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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And today it was revealed that by February 7, on tape, privately Trump was telling people, including Bob Woodward, that Coronavirus was terrifyingly deadly, incredibly more dangerous than the worst flu and airborne, while telling you publicly don't worry, it's barely a cold and not a bit deadly, gone in a few weeks.
He's also on tape discussing how it's NOT just old people dying, "it's young people, plenty of young people", that was mid March, but you still insist it's only elderly and safe for young people because that's the lie he told YOU.
Weeks later he told Woodward he always wanted to play it down, which led to his lack of response and 90% of American deaths and severe permanent disabilities.
Has he not lied to you enough yet for you to question his veracity?

Also, finally Moscow Mitch revealed his Covid recovery moratorium on evictions (so get ready for the homeless population to explode), no money for citizens, counties, or states (so be prepared for a drastic cut in local services, including police because REPUBLICANS are defunding them) but plenty for the coal industry.
WTF?! Somehow socialistic subsidizing of coal is going to help the economy recover and minimize the harm done to citizens? Not likely.

Also, more videos released today of right wing gangs, proud boys, violently chasing and beating a small group of peaceful BLM protesters, beating them with weapons to the ground, jumping on them and punching them in the head over and over and over and over and over and over and over, then pepper spraying entire canisters in the face of the near unconscious victims...on top of videos of the asshole prayer pussy who was shot in Portland with HIS armed gang shooting pepper balls from his truck at crowds and rushing at and bear macing the guy who shot him back in self defense. Sure is one hell of a lot of right wing violence at these left wing peaceful protests....the lions share.

Also, today Barr turned the DOJ into Trump's personal law firm by attempting to substitute the federal government for Trump in personal lawsuits against him, which means you get to pay off his mistresses and rape victims while he walks away muttering "sucker" at you under his breath. The government does not exist to take care of one man at the expense of everyone else, talk about wealth transfer, that's handing Trump hundreds of millions of tax dollars and a stack of get out of court judgements free cards. No complaints when tables turn.

And yes, I know you don't believe it, tapes or no tapes, video or no video, court filings or no court filings, but you have to admit it's getting harder to believe the lies with more undeniable proof coming out by the hour, and you have only one source left to believe, Trump himself, the rest are just repeating his lies so aren't sources.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Lol. If you honestly think that, you need serious help.

The president submits his budget to congress, they rubber stamp it mostly, then send it back for presidential approval. The president controls it more than congress, start to finish, they only make changes the president must approve.
The president has enormous discretionary spending abilities too.
I guess you forgot what Ukraine was about...the president withholding congressionally approved funds. It works the other way too, where they spend funds not approved....constantly.

The president can make presidential orders, emergency declarations, reappropriation, and other ploys to get around congressional approval for spending. Remember that wall Mexico was paying did it eventually get funded, (hint, not through the congressionally approved budget. He reappropriated funds for active duty family housing)

Edit: and now we're both right, as just yesterday the 9th circuit court decided Trump declaring an emergency at the border was a farce, his own DOJ numbers proved there was no need, no emergency, no caravans a comin, and that his misappropriation of the funding was unconstitutional....but I'm not a bit sure how that makes a difference since he already spent most of it. It was unconstitutional, but he did it anyway. They aren't going to recover those billions, so in reality being unconstitutional didn't stop anything.

Um...the "veto" we're discussing is actually technically called a "congressional override"'s when congress overrides a presidential veto, creating the law, not repealing it. Are you confused because I called it congress vetoing the president?

He withheld congressionally approved funds from an ally, costing them lives and loss of bargaining power in an attempt to blackmail their president into STARTING an investigation into a crime that clearly was impossible if you know the timeline. That harmed American interests both in the region and internationally, cost lives, and gave aid and comfort to our enemy, Russia...that covers treason pretty thoroughly. There was NEVER an investigation into Hunter Biden to drop. Fuck, you people are gullible and ignorant, and just refuse to check facts. The Burisma investigation was shelved long before Hunter worked for Burisma, and shelving investigations for bribes was what the prosecutor had been doing his entire tenure, and why EVERYONE wanted him gone besides Russia. There was no explanation because there was never any investigation. Duh.
Can you explain why you stopped doing something you never did in the first place? Why won't you explain why you stopped having sex with infants? Knowing why is a good thing.

