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grspec (Member Profile)

Eklek says...

"The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead, a snuffed-out candle...."
Albert Einstein

This quote would fit nicely in your Mystery channel description I think.

Greening the Desert

youmakekittymad says...

really fantastic stuff. very reminiscent of janine benyus' work on biomimicry (the farm as prairie concept) and, by extension, rachel carson's work in raising awareness that we cannot farm by just covering our soil with chemicals forever.

anyone interested in this should also look up william mcdonough's 'cradle to cradle' work in architecture and design

Repossessed homes put families in street, Los Angeles

choggie says...

no dumbass, it's the cradle to the grave spin doctors on the heath bullshit......hell yeah the third world!??...been in the works to equalize the world's slaving ground for some time now kiddies...LA's a litmus for the whole cigar-Bring me your homeless and displaced, yer fuddled masses..(and bring your ass to Texas and we'll sell you a home! (best bang for your rapidly devalued Cali-dollar)

3-5 years for new currency, these deals CAN'T LAST LONG!!!!!
Cry Cry Cryyyyyyyyy.......cause you dinna read, the fine priiiiiinnnnnnTT!!!!

Obama's, I Have a Dream (Blog Entry by choggie)

choggie says...

Dave,Dave, a blog really is a place to dream....

OBAMA-Ill equipped Ideas, Ideology, experience, to act as President. Listen to the endless stream of meaningless garble-How prepared are you for sound bites to get you thru to the next freak-fest?
Big Government Socialist Agenda (one that has never benn tried yet, perhaps....reeking)
Fantasyland Ticket, give us what we deserve, Cradle to the Grave

Obama the Huckster, Obama the Mc Guffin
Double or Nuthin'
better than a dose of She-Clinton...
See thru the shit you think is Silk.....buncha putties.....

Thgen there's Mc Cain.....Jesus we're all gonna die!!!!!

Ron Paul is insane

10128 says...


Social Security *is* mis-used and it *is* horrifically broken. It isn't, however, an unnecessary burden to this country - it does a lot of good and has allowed several people that I know personally to subsist without reverting to begging their community or family for money. Perhaps this makes me biased, but I don't care - I see a benefit to the social security program in this country, warts and all.

You're seeing someone in need of money to sustain themselves, but you're not questioning the government's role in how they became that way, which is key to understanding this issue. If these people you know personally to have benefited from SS were to have retained that income throughout their life instead of having it taxed away from them, they likely would have been far better off financially and not in the situation you now use to justify Social Security in the first place. With a little self-responsibility, they could have invested that money in a personal 401k and benefited the economy and themselves far greater than if it had been taxed away from them. The minute you begin to use the argument that some people are not responsible enough to do this for themselves and need the government to step in and force all of us to do something for the "greater good," that's the moment you've forsaken liberty and entrusted a greaseball politician with your future and your children's futures. I don't trust someone else with my money to keep their promises. I don't make much money and would love to opt out of social security and take charge of my own money and retirement. But you know what, moonsammy, the government won't let me. It assumes that we are all children in need of taken care of from cradle to grave, and that we cannot spend our own money as well as they can, that we cannot choose teachers for our children as wisely as they can, that we cannot protect our property as well as they can, and they're wrong. It's an appealing concept to people, to go through life with a guardian angel called the government, but our forefathers distrusted men and government immensely because of the tyranny they had just defeated. The constitution limits the power of government explicitly. Come election season, the false promise works to greater effect than the truth. Obama will be elected, but it won't stop the greater depression of 2010 and China's subsequent rise to superpower status. Start buying your gold.

Regarding your links: wow, you're surprised I didn't read a libertarian think tank's website about the current plight of a social programs? I try to get my information from non-partisan sources.

They do cite sources underneath, you know.

I'll admit to not being a professional economic or historic analyst, but I'm pretty sure that being poor during the depression sucked massively, and that a social safety net would have been *really* useful back then.

Except you don't realize what caused the depression. It was the same government interference you trust to solve the problem. I'll also say that no it wouldn't have helped. SS would have collapsed. It would have been an incredible tax burden to those who managed to retain work. And the 25% who had no work had no income from which pay the SS tax. So many retired people wouldn't have gotten their checks, and the government would have had to borrow or inflate the money supply, debasing the purchasing power of the dollar. And remember as well that SS is a forced dependency, so no one would have had the savings that they had actually accrued in absence of SS after the depression hit. It would have decimated everyone.

