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Best Buy vs Newegg - Funny Yet True

Darkhand says...

>> ^Psychologic:

>> ^Darkhand:
>> ^Psychologic:
If the customer can't read the listed specs himself then he probably won't do much better at an online store.

The point is when you ask someone for advice your expecting them to NOT have to read the specs.

They should have the specs of every laptop they sale memorized? Would that include benchmark numbers and compatibility issues as well?
Edit: Realistically though, if the employee can't glance at the specs for 2 seconds and then answer the question then they shouldn't be working there.

I think you're missing the point Psychologic the humor is flying over your head or you're taking everything very literally I'm not sure.

When I went to home depot a few weeks ago I was buying a lawn mower. There was an "Expert" in my isle (Just like in Best Buy if you ask someone who works in the cellphone section to sell you a computer they will say you have to get someone in the computer section).

I asked him if he could tell me the difference between two mores. He proceeded to read to me, verbatim, what was written on the little cards they put in front of boxes on the racks.

When someone comes to me and says "What's the difference between these two" and you have to read off the cards, and then you can't formulate an opinion of your own such as the gentle ginger pictures in this video, it's obvious you have no business selling anything in that department.

If he has to read the specs that intently then he obviously is going to look at you and say "Well this one has more gigabytes then the other" Wow great fucking insight Sherlock like I couldn't figure that out by myself when I READ THE STICKER. Like these "sales people" posses some sort of Arcane Knowledge about the English Language that enables them to find some sort of Davinci Code within the Best Buy Sticker.

Plain and simple if you can only tell me the difference by checking what's on each sticker and then NOTHING MORE you're doing a BAD JOB.

Movie Theater turns angry voicemail into win.

CelebrateApathy says...

>> ^alizarin:

Talking and texting during movies is dickish. Kicking people out without warning and no refund for using their phone's screen to find their seat is dickish. Can't people find a middle ground like one warning and you're kicked out with a refund?

Actually, before EVERY movie they display something to this effect. They do warn you, if you talk or use your cellphone during the movie you will be asked to leave without refund. VERY simple. If I ever move out of Austin, I will likely buy a plane ticket to fly back anytime I want to watch a movie because that is how much I love this theater.

This is why you don't Text and Drive

blankfist says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:

I don't see why people think that recording something while driving requires any sort of focused attention. All you have to do is hold the fucking camera.

Holding a cellphone isn't too difficult either, but it's illegal here. Makes you wonder about this whole "law" thing, huh?

Texas Female Legislators Get Angry on the House floor

bareboards2 says...

"Riddle later said she was referring to an isolated incident when she saw pornography on a lawmaker's cellphone."

All the women were sick of a hostile environment. This was the final straw.

>> ^gwiz665:

Yes, a baby nursing is porn. I see that now...
But seriously, is that picture the only thing that happened? How is that hateful, violent etc.? How is it an attack on women? I must be missing something.

Texas Female Legislators Get Angry on the House floor

bareboards2 says...

I'll bet they are back in their jobs as soon as the furor dies down.

Some clarification on the final comment on the vid:

"Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, then asked Thompson whether she thought a symptom of the disrespect toward women was the "pornography on the floor of this House." Riddle later said she was referring to an isolated incident when she saw pornography on a lawmaker's cellphone.

Read more:"

Government announces mandatory terror alert texts

vaire2ube says...

yea might even save some lives or some stupid shit, like the emergency broadcast system you can't opt out of...


at least they put it bluntly: if you have a cellphone you're already being tracked... so .. just go with it.

Printer hack LetsU print reams of stuff after toner "dies"

Shocking Accident That You're Definitely Not Ready For

How to piss in public

Her Boobs are so big, she didn't feel a thing.

entr0py says...

>> ^Payback:

Fucked over, reworked Gizmondo?

It's not THAT bad of an idea. This Xperia dingus is PSP Go and Android compatible, though I don't know if it has the entire PSP Go library. Sony already has a huge library of mobile games that the average cellphone gamer hasn't played. This might let Sony print some extra money without needing to make any games specifically for the device. In the future they even plan to have NGP/Experia/PSPGO/PS3 compatible play station mini games. Seems like a sensible strategy against Nintendo and Apple.