Yeah, you probably repeat the nonsense about him getting what was it, $2 billion from China, or was it Trillion? He would have more money than Trump if either figure were true, but they're just not. Look into it.

Oh no, sir. They have repeatedly said, alone and as a group, that they won't publicly oppose him on anything significant or usually even anything minor because they fear he will not support them, will "primary" them, and without his cultists they stand zero chance of being reelected.

scheherazade said:

Congress controls the purse strings. The president has no control over budget or taxation or whatever.

Veto is a good thing. We have too many laws (~10'000 roughly wherever you set foot), and we get more every year. Start repealing.

Correct. I will not be complaining about Biden, I will be complaining about congress. President can't sign a law that isn't handed to him by congress.

The treason accusations are subjective. It's not like he sold out defense secrets to an enemy state. He *may* have pressured Ukraine to divulge why the investigation into Hunter Biden was dropped without explanation.

Knowing why is a good thing. I also think it's fishy that a politically connected American who doesn't speak Ukrainian and is not 'an energy man' is sitting on the board of a foreign energy company in a country we helped commit a coup in and getting paid a few million+ 50k/month.

It's not that Republicans don't dare to cross him - they infight with him all the time. They also have no alternative to him right now that doesn't involve giving up power entirely.


Did You Ever Imagine The President Could Act Like This?

newtboy says...

Let's not forget his executive order due this morning, drafts of which now released show him contradicting the first amendment to the constitution and directing the FBI, FTC, FCC, and DOJ to harass, punish, fine, and censor private businesses if they fact check HIS lies on their private platforms in any way....or apparently if the Whitehouse makes any complaints about them...and directed all federal agencies to not advertise on any platform the Whitehouse deems "unfair" (so soon the government will only advertise on OAN).

Where are the right wing 2a nutjobs now? They often claim the 2a exists to protect the other amendments...get to it people. If you don't go armed to the Whitehouse to protest this direct violation and decimation of the constitution, you are admitting that argument is bullshit and so is the 2a. You people went armed to state government buildings to forcefully protest public health orders because you were told they might violate your rights somehow. This time there's no "might" about it, Trump declared an executive order that is a direct, blatant, undeniable violation and attack on the constitution so clear even you can see it without Glen Beck telling you it is one.

Media Calls Baghdadi AUSTERE SCHOLAR?

newtboy says...

Asinine whining.

As was written in the obituary being referenced, he was once an austere religious scholar. The quickly changed headline was a cut and paste mistake, which was immediately replaced with "extremist leader". Get over it idiot snowflakes. No matter what the WaPo does, these morons will twist it to try to make it seem negative.

Now, @bobknight33, please explain why Trump notified the Russians ahead of the operation but ignored his lawful obligation to notify Congress. The answer is obvious, he believes he works for Putin/ the Russians and not America. His moronic excuse, that congress would have leaked it so he couldn't tell them, is not only just dumb, it's wrong and illegal, and doesn't make a whit of sense since he did tell our enemies-Russia and Syria. If congress had leaked anything about the secret operation before it was declassified, he could and would have insisted the DOJ prosecute them for releasing top secret info....and exposing top secret information is something Trump has done repeatedly, once directly telling Russian ambassadors top secret information that did irreparable harm to ongoing intelligence gathering against Daesh, then declassifying it after the fact.

Which mistake makes zero difference, and which is an intentional attack against American law, our government, and the constitution?

Giuliani/Trump Donors/Associates Arrested Fleeing The U.S.

newtboy says...

They've been under quiet investigation since at least February, probably longer. It only became public because they tried to flee the country after Giuliani met with them (and maybe tipped them off), and were publicly arrested at the airport. Duh.

If Obama's donors had funneled hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars of Russian money to him, his personal lawyer, and Pelosi to buy their interference in foreign countries against the interests of the United States and multiple laws, would you complain it was made public, or would you seethe, irate over the fact it was kept private and allowed to continue for so long by the DOJ? I know which.

Still feel like Trump's winning? Still claiming no collusion?

These guys, funded by Russians, paid Trump (and other Republicans) to do their bidding, illegally. They needed our ambassador, who wouldn't play ball in their corrupt schemes, removed, so they sold Chump a blatant lie that, in his deluded paranoia, and against all professional advice, information, and opinion, he naively believed and acted on. Zero question.

bobknight33 said:

If these guys did wrong then let them have their punishment.

