ..

newtboy said:

No, he certainly doesn't meet the standards of decorum for a lawyer...or a civilized person of any profession.
Trump is a baby that sees any non compliment as an attack he should meet with frothing insanity and rage (mostly impotent rage, but rage still).
True, he doesn't smoothly lie out of both sides of his mouth, but only because he can do nothing smoothly. He absolutely lies out of both sides of his mouth, I've never heard him make a full statement on any topic ever without inserting some lie, usually about himself being godlike, but often something made up about the person he's mad at.

But you know this well, Dimitri. It's why you and your president, Putin, helped him into office, hoping it would destroy the country with his and your divisive nonsense. No one here questions that, you haven't hidden it pinko bastard.

John Oliver - Joe Arpaio

newtboy says...

Federal judges aren't Obama OR the DOJ. This is just one more lie you've swallowed hook, line, and sinker. It's the only way you can make sense of his pardon...make the conviction political. It plainly wasn't, even you admit he broke the law.

True, the DOJ wanted him convicted...but for NOT doing his job, and instead for stopping citizens and demanding their papers if they looked Hispanic. That's illegal in America, no matter why you do it. He was ordered by the courts to stop, and he defied that legal order. That's illegal in America, period.
Trump pardoned him because he doesn't respect the rule of law or courts...Unless he's using them to screw people he owes money, then the law is all important....bankruptcy law. He's shown this clearly repeatedly by disparaging any judge that might rule against him as "so called judges".

This isn't about illegals, it's about citizens that look Hispanic. By far, most pulled over weren't illegals or even immigrants. More importantly, it's about the rule of law, which he and Trump just flushed down the toilet with a cheer.

Sad that you are so blinded by partisan politics that you've lost sight of what America is about....laws that apply to everyone, not a ruling class that's above them, or laws that only apply when it's convenient for your agenda, but that's exactly what you're advocating here.
Advocating for lawless dictatorship isn't making us great, Bob. It just makes you sound dumb and gullible...insanely gullible. Take a civics class and learn about your country....please.

Edit: Honestly, Bob, it's becoming hard to believe you aren't really far left, pretending to be the worst kind of far right character, setting up weak straw men for us to knock down. You cannot believe that this is a good idea, condoning and pardoning violating the constitution and binding judicial orders...and even you cannot possibly believe that subversion of our systems is patriotic somehow.

bobknight33 said:

This has Obama and his cronies all over it.

The DOJ the left wanted him from doing his job.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio committed a crime by defying a court order to stop detaining suspected undocumented immigrants.

He defied a court order. He was doing his job... Trump is right in his pardon.

If you feel so bad for illegals you can house / feed / clothe then. Otherwise they can go back and quit taking American jobs.

Sad that you are not for American but for those who do not belong here. You can leave and make their country great... go leave and help them.

John Oliver - Joe Arpaio

bobknight33 says...

This has Obama and his cronies all over it.

The DOJ the left wanted him from doing his job.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio committed a crime by defying a court order to stop detaining suspected undocumented immigrants.

He defied a court order. He was doing his job... Trump is right in his pardon.

If you feel so bad for illegals you can house / feed / clothe then. Otherwise they can go back and quit taking American jobs.

Sad that you are not for American but for those who do not belong here. You can leave and make their country great... go leave and help them.

newtboy said:

Jesus Fucking Christ...he was convicted by judges of violating a legal judicial order and the constitution...not by Obama of being an old white guy. You drank more Trump coolaid, but this cup has made you thoroughly un-American.

Is that really what you call the best sheriff...someone who unapologetically violates the law and constitution at every turn, who abuses not only the convicted (still evil and illegal, btw) but also the merely accused in a jail he himself bragged was a concentration camp. That's how he treats American citizens who've not been convicted of a thing....and it's how he deserves to spend the remainder of his life.

If I held you (or your daughter) in a 145 deg tent, feeding you rotten balogne, offering no medical treatment while hoping you die of heat stroke, you would call me a terrorist, but because Joe violated mostly Hispanics (not even Mexicans, mostly legal Hispanic Americans) you call him the best sheriff...and you still tell yourself you aren't racist.

He cost his county well over $140 million in settlements for his victims, with hundreds of millions more in the courts still being litigated. The number of deaths in his jail are exponentially higher than the norm, with most going uninvestigated and fewer (none) being prosecuted (they just pay off the family a few million taxpayer dollars and move on to the next victim).

