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Bigger Pizzas: A Capitalist Case for Health Care Reform

VoodooV says...

and the people chanting "LET HIM DIE!!" are supposedly in the "pro-life" party.

I have no problem with personal responsibility. Contrary to what the GOP, Tea Party, and Libertarians would have you believe, pretty much everyone believes in personal responsibility and having consequences for your actions.

But there is a significant difference between:

1. Hey, you made a bad choice, sorry, but you don't get to have a two week vacation in cancun, you don't get to buy your kids the latest iPhone, sorry, that new car will have to wait a bit. You'll probaby have to sell your expensive home, yet still be able to have a basic home or afford a non-slum apt still.


2. Hey you made a bad choice, you now have to go live in an alleyway and/or live your life in severe physical pain and have a shortened life-span. Sorry, you won't be able to send your kids to college or retire now. Oh and I forgot, we're also going to make it as hard as possible for you to recover from your bad choice. You might as well brand yourself a failure forever. No second chance for you!

dead people can't learn things.

Plane Loses Power Cockpit Footage

CrushBug says...

Since there is no sound, put on your best female robot voice and start chanting with the video:


EPIC grenade wrestling finishing move

digitalpimp (Member Profile)

Margaret Thatcher - (1925 - 2013)

Jinx says...

On the Guy Fawkes night following her deperature from number10 I remember my family burnt an effigy of Thatcher in Fawkes stead, chanting "Burn the Witch" and singing "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead." Certainly one of my stranger childhood memories.

Funnily enough:

(Why is sift mangling this link ;3)

Bengal Cat Dancing on top of Dog’s Head

Worlds largest Big Mac unveiling

Krupo says...

*promote the crazy burger thing - the song/chant is the jingle for the ingredients of the Big Mac. Used to figure prominently in their marketing. Clearly this demographic knows it too well!

Bitter Pill - Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us Part 1

00Scud00 says...

I'm always amazed how some people seem to treat the term "free market" as if it's some magical mantra, and that by just chanting it often enough it will somehow fix everything.
What if the market were allowed to push prices down? If there are enough big corporate interests involved what makes you think they won't collude to keep prices high, who's going to step in and offer cheaper services when business is all about making as much profit as possible?
Is the current government system corrupt and flawed? Hell yes, but that just means we need to fix the system so special interests can't just buy influence with truckloads of money. The special interests meanwhile want to end government influence simply because it's one less person they have to bribe once they are gone. The idea that everything will be unicorns and rainbows once the government is out of the picture is just a fallacy perpetuated by those who simply want to do away with annoying rules that prevent them from doing whatever the hell they please, or at least make it easier and cheaper.

renatojj said:

If the market were allowed to push prices down, people would resort less to insurance and pay for medical services through other means. You can thank the collusion of government and big business for keeping prices high and making health insurance such a big part of healthcare. Now it's even mandatory. They're forcing you to pay for their costly shitty services.

Don't think government has your best interests at heart when they "extend health care benefits" or whatnot, it's just more meddling engendered to stifle the market, to keep competition out, and help big business with whatever makes them more money.

So, you're blaming BIG BUSINESS. I'm blaming BIG BUSINESS + GOVERNMENT. You can't get rid of big businesses, you shouldn't. You can, however, relieve their unfair entrenchment in the market, by getting GOVERNMENT out of the equation.

Futuristic highways in the Netherlands

Game Stopped Because of Racist Chants Against Boateng

Actual Gun/Violent Crime Statistics - (U.S.A. vs U.K.)

shatterdrose says...

My mom thinks me using facts is racist. Poor people tend to be black. Poor people tend to commit crimes. White people tend to move away from black neighborhoods. I suppose I should have spent less time studying political behavior in my state and more time making jokes.

"What's the difference between a black man and a white man?" "A job." - From the woman who calls me a racist for saying most violent crime in the US is black on black crime.

The biggest issue with the mainstream and statistics is that unless it plays into their stereotypes of behavior, they don't care. And when it does, they don't really care about the real cause.