That being said Looks like of a stunt that this was so public. Would have it been normally?

Mueller Explains He Was Barred From Charging Don

newtboy says...

Trump's presidency? It certainly is a sham.

No surprise you can't understand plain English. Being in a cult of personality has destroyed your less than stellar brain.
You describe Trump lying under oath as him being smart to not implicate himself but don't realize that means you admit the truth is he's a criminal.

Mueller said exactly what he means, DOJ rules did not allow him to even consider criminal charges, but congress's 400 pages of evidence about multiple high crimes that does not in any way exonerate the president. Congress has a duty to examine and act on that evidence. You hear that as "total exoneration, case closed".

What about the other three scandals that were exposed today? How will you excuse today's undeniable criminality, unpatriotic incivility, and his admission that his presidency is illegitimate?

One, perjury by dozens of official Trumpees about the racist census changes that prove they were designed to give "Republicans and non Hispanic whites an electoral advantage" and hurt the Democrats, and would have that effect according to studies they also hid and lied under oath about. Proof of the racist conspiracy going back to 2015 was uncovered, contradicting their testimony that the order came directly from the DOJ based on questions first raised in 2017. Gonna just wait until 10am to hear the party line in court, then whatever new lie they tell will be your answer I expect.

Two, the constantly shifting denial of the official Whitehouse orders to hide the John McCain and barring of sailors from the ship from events because the Biggest Loser throws a childish temper tantrum when he hears or reads the name. Gonna blame that on a subordinate and deny responsibility for those under him acting incredibly, offensively unpatriotic and disrespecting the military on his behalf in his name purely to stroke his ego...."with good intentions" (keeping Trump's ego unbruised), and just ignore the reason they had to do it too I expect.

Three, the accidental admission that Russia actually got him elected. That you'll call an intentional misunderstanding of a poorly worded tweet by the fake news lefty media not a Freudian slip or confession I expect.

Thanks for the opportunity to shine more light on more daily proof he's illegitimate, unfit for office, and surrounded by unscrupulous and lawless sycophants.

bobknight33 said:

What a sham

What kind of person would say it like this

Muller: “If we had confidence that the president did not commit a crime, we would have said so"

What he really said ..we do not have any evidence to charge Trump.

This was just a ploy to push the ball back in Nancy Policy lap to try to get her to push forward impeachment proceedings.

Emails Expose Efforts To Put USS John McCain 'Out Of Sight'

newtboy says...

This infantile lie over a narcissistic vendetta against a dead American War Hero by a draft dodging business failure and liar and his sycophants comes the day after they were caught lying under oath about adding citizenship questions to the census. Fortunately, the estranged daughter of Thomas Hofeller, who's involvement the administration had hidden and denied under oath, found and turned over hidden hard drives in his effects outlining his significant involvement to the ACLU, actually proving he orchestrated the addition and personally drafted the letter from the DOJ to the Commerce Department that instigated the addition to create a "structural electoral advantage for Republicans and non-Hispanic whites" and a "disadvantage to Democrats". His records also outlined a study he did in 2015 that showed exactly that same outcome from the addition of the question, despite the administration claiming under oath that the idea was first suggested by administration officials in 2017 without outside involvement or studies.
The administration has been given until 10am Friday to address this evidence of perjury by multiple officials.

Edit: and this morning he tweeted he had no part in Russia helping him get elected....which he later realized was an admission that he's an illegitimate president elected because of help from our enemy. The dumb just never stops from the Biggest Loser in Cheat.

Mueller Complained About Barr’s Letter to Congress

bobknight33 says...

Trump was illegally spied on from directive from some top DOJ / FBI/ DNI officials using the a bogus dossier from Russian bought by the Clinton's/ DNC groups. This was insurance to get rid of Trump if elected. They failed.

And this is just the cover to what the Obama administration was truly up to, Spying on Americans for reasons yet discovered.

2 1/2 years to prove that the Trump /Russia connection was BS . Now its Trumps turn.

