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Cradle of Filth - From the Cradle to Enslave

Teacher Rejects the Madness of No Child Left Behind.

blankfist says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
Sure, I can imagine a wonderful privately run national school system. I can also imagine unicorns and the Yeti.
There are always fanciful dreams of utopian deregulated futures, but they never pan out when future becomes today. After California's disastrous deregulation of energy, you'd be insane to think that deregulation of education is a good idea. It would be awesome to have the Minotaur as a history professor or the Griffin for Phys. Ed, but I'd just assume not gamble education on unrealistic flights of fancy.

Now you're just being childish. I, too, can imagine a world where people believed their big brother government would take care of them from cradle to grave because that cwuddly-wuddly gwuvenment wuvs you and wants you to be safy-wafy.

One Very Strange Cat

NordlichReiter says...

It might have been trained to do that. One way to tell, take a small light and test the pupils to see if they react, if they don't, then you have a medical problem. Its unlikely that any one can keep their pupils from reacting to light stimulus.

On the other hand, if something has epilepsy there is not much you can do about it except create an environment that does not induce seizure.

To those of you out there that might witness a seizure and provide first aid: don't ever put any thing in that persons mouth(or cat). And cradle the head of the victim so that they (cat) do not damage their skulls.

And no you cannot swallow your tongue, but you can choke on it.

IT Crowd - Richmond, Track 4 And The Funeral

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'it, crowd, cradle, of, filth, british, comedy, tech, geek' to 'it, crowd, cradle, of, filth, british, comedy, tech, geek, noel fielding' - edited by mundanest

Survival of the Cutest -- A kitten survived in China's quake

netean says...

"can only hope he gives him the care that he deserves"

wouldn't count on it.. Chinese have no ethics or moral when it comes to animals. (they have little enough when it comes to people too) He'll probably keep it in a little cage for a few more months and then either boil it alive or just skin it alive.

If you're in any doubt.. ask yourself: if you saw this little kitten that had survived like that would you walk away cradling it or holding it like it was a bit of meat?

Have some tea with Cibo Matto

shuac says...

I saw CM at Cat's Cradle in Chapel Hill, NC 8 years ago(!!??) promoting Stereo Type A. Sean Lennon was with them playing bass and backing vox but let me tell you, he's got no business singing. You think Linda McCartney was bad? Yikes!

Awaiting the new record already...

Senator Bernie Sanders on Colbert

choggie says...

Universal Heathcare, fuck you.
In America, like pearls on a swine, her diet is what is killing her, and taxing the system, and making it unaffordable.....obesity, diabetes, heart disease....fuck em. Eat right and live well, or eat lazy, eat shit, and die.

You spend 10 years getting the country educated as to proper diet, while at the same time taxing the fuck out of companies that produce fast food, soft drinks, and refined sugar products, and guess what, you bleeding-heart, wannabe socialist, cradle-to-the-grave-fucks??!!!
A country of people who don't need much fucking health care at all......

And this fuck Bernie(throwback)?? Socialism is as dead stick as are most of the societal models created during this paradigm, change the way people love to have their head planted in their ass rather than think critically, show them the emporer with no clothes,and you discard this retrograde paradigm and replace it with humans being....

Top 10 Dunks - Shawn Kemp

RhesusMonk says...

Incredible. Pretty sure this is the very definition of awesomesauce. I remember a rumor that his hands were so small that he couldn't even palm a basketball. I'm pretty sure it was true, even though I couldn't confirm it with some digging; all of these dunks are either cradled (tomahawk) or two-handed. Also, Kemp was clearly Kevin Garnett's primary influence--he virtually emulates Kemp's style.

Stop The North American Union Documentary

choggie says...

Considering the rollicking up-vote history on this subject when posted (sarcasm), and the overall clientele's sensibilities here on the sift (head in own ass, do-nothing, liberalista putties who welcome ass-rape), why oh why Constitutional_Patriot do we even bother???.....they are buying this shit , hook,line sinker-styley, look how the sheeple fawn over Obama???
Listen to the continual laboring over non-issues like human rights abuses in Somefuckistan, or how health care and cradle-to-grave gimmies, will make all bad good, and worse better.....moreover, with each passing second, the same become more virulent in their disgust with morality, conservative sensibilities and injustice in the rest of the world, while all the while driven closer to slavery by the very shit they are told to think is of dire importance..... The globe is warming, but through the smokescreen, it's anyone's guess as to how or why-

Because critical thinking, is for losers-and newsspeak has always been an effective tool of control-

Most of the folks here could give a fuck about America, as long as their power is on, the last legal drug is flowing, and the internets are speedy.....

and while i'm at, "Fuck Anonymous, too"...if they really wanted to put an end to the twisted bile duct of a fucking mini system of control, they'd burn the fucking Scientology buildings to the ground....masks off!!!

The minute a Scientologist starts to run their bullshit down, you should audit their nose with a glancing blow, enough to break it and start the blood flowing....that, will give them a lifetime of reflection, meditation, and a bit of immediate awareness-They can say "I'll sue you" while bleeding some harmless nose-red syrup

Chicago Man Plans His Beer-Can Burial

Chomsky on socialized medicine

choggie says...

