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MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

shinyblurry says...

>> ^Sagemind:

I want to believe they were saying Romney and he was adding Ryan, but no matter how many times I listen to it with headphones, turned up, it just sounds like Ry-an, Ry-an, Ry-an, then Romney adds his name.
It could be either way, but to my ears, they are saying Ryan.

This is good evidence for the power of suggestion, but the crowd is saying Romney. I heard Ryan too after seeing the captions. Here is what reporters who were actually there reported the crowd was saying:

@3:35 p.m.: Ryan pauses for a moment while the crowd begins to chant, “Romney, Romney, Romney …”

@3:36 p.m.: Mitt Romney begins speaking to the crowd. Asks them to chant, “Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan …”

Even the New York Times reported it accurately:

After Mr. Ryan whooped up the crowd in Vandalia on Tuesday, Mr. Romney moved to the front of the stage. As the crowd began chanting “Romney! Romney!” he cut them off.“Wait a second,” Mr. Romney said, instructing the audience to cheer for “Romney-Ryan! Romney-Ryan!” They did.

“There we go,” he said, pleased.

Joe Scarborough reacts to Romney clip

Shepppard says...

Actually, after listening to it a couple times, It sounds like the crowd is meshing Ryan/Romney then Romney/Ryan, half is saying one thing the first chant, while the others are cheering the other name.

Sad to say that I think he was actually just trying to get them all cheering the same thing at the same time.. as awkward as that looked.

Joe Scarborough reacts to Romney clip

Ravens Fans Chanting Bullshit vs the Patriots

Yogi says...

>> ^direpickle:

@Yogi I wrote this big long reply, but screw it. Synopsis:
I don't blame the replacements. They're making understandable mistakes based on what their actual jobs are. I blame the people causing the lockout.
I agree they're not as bad as the media is making them out to be. I have been curious about seeing the exact same sort of studies you mention. I'll have to Google. I do find it hard to believe that they're not measurably worse, though.
Bad penalty-calling aside, they're almost definitely breaking the flow of the game as they try to figure out the rules. There's frequent overlong stoppage of play for no real reason. Again, not totally their fault. Maybe this happens with the regulars and I just don't remember, but it seems way worse.

Here's my reply to all of this. I don't really care all that much. What pisses me off is that this is a big deal when our country is fucked. People don't have jobs everywhere, our economy is shit, and the government is giving the rich everything. So why do we care about these millionaires not getting calls in their "Game." I played football all my life, and I like the NFL, but they're expecting me to care about people with soo much money it's obscene. Fuck Them. They need to shut the fuck up.

Ravens Fans Chanting Bullshit vs the Patriots

Yogi says...

>> ^direpickle:

>> ^Yogi:
I don't get why coaches think officials are idiots. We know you're trying to cheat the system, we know you're not trying to call a time out. You're a lying sack of crap and you should be called on it.

Have you been following what's going on at all? These aren't the regular officials. These are replacements called up from like division III college football. They are getting the rules wrong. They aren't calling personal fouls. Players are getting hurt. Teams are getting four, five timeouts in a half because the officials don't know what they're doing.

Yeah I have been following what's going on. It must be pointed out that several colleges are doing studies on this and what they found is that the same number of calls and mistakes have been made by the replacement officials as were made by the regular officials by this time last year.

A lot of the sports media is having a field day with this because controversy, even made up controversy generates pageviews and ratings. You are being fed sensationalist lies. I believe having watched several games this season that these guys aren't as good as the officials they replaced but they're much better than the media and stupid fans would have you believe.

They're also A MILLION FUCKING TIMES BETTER, than the fatass fucks that are constantly saying they're shit. Fatass fans need to shut up and volunteer to referee, we're always needing more because they quit after being screamed at too much by dumbass fans.

Ravens Fans Chanting Bullshit vs the Patriots

direpickle says...

>> ^Yogi:

I don't get why coaches think officials are idiots. We know you're trying to cheat the system, we know you're not trying to call a time out. You're a lying sack of crap and you should be called on it.

Have you been following what's going on at all? These aren't the regular officials. These are replacements called up from like division III college football. They are getting the rules wrong. They aren't calling personal fouls. Players are getting hurt. Teams are getting four, five timeouts in a half because the officials don't know what they're doing.

George Osborne Gets Booed at the Paralympics

Ron Paul's Maine delegates protest RNC

VoodooV says...

to be fair, Paul is not a republican, so dunno why he seeks the Republican nomination.

I swear, this is the 2000 and the 2004 elections all over again. Ron Paul is "republican" version of Ralph Nader who will siphon off republican votes and give Obama an even bigger victory.

and it's just like 2004 in that the republicans are chanting "anyone but obama" just like dems chanted "anyone but Bush" in 2004. Kerry is a weak candidate just like Romney is.

Ron Paul's Maine delegates protest RNC

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Planned Parenthood Sues Arizona -- TYT

VoodooV says...

Back in Goldwater's era, sure you'd still probably disagree with a Republican, but you could have a rational discussion with them and they'd make valid points instead of just chanting USA USA USA and accusing anyone who doesn't agree with them of socialism.

Of course, back then, we were worried about the Russians so it was easier to unite together and ignore political differences. We have no major foreign threat to worry about we fight with each other instead.

Millions of Unknown Creatures Washing Ashore in Hawaii

The Dark Knight Rises - Trailer #4

The Dark Knight Rises - Trailer #4

If diablo was a girl

mentality says...

>> ^00Scud00:

And all the people who bought Diablo III are now chanting "and now we know.... how ridiculous having to to be always online for single player is."

I've put 8 hours into the game since launch, and except for about an hour of error 37, the game has been running fine. I expected that they'll have some hiccups at launch, but the worst seems to be over. The game itself is well worth the hassle.

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