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Is There a Russian Coup Underway in America?

newtboy says...

Here's a few articles on today's report from the nsa, doj, cia, and director of national intelligence directly tying Putin and the Russians to the hacks, but sadly I can't find the report itself..... smoking gun shown publicly yet, but by using the intelligence term "high confidence" they are certainly indicating they have one, or more than one.

eric3579 said:

Here's the public evidence Russia hacked the DNC – It's not enough

Is There a Russian Coup Underway in America?

newtboy says...

There's more...coming soon to the interwebs, but jointly announced today by the CIA, DOJ, NSA, and the director of national intelligence. It's no longer innuendo and claims by people paid to make claims. We may never know most sources, because they are our spies and diplomats, but it seems they have evidentiary proof, not just likelihoods and claims.
Hide and watch. ;-)

eric3579 said:

Here's the public evidence Russia hacked the DNC – It's not enough

Is There a Russian Coup Underway in America?

newtboy says...

Oops! Today they (the nsa, the director of national intelligence, the cia, and the doj, combined) released proof that not only did the Russians hack multiple American targets, but Putin was directly involved in choosing what to release and how, all in an effort to damage our election process and elect Trump as a way to weaken America and our ties with allies.

Spacedog79 said:

I'm intrigued to hear you say this. To me it looks more like the neoliberal elite lashing out because Trump won and now they want to make his life as difficult as possible. They especially don't want someone to go making peace with Russia, perish the thought. They must have an enemy to make wars with, or else how else will they make those juicy profits?

There's no proof Russia did it, but even if they did it was the contents of the e-mails that was the problem not the hack. Members of the RNC got hacked too but no one cares because their emails were so boring.

Judge Nap: Leaks Could Trigger 'Saturday Night Massacre'

newtboy says...

So wait...she's in trouble for not turning over an email and instead deleting it, but somehow Faux News and no one else has this email? Uh huh.....

I'll believe it when the DOJ says publicly that's what they're charging her with, not when Napolitano claims it...remember, he's the one that said he was CERTAIN that Alito was assassinated with a pillow.

IF, and it's a HUGE "if", this is true, it's terrible for her, but judging the story based on the source, it's highly likely (>95%) that this is in no way true and is nothing more than more Fox manufactured conspiracy fodder.

This needs a *lies , because it's more than likely that it's all Fox lies, but if not, then it's about her lies, so either way.

Bernie Humor Compilation

Why Benghazi Hearing is taking so damn long

newtboy says...

Funny to me that he's so interested in interviewing the 'witnesses', yet has failed to interview the two 'witnesses' that have been available for over 6 months.
Also funny to me that he's waiting on the DOJ, who has requested a meeting to discuss the witness interviews, but apparently scheduling that meeting is too much for him to do and he'd rather lambast the messengers that repeat the requests, and actually has the gall to say 'You know why the DOJ isn't here, because we don't have a problem with the DOJ'. WHAT?!?

I would say it's just as likely that the Bengasi hearings will 'stall' until next summer, when they'll suddenly be the most important thing the right wing can deal with/talk about. As far as I'm concerned, it's just another 'birther' type of thing. Only meaningful to rile up the republican base that could not care less about the facts as long as they have something to be angry about.

FIFA Corruption Exposed New Documentary

AeroMechanical says...

Of course FIFA is shady as hell just like the IOC, but weird about how the FBI and DOJ became involved. Kinda seems like the gist of their argument is that if you use the US dollar (which ultimately must pass through a US bank), that makes you subject to US law enforcement.

Since everyone knew FIFA was corrupt, the paranoid conspiracist part of me wonders if this isn't a ploy to set a precedent for its own sake or as a prelude to something else.

M. Taibbi: Largest Banks Admit to Massive Crimes, Still TBTF

wraith says...

What I fail to understand is how no one was charged with anything (again). In 2008 the Societe General "lost" 4.9 bilion Euros and the blamed it all on one guy, Jerome Kerviel, a junior trader who supposedly could gamble around with nearly five billion Euros without cheking in with his superiors.

In this case, the CEO of JPMorgan even blamed "a small group of employees" yet still, the US DOJ is not charging any indivduals.

It seems the banks have grown so far out of the reach of the world's justice departments in the last few years that they not even bother to present a fall guy for their crimes anymore.