From Wiki: (Violent Crime, UK)

"Includes all violence against the person, sexual offences, and robbery as violent crime.[8]
Rates of violent crime are in the UK are recorded by the British Crime Survey. The Home Office Statistical Bulletin on "Crime in England and Wales" summarizes the findings of this survey. For the 2010/2011 report,[9] the statistics show that violent crime continues a general downward trend observed over the last few decades as shown in the graph.
"The 2010/11 BCS showed overall violence was down 47 per cent on the level seen at its peak in 1995; representing nearly two million fewer violent offences per year."[citation needed]
Regarding murder, "increasing levels of homicide (at around 2% to 3% per year) [have been observed] from the 1960s through to the end of the twentieth century". Recently the murder rate has declined, "a fall of 19 per cent in homicides since 2001/02", as measured by The Homicide Index.
By contrast, there is a widespread belief that violent crime is on the rise, due largely to a mass media which disproportionately reports violent crime. This phenomenon is described by Steven Pinker in The Better Angels of Our Nature."

(Violent Crime, US)

"The United States Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) counts five categories of crime as violent crimes: murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. It should be noted that these crimes are taken from two separate reports, the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), and that these do not look at exactly the same crimes. The UCR measures crimes reported to police, and looks at Aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, and robbery. The NCVS measures crimes reported by households surveyed by the United States Census Bureau, and looks at assault, rape, and robbery. According to BJS figures, the rate of violent crime victimization in the United States declined by more than two thirds between the years 1994 and 2009.[10] 7.9% of sentenced prisoners in federal prisons on September 30, 2009 were in for violent crimes.[11] 52.4% of sentenced prisoners in state prisons at yearend 2008 were in for violent crimes.[11] 21.6% of convicted inmates in jails in 2002 (latest available data by type of offense) were in for violent crimes.[12]"


If you didn't want to read that babble, quick and simple: they're one and the same. From my understanding, both countries use the Type 1 list: a crime against a person in which injury or death may occur. In some cases, just because no one was hurt, doesn't mean it wasn't a violent crime.

Which brings up the other point to be made. Is the reporting of the crimes uniform? Do the Brits report EVERYTHING, as opposed to what's somewhat routine here in the states where crimes often go unreported, even when the police show up? Domestic violence only exists if one person files charges. The victim could be bruised, bleeding, broken bones etc, but if they're not willing to file a charge, no crime occurred.

Or, more so, do street brawls get reported more often in the UK? If I punch some dude, does that go onto a record somewhere where as in the states, I've been in many fights where even if the police broke it up, no reports were ever filed.

All of this is useful information, but so far the data is pretty superficial. The comment the video makes about "put on your boots and go find out" (paraphrased) is pretty much the only solution I can think of. Then again, it's the same solution that people have been chanting for for generations and have yet to see the high and mighty Elite do it.

Man Gobbles at Turkeys, Turkeys Gobble Back

Chimps vs. Raccoon WAIT FOR IT

seltar says...

I don't understand why people are getting their panties in a bunch as much as they seem to do over this video. Especially the people chanting for the guy who was laughing to be torn limb by limb!?

How is it different from a cat playing with a mouse before eating it? Or the thousands of other examples of fucking NATURE!

Maybe something to do with them being bipedal? Might hit a bit too close to home for some people..

Also, there are no rules in the animal kingdom, so there are no "cheap shots".
Humans invented rules to all sorts of things in society, including fighting, and I'm pretty sure other animals don't really have that. At least not towards other species.

I'm not saying I enjoyed what the monkeys were doing to the little fella, but I can understand somebody laughing at the entire scenario unfolding before their eyes. To chant for his head on a stake seems worse than what the chimps were doing.

Romney silent on climate change

BoneRemake says...

Why does no other country seem to chant it's name/acryonym when someone does something out of the ordinary. Really ? have you ever seen a clip of Greece or Russia or canada or Britain chanting their name like its a fucking hockey game ? what is up with that ? really ? what is up with chanting U.S.A ?

Romney silent on climate change

ctrlaltbleach says...

I don't really know with a 100% certainty that humans are 100% responsible for climate change but I do believe that we do create and are creating an impact. I don't know the science behind it but when I see that scientists tend to believe it is real and is happening I have to give that credibility because who would know better than they? What I think is even more important than climate change however is it's big brother sustainability. I bet the people in the audience would chant U.S.A. to that question as well. Mainly because people are afraid of the answer to that question and they would rather pretend it doesn't exist. I believe they think the present is more important than the future. But, when helium and tungsten prices start shooting through the roof and people are no longer able to afford to blow up a balloon for their kids birthday and light bulbs start steadily rising in costs these problems will no longer be avoidable. I think that is what scares me most about this video is we could be doing something about it now.>> ^bobknight33:

There is climate change then then there is Al Gore and the leftist man made climate change.

Man made climate change theory is pure BS. Only fools believe this.

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