You really have to be shoving you head even farther up your own ass to even give Arpaio and Trump the benefit of a doubt at this point...he's gleefully admitted all his crimes as if they aren't illegal, and Trump made him right, violating the constitution and thumbing your nose at the court orders is perfectly fine in Trump's America, so long as you support him.

Jesus Fucknig Christ, bob. Next you'll be supporting Trump's pardon of Sheik Muhammad and other Daesh fighters...who were also the victims of an "Obama witch hunt".

You claimed to hate Obama because you've been convinced by drug addled blowhards (Limbaugh, Jones) that he subverted our rule of law to fit his agenda...yet here you are cheerleading Trump and Arpaio uncontrovertibly doing exactly that. Just because you agree with this particular agenda (subverting the constitution to forcefully eject illegal immigrants of one specific nationality) doesn't change the act you claim to hate, subversion of our constitution, laws, and government.

John Oliver - Joe Arpaio

newtboy says...

You've got to be kidding, you know the judge isn't a DOJ employee, right?
You understand the concept that ignoring a judges direct legal orders is a crime no matter what your politics, right?
He wasn't convicted of the civil rights violations, (for pulling over Hispanic looking people and demanding they show their papers) but he was ordered to stop them, and he continued. He was convicted of criminal contempt.
It wasn't the DOJ, it was a federal judge he ignored and the constitution he violated after being ordered to stop it.
EDIT: But yeah...ignoring the constitution, judges, fairness, civility, the Geneva convention, and the rule of law certainly does make him the a America's best sheriff, doesn't it? I hope you and your family gets pulled over at gunpoint by black sheriffs at least once a week for life to check your papers, perhaps you'll eventually learn it's wrong.

If Obama abused that power as you suggest, why weren't there constantly DOJ investigations of elected Republicans and talking heads? It seems insane to even suggest that he reserved it for one evil sheriff.

Also, how do you explain all the charges and lost lawsuits from before Obama? Arpaio's legal troubles didn't suddenly start 8.5 years ago, you know. Was Bush's thumb on that scale against him too?

bobknight33 said:

Obama thumb was on the scale of justice. DOJ just did his bidding.

John Oliver - Joe Arpaio

bobknight33 says...

Obama thumb was on the scale of justice. DOJ just did his bidding.

newtboy said:

Jesus Fucking Christ...he was convicted by judges of violating a legal judicial order and the constitution...not by Obama of being an old white guy. You drank more Trump coolaid, but this cup has made you thoroughly un-American.

Is that really what you call the best sheriff...someone who unapologetically violates the law and constitution at every turn, who abuses not only the convicted (still evil and illegal, btw) but also the merely accused in a jail he himself bragged was a concentration camp. That's how he treats American citizens who've not been convicted of a thing....and it's how he deserves to spend the remainder of his life.

If I held you (or your daughter) in a 145 deg tent, feeding you rotten balogne, offering no medical treatment while hoping you die of heat stroke, you would call me a terrorist, but because Joe violated mostly Hispanics (not even Mexicans, mostly legal Hispanic Americans) you call him the best sheriff...and you still tell yourself you aren't racist.

He cost his county well over $140 million in settlements for his victims, with hundreds of millions more in the courts still being litigated. The number of deaths in his jail are exponentially higher than the norm, with most going uninvestigated and fewer (none) being prosecuted (they just pay off the family a few million taxpayer dollars and move on to the next victim).

You really have to be shoving you head even farther up your own ass to even give Arpaio and Trump the benefit of a doubt at this point...he's gleefully admitted all his crimes as if they aren't illegal, and Trump made him right, violating the constitution and thumbing your nose at the court orders is perfectly fine in Trump's America, so long as you support him.

Jesus Fucknig Christ, bob. Next you'll be supporting Trump's pardon of Sheik Muhammad and other Daesh fighters...who were also the victims of an "Obama witch hunt".

You claimed to hate Obama because you've been convinced by drug addled blowhards (Limbaugh, Jones) that he subverted our rule of law to fit his agenda...yet here you are cheerleading Trump and Arpaio uncontrovertibly doing exactly that. Just because you agree with this particular agenda (subverting the constitution to forcefully eject illegal immigrants of one specific nationality) doesn't change the act you claim to hate, subversion of our constitution, laws, and government.

Trump Owns Reporters Upset About Arpaio Pardon

newtboy says...

