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Romney silent on climate change

Romney silent on climate change

BicycleRepairMan says...

Jesus fucking Christ with magic underwear, What... the... fuck was that?? Someone finally asks a politician a hard, burningly relevant question, and gets chanted down with mindlessly irrelevant U-S-A! screams that doesnt mean anything. Akward silence, and then Romney fires off the same fucking generic soundbite non-statement about a new course, I mean, WHAT THE FUCK?

It's worse than i thought.

Romney silent on climate change

Spanish protestors peacefully evict riot police

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

shinyblurry says...

>> ^VoodooV:

I like how @shinyblurry admits to the power of suggestion, but clearly has decided one way.
Two things I found interesting is that in @mtadd's clip:
1) the chanting occurs right AFTER Ryan just gave a long speech, AND Romney props him up for it so it would certainly be reasonable for them to chant Ryan.
2) the audio is just plain shitty, though it is odd that right before the moment of interest occurs, the volume goes up (sadly, it just amplifies the shittiness of the audio instead of making things easier to hear). I can certainly see how you might think you hear Romney, but one thing that does stand out is that despite how similar their names sound in that context, you never hear the "ney" part of Romney's name in any of that chanting. Ryan Ryan, RomNEY, RomNEY. You just never hear any of that emphasis on that last syllable, which suggests they're saying Ryan.
In the end though, it just really doesn't matter and it just proves my previous post. They're going for the sensationalism. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. It's a manufactured controversy designed to stir people up. Just like the birther phenomenon, just like whatever it was in Bush's suit when he debated with Kerry. It's just like Fox getting caught encouraging and directing the tea party protests and making it seem like there were more there than there actually was. It's manufactured outrage.
The reality is that Romney is losing because he's boring and out of touch and he hasn't presented any concrete ideas and he needs Ryan to stir people up (gasp..more sensationalism vs substance, whoduvthunkit) It wouldn't matter if you caught MSNBC red-handed doctoring the video, it doesn't change the reality.
If anything, giving this controversy air time is still a net negative for Romney. You're just playing the same blame game the right is accusing Obama of. Doesn't make Romney look any better even if MSNBC held a press conference and admitted to a coverup. "And I would have won if it weren't for that meddling press" Ut oh Scooby Do!
You're picking at nits while the house is burning down all around you.
It's not an issue of left vs right, it's an issue of low ratings, or high ratings. end of story.

I decided to believe what the crowd was reported to say, as well as the people who were actually there said happened, and also what my ears hear:

@3:35 p.m.: Ryan pauses for a moment while the crowd begins to chant, “Romney, Romney, Romney …”

@3:36 p.m.: Mitt Romney begins speaking to the crowd. Asks them to chant, “Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan …”

Even the New York Times reported it accurately:

After Mr. Ryan whooped up the crowd in Vandalia on Tuesday, Mr. Romney moved to the front of the stage. As the crowd began chanting “Romney! Romney!” he cut them off.“Wait a second,” Mr. Romney said, instructing the audience to cheer for “Romney-Ryan! Romney-Ryan!” They did.

“There we go,” he said, pleased.

As far as your commentary goes, I can agree with what you're saying generally. This is all about rearranging chairs on the deck of the titanic. You are speaking of some corporate conspiracy, I am speaking to the Satanic power behind the conspiracy. I just think it's interesting that the sift got a kick out of the clip as it was falsely portrayed, and aren't actually interested in what really happened.

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

shinyblurry says...

If you watch the cnn clip, it is clearer..this is also what the press reported:

@3:35 p.m.: Ryan pauses for a moment while the crowd begins to chant, “Romney, Romney, Romney …”

@3:36 p.m.: Mitt Romney begins speaking to the crowd. Asks them to chant, “Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan …”

Even the New York Times reported it accurately:

After Mr. Ryan whooped up the crowd in Vandalia on Tuesday, Mr. Romney moved to the front of the stage. As the crowd began chanting “Romney! Romney!” he cut them off.“Wait a second,” Mr. Romney said, instructing the audience to cheer for “Romney-Ryan! Romney-Ryan!” They did.

“There we go,” he said, pleased.

This is what the people who attended the rally said:

>> ^Quboid:

>> ^volumptuous:
Yes, they were shouting "Romney" which is why Mitt was trying to get them to chant "Romney" instead. Wait, what?

Uh, no. Regardless of what doctoring or whatever is going on, this is just wrong. He tried to get them to chant "Romney/Ryan".
It sounds like "Ryan" to me, at this point. The audio's not great and this just apples to this few seconds but I don't think this is doctored. If it has been doctored, that's really shitty.

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

Quboid says...

>> ^volumptuous:

Yes, they were shouting "Romney" which is why Mitt was trying to get them to chant "Romney" instead. Wait, what?