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

lantern53 says...

A troll is someone who just says something to inflame.

If you can give a reason why you do not agree with someone, then you can't be labeled a troll.

I'd had to agree with Bob, however, that the DOJ is there to push the radical agenda of Obama.

Of course, a lot of the employees of the DOJ, such as FBI agents, are law enforcement types who didn't have the advantage of communist mentors like Obama had (Frank Marshall Davis)..they didn't grow up in Indonesia, worshipping monkey gods and such, so there is a disconnect.
They probably didn't have commie parents like Obama, but now Obama is the boss so they have to give him their due.
So in the case of Ferguson, Obama and holder send FBI agents to investigate, and since they have personal integrity, they do a good job and holder gets nothing.
But my point is this...Obama must have a serious case of cognitive dissonance. here he is raised to know all the faults, all the shortcomings, all the missteps that the US has taken over the years. He has had none of the patriotic, love for the US traditions, etc.
He gets elected, now he's the boss, so he's going to straighten out all the bad things the US has done in the past, he's going to strengthen her historical enemies, and weaken her historical friends, because...the past is just not fair.
Which is why Obama is closer to the muslim brotherhood than to the Lions Club. Also, I don't think he feels much closeness to his black brothers because he's only half-black, he was raised in a privileged white neighborhood, went to Yale, etc. His black criticizers are right...he's not down for the struggle. It never was a struggle for him.

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

newtboy says...

If you truly like this site, why do you constantly and consistently denigrate it in your comments?
I would bet that at least 90% of internet trolls would say the same thing...'I'm not a troll, I just hate (or-"have to hold my nose at posting" of 'X') most everything and everyone on or about this site and I'm going to tell you about what I see as it's problems and foibles daily. I have every right to express my opinion.'...yes, you have a right...but they way you go about it makes you a troll, IMO.

If I went to a right wing leaning message board and, daily, told them what misguided morons they all are, and how the site is worthless because it's nothing more than a bastion for the idiot right and all the misguided, America hating morons in it, I would be a troll. It would be obvious that I would not be intending to change minds, only to insult and lambast those I disagree with.

Please to are you different in the way you post here?

EDIT: Ultra left DOJ!!!! I was rolling on the floor at that one buddy, good one.
Almost as funny as you calling yourself "conservative"...what you are is a neo-con...which means you want to return to a past that never existed...a "new" (imaginary) past you wish to conserve...therefore "neo-con".
I am actually an old school republican, which are fiscally 'conservative' (which means we try to conserve our funds by spending them wisely on programs that save money as a whole, like upkeep of infrastructure...not the same thing as removing all spending/taxation)
-and a social liberal (Yes, real republicans are (were) anti-war, anti-corporatist, anti-religion in government, pro-environment, pro-freedom to choose your own morality, actual thinkers. Regan changed all that 180 deg. Now I have NO party that represents me. It's hilarious to hear you guys call me a "lefty" over and over!)

bobknight33 said:

I'm no troll. I like this site It truly bubbles up some truly good videos.
Like the 8-year-old-girl-shows-off-her-impressive-boxing-combination

Truly impressive.

Sure I have to hold my nose when posting of ...
Pro gay
Anti GOD
pro murder ie abortion
Blacks are guiltless in everything
Cops are evil
$15/hr for burger flippers
insert leftist cause here...
Etc, Etc

But I do have the right to point all you falsehoods in these matters. I don't always do since it just wasting my time.

I was right on the gentle giant in saying the cop was correct in his actions and was vindicated by the ultra left DOJ.

Hands up don't shoot was a made up lie.

But that does not matter to the left. All you see is a white cop killing a 16 yr old black boy.

Troll - I don't think so. Conservative- you bet I am.

Cop Smashes Cell Phone For Recording Him

bobknight33 says...

I'm no troll. I like this site It truly bubbles up some truly good videos.
Like the 8-year-old-girl-shows-off-her-impressive-boxing-combination

Truly impressive.

Sure I have to hold my nose when posting of ...
Pro gay
Anti GOD
pro murder ie abortion
Blacks are guiltless in everything
Cops are evil
$15/hr for burger flippers
insert leftist cause here...
Etc, Etc

But I do have the right to point all you falsehoods in these matters. I don't always do since it just wasting my time.