The illusion that most Americans who are calling for reasonable heath care (socialized, so you think) buy into, is that providing it to everyone will somehow miraculously give everyone full-access to dependable, reliable treatment-

The facts are thus: we have in the United States, way better facilities, doctors, and care than F, C, Cuba (for crissakes, are you kidding???) etc-The problem is simple:
Most monkeys are ignorant, simpering, fools who, A: Fear their own demise over all else the planet has to offer, and B: know absolute DICK about keeping themselves away from a doctor's office, because their diet is so fucked up-

Food is the poison my friends, and genetics and surprise conditions aside, the burden on the United States health care system comes from the poor (who are ignorant regarding nutrition) and ILLEGAL FUCKING ALIENS, you absolute dipshitz, who want the government to take care of you cradle to the fucking grave, GET A GRIP-

To suggest, that the reason you are going to vote for any of the candidates running on some illusory ticket which includes some universal health care scenario, reveals the absolute mind-fucking ignorance of that justification.

You want to blame the government??..Fine. You are an idiot.
You want to begin to understand the dynamics of the big picture, blame insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and yourselves for being so wide fucking asleep all your lives, regarding the whys behind the whats.

I carry no insurance-I need health care, I go and get whatever stitches or bones set that I need.....for free, without insurance-when I can afford to buy health insurance, I will do so when I need to avail myself of those services, at that time-This is the wonder, of being white and polite, in America

get rid of the invaders from Mexico, get rid of the World Bank, get rid of 1 percent of the world controlling the other 99%, take back what has been stolen from you, and miraculously, you may begin to see some real hem and haw about ancillary issues like this, is like looking through a telescope from mars at Earth on a cloudy day-diversion

snoozedoctor (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Once you declare a video * dead you have to wait 48 hours before someone beside the original poster can fix it. If the original poster does not fix it in that time frame then it goes to the Dead Pool. Once it's there there's a link you can click that says "fix video embed code". That is where you can replace the bad one with the good one. Because you had just declared it * dead you wouldn't be able to fix it immediately.

Don't worry; I just fixed it. Thanks anyway!

In reply to this comment by snoozedoctor:
I wanted to fix this one, but I still can't figure out how to bring them back from the dead. How do you do it?

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
From Wikipedia:

"Playing on stage with him in LA was one of the biggest thrills for me ever." Slash (Guns N' Roses)

"A beautiful man and an amazing guitar player. He was a very sensitive man and a great musician." The Edge (U2)

"Rory is probably the single guitarist who meant the most to me." Tom Guerra, guitarist of Mambo Sons

"It was all about him playing the guitar, it got into your soul." Cameron Crowe (Writer/Film Director)

"In the 70s he built himself a reputation as a live performer of tremendous vitality." "He was even headhunted to join The Rolling Stones." Niall Stokes (Editor, Hot Press)

"One of the things that was crucial for me I got from Rory Gallagher, which was the idea of, like, being a guitar player for life and living it." Johnny Marr (The Smiths/ The The/ Electronic/ Johnny Marr and the Healers/Modest Mouse)

"Rory's death really upset me. I heard about it just before we went on stage, and it put a damper on the evening. I can't say I knew him that well, but I remember meeting him in our offices once, and we spent an hour talking. He was such a nice guy and a great player." Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin

"So these couple of kids come up, who's me and my mate, and say 'How do you get your sound Mr. Gallagher?' and he sits and tells us. So I owe Rory Gallagher my sound." Brian May (Queen)

"Rory's death is a tragic loss of a great musician and a very good friend." Van Morrison

"The man who got me back into the blues." Eric Clapton

"An uncompromisingly serious musician" The Times, 16 June 1995.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

snoozedoctor says...

I wanted to fix this one, but I still can't figure out how to bring them back from the dead. How do you do it?

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
From Wikipedia:

"Playing on stage with him in LA was one of the biggest thrills for me ever." Slash (Guns N' Roses)

"A beautiful man and an amazing guitar player. He was a very sensitive man and a great musician." The Edge (U2)

"Rory is probably the single guitarist who meant the most to me." Tom Guerra, guitarist of Mambo Sons

"It was all about him playing the guitar, it got into your soul." Cameron Crowe (Writer/Film Director)

"In the 70s he built himself a reputation as a live performer of tremendous vitality." "He was even headhunted to join The Rolling Stones." Niall Stokes (Editor, Hot Press)

"One of the things that was crucial for me I got from Rory Gallagher, which was the idea of, like, being a guitar player for life and living it." Johnny Marr (The Smiths/ The The/ Electronic/ Johnny Marr and the Healers/Modest Mouse)

"Rory's death really upset me. I heard about it just before we went on stage, and it put a damper on the evening. I can't say I knew him that well, but I remember meeting him in our offices once, and we spent an hour talking. He was such a nice guy and a great player." Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin

"So these couple of kids come up, who's me and my mate, and say 'How do you get your sound Mr. Gallagher?' and he sits and tells us. So I owe Rory Gallagher my sound." Brian May (Queen)

"Rory's death is a tragic loss of a great musician and a very good friend." Van Morrison

"The man who got me back into the blues." Eric Clapton

"An uncompromisingly serious musician" The Times, 16 June 1995.

Emperor - Empty

Terry Jacks: Seasons in the Sun

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