Uh, no. Regardless of what doctoring or whatever is going on, this is just wrong. He tried to get them to chant "Romney/Ryan".

It sounds like "Ryan" to me, at this point. The audio's not great and this just apples to this few seconds but I don't think this is doctored. If it has been doctored, that's really shitty.

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

VoodooV says...

I like how @shinyblurry admits to the power of suggestion, but clearly has decided one way.

Two things I found interesting is that in @mtadd's clip:

1) the chanting occurs right AFTER Ryan just gave a long speech, AND Romney props him up for it so it would certainly be reasonable for them to chant Ryan.

2) the audio is just plain shitty, though it is odd that right before the moment of interest occurs, the volume goes up (sadly, it just amplifies the shittiness of the audio instead of making things easier to hear). I can certainly see how you might think you hear Romney, but one thing that does stand out is that despite how similar their names sound in that context, you never hear the "ney" part of Romney's name in any of that chanting. Ryan Ryan, RomNEY, RomNEY. You just never hear any of that emphasis on that last syllable, which suggests they're saying Ryan.

In the end though, it just really doesn't matter and it just proves my previous post. They're going for the sensationalism. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. It's a manufactured controversy designed to stir people up. Just like the birther phenomenon, just like whatever it was in Bush's suit when he debated with Kerry. It's just like Fox getting caught encouraging and directing the tea party protests and making it seem like there were more there than there actually was. It's manufactured outrage.

The reality is that Romney is losing because he's boring and out of touch and he hasn't presented any concrete ideas and he needs Ryan to stir people up (gasp..more sensationalism vs substance, whoduvthunkit) It wouldn't matter if you caught MSNBC red-handed doctoring the video, it doesn't change the reality.

If anything, giving this controversy air time is still a net negative for Romney. You're just playing the same blame game the right is accusing Obama of. Doesn't make Romney look any better even if MSNBC held a press conference and admitted to a coverup. "And I would have won if it weren't for that meddling press" Ut oh Scooby Do!

You're picking at nits while the house is burning down all around you.

It's not an issue of left vs right, it's an issue of low ratings, or high ratings. end of story.

Joe Scarborough reacts to Romney clip

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

shinyblurry says...

It is your opinion that they are saying Romney. I've listened to it several times, very loudly, asked nearby people to listen with me, and all agree that they are chanting Ryan.

As I noted above, it was reported by people who were actually there, and by the New York Times, that the crowd was shouting Romney. Listen to the unedited c-span clip and not the doctored MSNBC clip.

Regardless, what is news-worthy is that Romney is a spectacular failure as a candidate, and that Joe Scarborough, a Republican, is ashamed of him. Criticizing a candidate isn't exactly the same thing as blatantly trying to get the other one elected though, is it?

Joe Scarborough isn't a Romney supporter and never was. He famously declared Governor Romneys campaign to be dead last april. I don't know what kind of republican he is but apparently its the kind that promotes the democrats and slams his own party:

The point is that Joe takes his marching orders from the MSNBC HQ. This was clearly an attempt to play into the democratic narrative that republicans are becoming less enthusiastic about the campaign in the hope they will believe their candidate can't win and not turn out to vote. This position is in lockstep with the rest of the network coverage. It's blatant shilling for Obama. Does this surprise me or anyone? No. The entirety of the mainstream media is bitterly partisan and unashamedly so. I just thought the sift would be interested that they were lied to.

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

KnivesOut says...

It is your opinion that they are saying Romney. I've listened to it several times, very loudly, asked nearby people to listen with me, and all agree that they are chanting Ryan. Regardless, what is news-worthy is that Romney is a spectacular failure as a candidate, and that Joe Scarborough, a Republican, is ashamed of him. Criticizing a candidate isn't exactly the same thing as blatantly trying to get the other one elected though, is it?

Any comment?>> ^shinyblurry:

I understand you want to change the subject to fox news, but here we have MSNBC blatantly trying to get Obama re-elected. Any comment?
>> ^KnivesOut:
Does "doctored" not mean specifically editing footage to change the meaning of a statement by taking it out of context, because Fox does that constantly. I guess your definition of doctored is different from mine.>> ^shinyblurry:
What I meant is doctored. Every news agency edits their footage. So do you believe that what MSNBC did here is fine?
>> ^Lendl:
I'm pretty sure Fox edits every single video they show to manipulate it in favor of their views.

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

mtadd says...

Here's an unedited clip from the Vandalia, OH campaign stop by Romney and Ryan.

You can clearly make out that MSNBC clipped an excerpt at the end of Ryan's speech, and can make out the chant for Ryan at that point. Note that at other points in the entire piece, there are louder chants for Romney, which I'm certain is what the lady on the radio was referring to. In this case, both sides are being their typical partisan selves and taking stuff out of context to appease their bases.

There's nothing new here. So go ahead and keep your respective rose-colored glasses on.

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