Oh Bob. If his tactics were used primarily against whites or if he was black or a democrat, you would say he's the worst monster in American history.
$140 million to pay for his illegal actions, with dozens of multi million dollar claims still in litigation....that's a great sheriff? 160 deaths in his jail that he gleefully calls a concentration camp, many if not most from undetermined causes....that's a great sheriff?
Yes, under Obama, the DOJ was interested in people abusing their power in ways that were clearly unconstitutional, like pulling people over because they looked Hispanic for no other reason than to check if they were legal citizens...a clear violation of civil rights....but yeah...fuck that constitution thing if it's in the way of fucking with beaners, huh? Wow.

Trump has set a precedent that you and yours will regret when power swings the other direction. You constantly seem to forget that it will.
There are far more democrats than republicans in America, so again, not sure where you get this idea besides wishful thinking....similar to wishing you could equate the radicals with the liberals. good luck with that.

bobknight33 said:

Arpaio is a great sheriff and OBAMA and his DOJ wanted to fuck with him... Well Trump got the last laugh.

The democrat party is dead being drag into the sewer by radical liberalism.

Trump Owns Reporters Upset About Arpaio Pardon

bobknight33 says...

Arpaio is a great sheriff and OBAMA and his DOJ wanted to fuck with him... Well Trump got the last laugh.

The democrat party is dead being drag into the sewer by radical liberalism.

newtboy said:

@bobknight33, because you probably don't know, none of those listed was pardoned before sentencing, or without accepting their guilt and being publicly remorseful.

Arpaio has been defiant from day one when he decided to ignore a federal judge who told him to stop using his office to harass Latinos, violating their civil rights by stopping them for illegal illegal immigration status checks (most were citizens, btw, not immigrants). Arpaio called his own prison a concentration camp, proudly, where the ratio of prisoner death and injury are the highest in the nation, as are suicides and undetermined/uninvestigated deaths. At least 160 have died under Arpaio's supervision, and over $140 million paid to his victims so far, with dozens of lawsuits still pending.
If ever there was a person who deserves prison, and to have to live on rancid balogna in a 115 degree tent, it's Joe.

Comey Testifies Under Oath That Trump Lied Repeatedly

bobknight33 says...

What I think this is not the point. The POTUS is in charge over the FBI and DOJ. POTUS is the boss. This was set up long before TRUMP walked on the stage.

POTUS is to enforce all laws. Apparently can let some slide as Obama did with marijuana and illegals. I'm sure Bush and Clinton did also.

RedSky said:

Do you think the FBI should operate independent from the executive?

sally yates hands senator ted cruz his ass

enoch says...


i have witnessed many of my more right leaning friends on social media ask a very similar question,but ignore that the attorney general is first,and foremost,an agent of the court.

sally yates did nothing illegal.she simply was upholding a lawful injunction passed down from ninth circuit court federal judge william orrick.(who is a republican,for what it is worth).

what yates DID do was ignore an executive order commanding her to challenge the injunction,which she refused and told her subordinates to do the same.which is considered gross insubordination,and the reason she was fired,but she had every right and legal cover to ignore that EO.

the DOJ,and subsequently the attorney general,are not their for the presidents leisure.they are part of the judiciary branch,which is separate from the executive.though every president has replaced the current attorney general with one that most aligns with their politics.

the fact that so many diehard rightwingers see what yates did as anti-patriotic is a stance that i find very disturbing.that somehow by disobeying the president,she crossed some imaginary line,and therefore should be punished for her disobedience.

which she was! she was fired.

but to imply that disobeying an executive order is tantamount to treason,goes against the very ideology of our constitutional republic.the president is not KING.he does not wield absolute power.

and to pretend what yates did as illegal,and treasonous, for disobeying the president.... is fascism 101.

Mark Levin Provides Proof Obama Admin Wiretapped Trump Tower

newtboy says...

Title is a pure ball of *lies, there is absolutely zero proof offered, only rehashed opinion articles, because this story is pure bullshit.
The claim has been *debunked already by the FBI and DOJ.
Where's the warrant they claim was issued? They can't produce it because it doesn't exist.
Total *fail @bobknight33, to spread propaganda designed to distract from the multiple real investigations already underway involving Trump and treason.

If this were true, it would mean that a judge was thoroughly convinced that Trump WAS colluding with the Russians, otherwise it would never be approved. Either this is pure fiction, or it's extremely good evidence Trump is criminally treasonous and we need to hear every second of what was recorded.

Donald Trump's newest senior adviser: Locutus of Borg

newtboy jokingly says...

Trump also does not give a rat's ass what the intelligence community says, or the DOJ, or congress, or the citizens, or the constitution, or common decency, or even reality...he just keeps moving backwards.

Toss Trump!

bobknight33 said:

Trump does not give a rats ass what the media say..He just keeps moving forward.

Boss Trump

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