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Rush Limbaugh Stoops To A New Low

Obama: Palin Denounced McCain's Negative Campaign Tactics

burdturgler says...

"John McCain’s running mate took questions from her press corps for the second time in three days late Sunday after flying into Colorado Springs. But Palin was not completely on message.

Wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt and standing on a breezy tarmac, Palin said that if she had her way, the McCain campaign and the Republican National Committee would not be flooding battleground states with automated phone calls tying Barack Obama to former radical William Ayers, as they have done over the last week.

Several top Republicans, including Senators Susan Collins and Norm Coleman, have condemned the tactic. Asked about those criticisms, Palin at first dismissed the matter as "inside baseball stuff" and said it's "some of the campaign top brass’s call on that."

But when asked if she would approve the use of robocalls if she were running the campaign, Palin said she’d probably chart a different course.

"If I called all the shots, and if I could wave a magic wand," Palin said, "I would be sitting at a kitchen table with more and more Americans, talking to them about our plan to get the economy back on track and winning the war, and not having to rely on the old conventional ways of campaigning that includes those robocalls, and includes spending so much money on the television ads that, I think, is kind of draining out there in terms of Americans' attention span.

"They get a bit irritated with just being inundated," she continued, "and you're seeing a lot of that of course with the huge amounts of money that Barack Obama is able to spend on his ads and his robocalls also."

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Phil Collins and Chester Thompson

IGS 2007: Kim Swift - 'From Narbacular Drop To Portal'

NordlichReiter says...

There are suits... and there are independents.


Digipen, fullsale, collins collge... there is nothing special about them.

There is no school that will train you for 5 year projects, 24 hour work days, and mountain dew.

If you want to do design games.. and are not the lucky 1% that make it right into a design position, I suggest you start testing games. Learn how to write ... well, be good at it. Have a portfolio, and then when you think that you are ready... put some ideas down on the designers. You could get lucky.

In short, dont asskiss, but cater to them.

Cheeeeeeeeesefest!!! (Dark Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

Here's a round up of everyone's fromage submissions, last chance to upvote if you've missed something. I'll be announcing the winners in about 15 hours or so, bloody time zones...














Cheeeeeeeeesefest!!! (Dark Talk Post)

McCain still claiming USA founded on Judeo-Christian values

quantumushroom says...

...with God, everything is permitted. Why? Because God provides a small number of very general rules. Everything else is fair game. And then you realize God didn't provide an interpretation of how and when to apply those few rules, so now everything becomes fair game!

With God, everything is doable, but there are consequences. Once again, atheists are choosing the parts of religion(s) they don't like and using them as walls to push against and build strength. You're trying to play the game with half a basketball.

Way to try and wrest your beliefs on the rest of the (sane) world.

The monsters of history were mostly atheists or believed they were God(s). That's fact. Now, once again, a disclaimer: there are good atheists and bad religionists.

Without belief in a higher power there is no "devil" to emulate. You fail at basic categorical logic since your devil is himself a higher power (an angel).

Semantics. You knew what was meant by "devil" in this context: someone who is out for themselves alone at the cost of all others.

Atheists are atheist about all gods and "higher beings", whatever you call them. They thus can't emulate them per se, but only emulate the characteristic behaviors ascribed to those entities by religious morons like you. Those behaviors are human, they are universal: they existed before religion and even before language, and they will unfortunately continue to exist for a long time.

And, per your uncreative insults, it's obvious that being an atheist lends no one automatic wisdom.

Since you have it All figured out, let me ask, since the limits of your behavior are defined only by getting caught or the fear of same, why aren't you out murdering people and taking their wallets when you need money? Why don't you kick children who are in your way? After all, since you're not a kid you can't be easily kicked back. Why don't you cut lines and jump subway turnstiles? Eat food off the shelves as you walk through the supermarket? After all, rules and laws are just made up by other people, as long as they can't or won't stop you (or don't see you) you're free!

To be an atheist is to believe that Hitler and Mother Teresa are now both equally dust and nothingness.

Let's see here... "for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." (Gen 3:19) Oh, I guess you didn't read that? It's kind of near the beginning though.

That's referencing the mortal body, not the eternal soul. Genesis in this case, is not a new brand of Axe Body Spray or Phil Collins's old gig.

