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The Postal Service Covers Phil Collins - "Against All Odds"

Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day (trailer)

Sam Harris on Real Time with Bill Maher 8/22/09

chilaxe says...

"I think I'll let Sam Harris speak for himself, and link you this massive humiliation of Francis Collins, which he wrote a few weeks ago:"

That's astounding that Francis Collins can make those magical fairy-land statements listed in that article and be as successful as he is. From those quotes, it's clear he doesn't even understand the basic concepts underlying science, such as evidence and the 'burden of proof.'

We live in a big world, but it's not big enough. There apparently weren't any scientists who were charismatic enough and talented enough at administration to outcompete a fairy-believer like him for his new job as the head of the National Institutes of Health.

If politicians want someone who's religion-friendly for that position, then potential candidates must, as a matter of good PR and marketing, make themselves religion-friendly.

Sam Harris on Real Time with Bill Maher 8/22/09

BicycleRepairMan says...

would the fact i am a man a faith color or cloud my theories and conclusions in your eyes?
could you still be objective about my work knowing i had a belief system entirely different from your own?
or would you villify my work as false and unreasonable due to the fact i was a man of faith?
make it your mission to help me see reason,see the light of logic and abandon my silly,childish ways?

I think I'll let Sam Harris speak for himself, and link you this massive humiliation of Francis Collins, which he wrote a few weeks ago:

I don't have a problem with Collins (or Miller, or any other religious scientists) being religious, or Christians, the problem only comes when the religion so clearly clouds peoples judgments on scientific or political issues. You could be the best scientist in the world AND wear magic Mormon underpants and a tinfoil hat while using all your money on dianetics counseling for all I care, as long as you somehow manage to maintain full scientific rigor and attitude in lectures, books and papers you do in your science. Its just that when you get down to it, neither this clownish behaviour or just regular christianity is REALLY compatible with a scientific approach. As much as I admire Miller and his butchering of creationism, he gets really dizzy when he actually tries to defend his god. In short: Yes, you can be both a great scientist and religious, but its sort of like being a great husband and occasionally cheat on your wife.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

How Media Would Cover the Moon Landing If It Happened Today

Don't Mess with Buzz


George Carlin on the King of Pop

rougy says...

Who can tell?

Carlin agrees with me about 9/10.

(but I cried when he died, and I put his picture on my mantel)

I know that I was between Cheyenne Wyoming and Fort Collins Colorado when Elvis died, coming back from a cattle show.

Sinatra lived a life none of us could understand, where the line between law and crime was thin and ever changing.

Essentially, each man had two sides: the man and the artist.

I will remember the artist with love.

What is the purpose of life?

chilaxe says...

I can think of some good purposes in life.

First off, I'd like kids born without faces to have faces:

Second off, I'd like to give "harlequin babies" a full lifespan and the qualities of human babies instead of looking like monsters:

Third off, I'd like kids born with mixed genders (partially formed male and female reproductive organs) to have only 1 gender. I'm not talking about a cosmetic band-aid, like cutting off their partially formed male reproductive organ and calling them a girl, I'm talking about genuinely 1 gender per baby.

I don't see how someone could make an argument for these conditions. (Best of all possible worlds, right?)

Check out ma mad rhymes yo

Sagemind says...

He has Treacher Collins Syndrome!

The Master Plan: Every dead celebrity on the face of the Earth understood one simple rule: take what you've been given naturally and exploit yourself dry. Commonly, these assets include beauty, wealth, talent, and charisma. TsimFuckis understands his God-given assets: a voice to pinch the ear drums of the most hardcore helium junkie, a head two times too small, googly eyes the size of belt holes, awesome pecs, a penis growing out of his spleen region, and a heart full of rage. Because of his self awareness and his willingness to embrace his deformity."

Grimm (Member Profile)

Jon Stewart: Obama, We Hardly Know Ya!

The Hangover Red Band Trailer: Mike Tyson Sings Phil Collins

Your business card is Crap!

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