The buttecup nonsense you site is good fodder just like Nader threatening Barr of Contempt if he doe not runt over unredacted Muller report. Its great for fund raising and grandstand but has no legal standing.

newtboy said:

370+ former federal prosecutors from both parties have signed a letter stating unequivocally that, were he not the president and being shielded from prosecution by the DOJ under some partisan theories/policies (but not by any law), Trump would absolutely be prosecuted for obstruction based on the evidence in the report....anyone else would already be in court.

Funny that some scream "exoneration!....sour grapes!...sore losers!" directly contradicting the report summation, but the same people want another Clinton investigation.

Mueller Complained About Barr’s Letter to Congress

newtboy says...

370+ former federal prosecutors from both parties have signed a letter stating unequivocally that, were he not the president and being shielded from prosecution by the DOJ under some partisan theories/policies (but not by any law), Trump would absolutely be prosecuted for obstruction based on the evidence in the report....anyone else would already be in court.

Funny that some scream "exoneration!....sour grapes!...sore losers!" directly contradicting the report summation, but the same people want another Clinton investigation.

If Fox News Covered Trump the Way It Covered Obama

newtboy says...

Yeah, like you've read it. We know that's what Dumb Donny told you. You know it's the heavily edited report, and it's still clear evidence Trump lies more often than not. Duh, Bob. Maybe don't leap before you look.

Not zero, plenty of convictions and admissions already, just not proof of prosecutable illegal collusion directly by Trump. Retweeting the Russians propaganda designed to elect him is collusion, meeting with Russian agents looking for illicit "dirt" on your opponent is collusion. Hundreds of contacts with Russian agents by his people that he outright lied about and hid, tens of millions paid to those in his cabinet by Russia that they lied about and hid before being caught and convicted.
34 guilty pleas are > zero. *facepalm

Obstruction charge is not a nothing burger, it's also not over by was quashed here by Barr, but Mueller was clear there was action that amounts to obstruction, but he was unable to charge the president due to DOJ rules and would not make a declaration if he couldn't make a charge. The report is clear, he was not allowed to make a conclusion, and Barr is a fixer for Trump, always has been clearly and unambiguously, it's why he was nominated.
The report delineated dozens of attempts to obstruct justice by Trump that his advisors knew were illegal and persuaded him to abandon....and they were usually fired for it.

What we can see undeniably is Trump has publicly outright lied about nearly every point in the report...thousands of times....and his administration has fully fallen in line and repeated his lies to you, now admitted under oath, but we know you don't care.
You wouldn't care that Barron's real mother is his 1/2 sister. There's absolutely nothing you could learn about Trump that would change your mind about him, cultists are like that.

We now know that when Trump said "fake news" it meant "that's true" every time.

We know for a fact that not a single person working for Trump is honest or trustworthy, every single one has lied to the public for Trump's benefit at the expense of the Union....doing Russia's work to divide us.

We know for a fact that you don't care he's a pathological fraud and liar because you love Trump far more than America. I believe firmly that if he raped your pre-teen daughter you would feel honored, not outraged.

You made a boom boom....and he's the fake/illegitimate president.

Edit: So I'll assume consistency and assume you just haven't gotten around to declaring there were no Clinton crimes either then, right? She actually WAS cleared in no uncertain terms after a number of purely political investigations, he was specifically not cleared in no uncertain terms after a republican led, highly interfered with investigation. If you're willing to declare it a nothing burger, what is the Clinton investigation, a nothing prime rib with a side of nothing fries and nothing pie for desert?

bobknight33 said:

Muller report is out

Zero. Collusion

obstruction that raises to a nothing burger.


Joe diGenova: Walls closing in on Obama DOJ officials

newtboy says...

Oops....they caught another admitted witch!
Today it's revealed Manafort is pleading guilty and cooperating with Muller.

It's pretty ridiculous to pretend the crime here is that Clinton bought a report from the Republican party that implicated Trump and the DOJ used said report as the sole basis to begin an investigation that actually began as long as years earlier.

It's also utterly ridiculous to pretend that investigation has found nothing, it's gotten convictions or admissions from every administration member that's been investigated. Most of them have publicly pointed fingers directly at Trump and are cooperating with the investigation.

But yeah, @bobknight33, the walls are closing in on the investigators and President Obama because President Petulance says so, but not on the subject of the actual investigation, an admitted and convicted fraud with a cabinet chock full of undisclosed foreign Russian agents. #derpstate

The GOP’s Corrupt Bargain with "Reckless," "Erratic" Trump

bobknight33 says...

