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New Anti-Palin ad: "Heartless" - from Planned Parenthood

Anybody Have That Annoying Friend? (Food Talk Post)

Sarah Palin as VP? (Election Talk Post)

dag says...

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In all truth, probably little overlap. I may have watched her play basketball against my high school. But you know, who knows - Deathcow or I may have toked up with her at some point. Why ruin a good story. yes ... it's coming back to me now ...

It was February of 1987. A boombox with Judas Priest was playing Hell Bent for Leather. We were behind the Wasilla Carrs supermarket, in the little stand of trees there. Pepsi and Mountain Dew Cans littered the snow. They were all deformed into makeshift pipes -- punctured, used and discarded.

Much like the girls who clustered around the heavy metal boys in that chilly circle.

I was in my light Member's Only jacket, defying the freezing air. She was wearing a ski jacket. Her hair was poofed up in a ball, frozen on top of her head. I was close to her, I could smell the Aquanet that made her hair perform its unnatural act.
"Pass the pipe Sarah" she was holding her breath - the Pepsi can saddling its small package of pungent herb.
"Hold, on - I got room for one more." She croaked in reply, sucking the last of the green down into the can. Nothing left but burning ashes. "Here you go, enjoy that." She snickered, walking off into the dark.
"Dude, that's so uncool". I dropped the can into the beaten snow watching her fading figure return to the light, while I stayed in the darkness of the wood. Judas Priest played on.

Guy Takes Shot of Habanero Sauce in His Eye

What can you do with Flamin' Hot Cheetos??

Zonbie says...

sugar,sugar,cheese (60%), chilli (19%), more chilli (90%), flaming turds,chemical E400, chemical E701, caustic acids (sulphuric, phosphorus) tobacco factory floor scrapings (4%), arse residue (3%) more cheese, battery acid

Groovy Dancing World

choggie says...

Hmmm, I'd say yer gayin' up the place then, duuuude-....the infatuation lies with people switching on, dannybnunchanumbers, and giving the planet the what for....Take a lesson from Trinity here, and getcha some Kung Fu upgrades.....(translation: Because she's hotter than shit, DUMBASS!!!)and choggie needs a chilly-shower...Hey danny&34&#??...Wanna take a shower??

L Ron Hubbard Remix - Whatsa matter with you hat?

Zero Punctuation Review: Heavenly Sword and Resident Evil 5

Cheese Addiction (Food Talk Post)

choggie says...

There is no cheese that I would not eat, few that I have not eaten, and none that is so stinky that I would not spread it on anything suitable and chow.

a nice wheel a Gouda smoked slow next to the BBQ, and eaten while waiting for the carne.....mmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Welsh Rarebit:

* 25g Butter
* 150ml Welsh ale-(use milk, if you don't want to have trippy dreams)
* 175g mature Welsh farmhouse Cheese (you can replace this with the sharpest cheddar you prefer-(NO SUBSTITUTES FOR SHARPNESS!)-meaning no poncy chesse you happen to have lying about
* 25g Flour
* 1/2 tsp prepared mild Mustard (Coleman's is best)
* 2 egg yolks
* 4 slices bread


1. Place the butter, milk or ale and cheese in a saucepan and heat gently until melted and smooth in consistency.

2. Stir in the flour, and bring the mixture to the boil, stirring constantly.

3. Remove from the heat and add the mustard and seasoning. Leave to cool for 5 minutes, then whisk in the eggs.

4. Toast the bread on one side, turn over and divide the rarebit mixture between the slices.

5. Place under a hot grill and cook until bubbling and golden.
Welsh rarebit is traditionally served on toast, sometimes with a poached egg on top. Many chefs have taken to using the rarebit mixture for more adventurous dishes such as a topping for fillet of Welsh beef, or cod. It's ideal as a vegetarian dish and is exceptionally good poured over roasted vegetables, then baked in the oven until golden.
You can add various flavourings to the rarebit base such as herbs, fresh chilli, garlic, cooked leeks, chopped ham

Perfectionist's note: Welsh Rarebit is a stand-alone affair-a good sourdough is best-Her starter's activity, together with the beer's yeast and other constituent's, the actives in the cheese, the mustard, have produced repeatable mildly psychoactive, nocturnal effects when eaten on an empty stomach, just prior to bed.-choggie hasn't made this in a number of years-djsunkid is about to, and tell us all about his whacky night-moves......

Chilly Willy the Penguin - Half-Baked Alaska

Ann Coulter vs. Elizabeth Edwards

Global Warming Will Kick Yer Ass!!

SuperSize Me

Global Warming Will Kick Yer Ass!!

Ape Warfare - Exercise One

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