I was right on the gentle giant in saying the cop was correct in his actions and was vindicated by the ultra left DOJ.

Hands up don't shoot was a made up lie.

But that does not matter to the left. All you see is a white cop killing a 16 yr old black boy.

Troll - I don't think so. Conservative- you bet I am.

newtboy said:

So, you realize that if that's right, you guys are nothing more than hard core angry right wingers that spend all their free time whining on and trolling a "Leftist site", eh? There's just no way around that, is there?

Barack Obama interviews creator David Simon of The Wire

newtboy says...

According to multiple independent DOJ studies, yes, even black cops can be and often are racist, including being racist specifically against black people (what I'm sure you meant). Yes, Asians can also be racist. Thinking only whites can be racist IS racist...btw.

lantern53 said:

Cops are racist? Even black cops? Asian cops?

If I see a black person driving a nice car, I think...that's a nice car.

You, sir, assume a lot.

What do you know about what cops think? Sounds to me you are quite prejudiced. Isn't that what you are accusing cops of being?
Sounds a bit hypocritical.

Also, you owe cops everywhere an apology.

TYT - GOP Leaders Betray U.S. By Writing Letter to Iran

newtboy says...

YES!!! Who do I call? How does one pressure the DOJ to do their job and enforce the laws that govern our government?

Sagemind said:

So write them up on Treason.....(!?)

TYT - GOP Leaders Betray U.S. By Writing Letter to Iran

newtboy says...

Sure sounds like it fits the Logan Act to a T to me. Just because others did it and weren't charged in the past doesn't invalidate the clearly broken law.
Can anyone charge them with treason, or does it have to come from the DOJ, because I'm ready! Imagine, 3 years with standing, but absent republicans "in charge" of congress (but no longer having a majority vote)! Hilarious!
I love it that, in their 'open letter', they completely misrepresent the facts, congress doesn't ratify treaties as they claimed, nor does it take 2/3 vote to concede and let the president ratify them, and he doesn't need their concession anyway. D'oh! Another republican mega-fail. I hope they go down hard this time.

Sagemind said:

A violation of the 1799 Logan Act, which says starkly:

“Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

But hold on. .....

release us-a short film on police brutality by charles shaw

newtboy says...

Your organization (the police) has fought tooth and nail to keep those names and the numbers from being complied in a useable form, or viewable form. You know this well, and yet you dishonestly pretend that not having them somehow invalidates the numbers the DOJ compiled. They're hidden from the public by the police themselves, and there's only one reason for them to be 'hidden', police are embarrassed at the real numbers. Police kill >10 times the number of citizens compared to the number of people that kill police, yet police are constantly whining about how 'dangerous' their job is (not even in the top 10 most dangerous in America), and insisting on rules and equipment to allow them to kill more people with impunity while putting themselves at less risk. Most Americans don't think cops should have their own laws or loopholes, nor should they have any offensive equipment not available to the public, and there should be no purely defensive equipment outlawed.
Blacks aren't necessarily resisting arrest more often, they are definitely being attacked by police more often. 100% of dog bites on blacks is telling to anyone with a brain...but not to you. So is 85% of use of force being against blacks. Blacks have a reason to not want to be under police control, it never ends well for them, and often ends with them dead, it is never just a minor inconvienience.
How often are those reported 'black' suspects actually not black, pretty often.
Of over 500 innocent deaths per year in this law enforcement report, how many prosecutions? How many convictions? I bet close to 0...if not 0.
Hey Bill O, non-violent civilians are not actively fighting military, armed or not a war zone.
Since 99+% of officer's crimes are not even reported, and of those that are 99% are not investigated, and of the 1% of 1% left, <1% are prosecuted, so it's a good bet they got away with the improper behavior.
Wow, you're really blind to racism, aren't you? One person in a position of power does not erase racism, sometimes it causes it (can you say Obama)...and racism happens within races as well. The report on New Orleans shows that even when the police closely resemble the populace, racism still happens, even from black officers against black citizens. You've said some fairly racist things in this thread alone...but you are so used to blatant racism that you can't see your own racism, ever.
Eric Holder told us, we don't need to tell him. Give me a fucking break!
Now Bill O...that's a fraud.

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