Cheeto man 2020

The man is doing what he promised.
Swamp cleaning
Boente - Resigned -10/27/17
Yates Fired - 1/30/17
Comey Fired - 5/9/17
McCabe - Fired - 3/16/18
(Stepped Down 1/29/18)

Only Rod Rosenstein left…

And possibly whoever the AAG and DOJ signatores were

Mystic95Z said:

100% stupidity from someone who thinks cheeto man is great.

McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

No, I take the DOJ's word, and a court ruling.

You take the word of the accused and steadfastly refuse to investigate or believe any other contradictory source.

Everything you said is actually, factually wrong, which you would see if you looked at official sources and not Limbaugh and Breitbart, both of which are proven propaganda and totally untrustworthy.
Yes, right, IF any of that were at all true, there wouldn't have ever been a special council....but there still is, because it's simply not true. The investigation predates the dossier.
Of course, I know you won't look into it. There is none so blind as he who will not see.

No point you posting links, you linked to a virus host before, I'll never click your links again.

bobknight33 said:

Again, you take the lying media word over facts.

The FAKE Steele Dossier constituted the bulk of the facts submitted to United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to obtain FISA warrant(s) against POTUS….

The Dossier is proven to be fake and baseless.

If Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel based on the Dossier - and the Dossier was proven to be FAKE/DISINFORMATION - and the Dossier was proven to be the 'bulk' of the information submitted to FISA in order to obtain the warrants

(+FISA signers 'pre-mediated' neglect to disclose the actual FACTS (lied to)) -

Then how is Mueller still Special Counsel ?

And you say Trump is the bad guy. You might want to rethink you good guy bad guy idea.

Fyi Muller has a team of 17 layers and staff to witch hunt Trump. Sessions hired Huber and a team of 420 to find the truth... Well see..

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I said it on that post but I wanted to make sure you had a chance to really see the order straight from the DOJ

Trump is not under investigation for collusion. I assume you have time to look over the one page of things the Mueller team IS investigating, but saying he's not been found guilty of collusion, therefore there is no crime is like saying there's no evidence of tire fires in his backyard, so he's not guilty of anything. But they were never investigating a tire fire, and they were never investigating collusion.

Is the Trump presidency a religious cult?

bobknight33 says...

Trump represents himself as the opposite of everything wrong with Washington DC and Hillary Clinton and the last 8 years.

His agenda to to MAGA. and to drain the swamp.

He is bring jobs back and lowering unemployment. The tag line "Its the economy stupid. " rings true. After 8 years of poor growth and leadership indicating 2% growth is the new norm, Damn right people want someone who promises better. And Trump is delivering on the economy. Hillary really didn't have a message.

World affairs-- Tentative , promising ? still evolving, but hopeful. Got 3 prinisors out of NK, alive. It's a start.

Draining the swamp, dozens not seeking reelection or just leaving.
DOJ, FBI, Fired,resigned , compromised
Anthony Weiner laptop search warrant was unsealed today. Now more bad news for HRC and many more.
But the wheels of justice moves slowly.

Also The Inspector General final Draft is nearly completed--

Also noted that the FBI had a snitch placed in the Trump camp and was feed bogus information -- A total FBI scam.

If Obama delivered solid growth Hillary would have been a shoe in, as repulsive as she is.

Like how you blame Republicans for destruction in 2008. BS but ok lets go with it and take ownership. Obama took ownership in 2008 and was responsible for fixing the mess and he failed.

Clinton stood for what ? LBGTQ and universal healthcare.

newtboy said:

Cults of personality are rarely about religion.
Are you saying evangelicals aren't real Americans, or that they're just all hypocritical liars disingenuously hiding behind religion?

If it was the economy. stupid, the Republican party would have disbanded in 2008 after they utterly destroyed it, and you would be a Democrat.

It's tribalism. It's all about 'my team's right, yours is wrong,' that's why fiscally responsible anti war moralists so easily turned into deficit and debt exploding pro war immoral long as they wear the right color tie, absolutely nothing else matters to you.

You admit Trump's a consummate liar, but you naively continue to believe his cheerleading fluff that comes with far less actual info than Clinton offered and changes daily as he is forced to face reality and indisputable facts. Why?

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