I guess the thing that bothers me the most when people go around posting things about Ron Paul being idealistic, as though trusting a bunch of corporate-bought slickos to follow their own rules or genuinely care as much about you and your family as you do to be any less idealistic. Government is a necessary evil to protect people's rights, but it has no business in many of the affairs it is assuming today. The constitution held up fairly well, but time and human stupidity just proved too much. When we went from "only Gold and Silver" to central bank IOUs with nary an uprising, that was the end. The USA was the last stand on Earth. God help us all.

Beautiful sad song for a suicide: "Sweet Old World"

calvados says...

See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
The breath from your own lips, the touch of fingertips
A sweet and tender kiss
The sound of a midnight train, wearing someone's ring
Someone calling your name
Somebody so warm cradled in your arms
Didn't you think you were worth anything
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world

Millions of us in love, promises made good
Your own flesh and blood
Looking for some truth, dancing with no shoes
The beat, the rhythm, the blues
The pounding of your heart's drum together with another one
Didn't you think anyone loved you
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world
See what you lost when you left this world, this sweet old world

Reporter eats world's hottest chile pepper - poor bastard

White says...

my brother (dignant pink) once ate a full habanero pepper down to the stem. in his moment of suffering, he cradled his tear-stained head in his (unknowingly) juice-soaked hands. he claims he felt like he got maced in the face and had to claw his way blindly into the bathroom to wash his eyes out. this was all taking place at school.

Iron Maiden "Paschendale"

Linz says...

Upvoted for galloping beats with historical weight! Man I miss balls out old-school metal. Not like the cultural wankings of M.Manson and Cradle of Filth.
*ref for Richard: It's not an actual Cradle of Filth. That would be horrible

The Peace Prize is about the Anti-Bush?

Cop gone wild- Lying and making threats just part of his job

SciFi Books that should be Made into Movies (Scifi Talk Post)

Fletch says...

-Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle" (Appian Way, Leonardo DiCaprio's production company, is working on it)
-Card's "Ender's Game" (in pre-production now)
-The "Foundation" books by Asimov could be a really cool trilogy (or more) of movies, too
-And about a hundred fantasy titles by Piers Anthony, Raymond Feist, Robert Jordan, etc.

Spy vs. Spy: Cat's Cradle

Thief - Enter the Cradle

pyrex says...

Definitely needs to be watched fullscreen/using the VS "bigger" button below the video. Damn near impossible to see anything for most of the video at default size.

Anywho, damn I love the Thief series, even number three to a degree (woo rhyming). I started over with Thief 3 a few months ago, specifically to see the Cradle level when, inbetween gaming sessions, my motherboard fried. Guess I need another go :-D

Kurt Vonnegut Documentary

choggie says...

man thanks for linking those, this was a great docu-bio of sorts......Go rent "Breakfast of Champions" Bruce Willis is Dwayne Hoover....cast of greats, Nick Nolte, Barbara Hershey....and Wayne Hoobler is portrayed by...Omar Epps

Vonnegut Novels Adapted For Screen
2005 The American Ruling Class
1999 Breakfast of Champions
1996 Mother Night
1995 Harrison Bergeron
1991 Kurt Vonnegut's Monkey House
1986 Back to School
1985 D.P.
1982 Slapstick of Another Kind
1982 Who Am I This Time?
1972 Slaughterhouse Five
1971 Happy Birthday, Wanda June
Trials of Franz Kafka-(YEAR?)

they need to do "Cat's Cradle.....CGI would do it justice..oh and yessss, "Sirens of Titan"

Where are the Coen brothers when ya need em???

Sputnik - Another glorious victory for the proletariat

Farhad2000 says...

This is actually not a propaganda film, it is a documentary chronicling a scientist from the sputnik program. This is merely the intro to it. I will translate as best as I can.

"Mankind has had a hard road to knowledge on our world, always seeking to go where he hasn't been, to know what he didn't know. In spite of great danger he crossed great seas, stormed through forests, ascended above the clouds, descended to the depths of the ocean. In the face of innumerable hardships, he peered into the secrets of the living cell, the atom, he streams to answer all the questions of the world, to know himself better.

But never has mankind tried to tear himself from his own planet, and now has come the time when he takes the step out of his home. This is understandable. Man has grown.

The planet is our cradle, but we cannot spend all our time in the cradle. We are dedicating our film to the men of space, but we start with this great but humble scientist."

That was hard. I probably made a few mistakes as I don't know the English equivalent of some of the words.

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