As for me I think Hitler, by showing us the darkest side of humanity and uniting the rest of the world against him has done a much better service to the world than the prayers of Mother Teresa or anyone else ever did. And if you really read history, you would know the Spanish Inquisition was more like Nazi Germany than anything else in recorded time.

So Hitler was just a "bad example" while Mother Teresa cannot serve as even a good example?

More people died under atheist-led regimes than in all the religious wars of history. The peaceful "philosophy" beyond-all-gods is swimming in an ocean of blood.

If people were capable of crystalline reasoning and not tricked by their own hearts, there would be no need to acknowledge a Higher Power.

This could be true if a higher, benevolent power spoke directly to us all at the same time. But as it is now, the representatives of that higher power are human and thus are bound to be "tricked by their own hearts" and incapable of crystalline reasoning.

You're building a straw man. I'm not telling anyone to believe any particular way, except to suggest that in this Age of Stupidity, one's own judgment and values may not be the wisest, and certainly not at all times. Atheism, in that way, has no room for growth. If you're a mote in a pointless universe, then what? You've narrowly defined who the representatives of God might be and also Who or What God is. You've made the God-concept in your own image so you can knock God down. I freely admit my words don't prove there's a God, but yours don't disprove either.

What they say is bound to be tainted by "humanity" even if they received a message from higher up (this is even truer if you think all lay people can be representatives of the higher power, like the protestant churches). Thus, whether or not there is really a higher being is a moot point. What matters is that some people truly believe in this illogical bullshit, for better or (mostly) for worse.

FAITH IS NOT LOGICAL. That's why it's faith. People who have only their own hearts to follow are angered when told they're tricked--constantly--by their own emotions. Religion addresses the forest of emotions. Logic addresses the acorn of reason.

What I said here is probably beyond your comprehension, but I thought it would do some good to someone (starting with me).

Since I've been an atheist, I've heard all this before. Atheism doesn't lead nowhere because there's nowhere to go, but because it can only accept Nowhere as the final destination.

This is the problem with religious freaks. They don't even know their own Bible. Hypocrites every one of them, IMHO.

Do you really believe only religion is hypocritical while atheism is "honest"?

In the words of one of my favorite movies, quantumushroom: "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting."

Well then here's your movie quote reply, "I'm not even supposed to be here today."

I prefer clarity to agreement. Good evening.

You sunk my battleship

spoco2 says...

The sub doin' the shootin' was a Collins Class sub, initially a laughing stock in Australia due to them having very noisy engines and other issues that were slight downsides for a stealth vehicle.

Apparently they run pretty well now, but they hardly make Aussies proud when we hear the name 'Collins Class'

The Bystander Effect: Genovese Syndrome

pipp3355 says...

Downvote for misleading content:

"A September 2007 article in American Psychologist that reviewed coverage of the Kitty Genovese murder in social psychology textbooks concluded the story of 38 witnesses is not supported by fact, and is more like a parable. See Manning, R., Levine, M., & Collins, A. (2007). The Kitty Genovese murder and the social psychology of helping: The parable of the 38 witnesses. American Psychologist, 62, 555-562."

Miami Vice - In the Air Tonight

Don't Mess with Buzz

"The girl born without a face:" Treacher Collins syndrome

chilaxe says...

>> ^mauz15:
Mind explaining the Religion label?

For many people, Juliana's story has a strong spiritual side to it, and that seems to help her parents get through things. I've removed the religion channel, though, in case it's controversial.

Darwin Gets PWNED by God Tube.

chilaxe says...

^Raigen:"All of this does not mean, however, I don't concede to the idea of a Creator. To deny the existence of something isn't science, and it isn't smart."

We can, though, make reasonable statistical estimates . In several decades it's going to trickle down that our religious experiences, which are generally the final proof of religious forces, are generated by turning off some neurocircuits and turning up the power on other neurocircuits.

Want to feel at one with the universe? Turn off the part of your brain that develops in infancy that allows us to distinguish between our body and environmental objects.

That coupled with the many senseless injustices like Harlequin babies (sift), "the girl born without a face" (sift), and biological intersexuality (sift), and you have a pretty good argument against the idea of a creator.

Malice in Wonderland

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'LSD, animation, bad, trip, orality' to 'LSD, animation, bad, trip, orality, Vince Collins' - edited by jonny

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