All Hail the Crazy Ones - Think Different

Being ignored piss' me off (Blog Entry by BoneRemake)

Brian Williams on the NY Times' discovery of Brooklyn

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Yogi:

It's amazing how perceptive, funny, and intelligent Brian Williams can be...and yet still I couldn't watch his program without stabbing forks in my eyes. How can you be this way and not see that your own network...your own show is soo full of shit?

I think he's like this because of the people that surround him; how could you not be. I would also try to make many a joke that they don't understand unless they look up a turn of phrase--on their iPad (a glorified non-cellphone/unless you really need/want to spend that much money on one-"buggy and slow"-device).

Yes, I've used my Dad's. It certainly has some nifty features (which have all been invented or used already), but since it's Apple and it has the name i"x", it must be a game changing, revolutionary, cutting edge, never crashes, solves: world hunger, bi-polar, cancer, Fox News, heralds baby Jesus's return to Earth in North Western Missouri; and it has a shelf/I'm mean battery life of 30.62 days--or so I've heard.

It was semi-slow (that wasn't very surprising); slow in two departments: switching and starting between and new apps or processes. Second, the Wi-Fi connection was flaky (either not downloading or when downloading, even including the occasional burst speeds, it averaged 22 KBps (as I say below it should at least be going 100-200 KBps [this is still incredibly slow], as his connection has a download rate of 1.2-1.5 MBps). I'll play with that a bit more (as I think it may have been the wireless router as he has a 14-Megabit connection).

The games were fun and a few of the apps were great. But, I'd rather have a lightweight fully functional notebook PC with a 16:9 screen, atleast 720p, and a fully customizable network adapter. ...And to be blunt, I'd much rather have Windows 7 or even Vista (fully patched), as both have great functionality and support plus their 64-Bit support is great. Plus I can put in a full Blu-Ray drive that comes with PowerDVD.

Better applications, better games and support. Yes, this is an anti-apple rant as I think all of their once "highly revered" features: functionality, non-crashing, no hacking (hah!), graphical editing applications (which is a "contract" feature), sound editing applications (same as the last), and it's "ease-of-use" (which is now a completely moot point). Apple is still successful, because they find niche products that do well; like the Nintendo DS. The iPod (although the screens break a bit to early, my only complaint) and the iPhone are great products and fill a gap in a niche market. The iPad does the same thing, but from what I've tried it needed another year (plus some spec changes like a 16:9 screen going up to 720p (which is HD not this stupid licensing agreement so they can use the logo on a nice, but NOT HD screen (I think it's XGA or 1024x768), a connection port that could handle a multitude of devices: usb, 1394, ethernet, gamepads, speakers, etc I know it does some of this already, especially in the bluetooth department.

But, I feel that it should have come with the large flash/ssd drive, cell phone features (which they do have, it just costs an arm and a leg), more functionality for the "touch pen" (some mouse-like buttons etc...), FLASH & FULL browser SUPPORT (not having flash, plus other regular features "kills it" in a lot of ways)--Apple has to have their money/way though; I don't think they've got any clue when they shoot themselves in the foot), and a slightly faster (or duo-core) processor to help the experience feel more smooth; they have a: "1GHz Apple A4 custom-designed chip" were as a Intel Atom that has an nVidia extension may have been a better choice (I'm not to sure about battery usage for these guys, but from the devices it was used in it wasn't too bad).

So in the end (damn this was WAY longer than expected) I think they should have refined it for another year. Got some REAL user feedback; give it to people that don't work for the ass-kissing mainstream Apple press-core (yes, I'm talking about the likes of Engadget). Then, actually work on their gripes! People already seem willing to pay an arm and a leg for their stuff, so if the price goes up one-hundred, don't worry all your loyal'ii will still buy it. Anyway...this didn't happen, so I was left feeling underwhelmed by it and would instead by a nice laptop.

BTW, Brian Williams is the shit!

/This post may seem anti=Apple and in a lot of ways it is, but I would like them to make a good tablet (or awesome tablet--if they'd pull their collective heads out of their asses). It seems to me that any company, right now, that takes some time and makes a fast, reliable, easy-to-use, with 720p (and lots of video/codecs support)...will destroy Apple's iPad longterm (right now I just see Android tablets, but the ones I've seen are underwhelming).

//If someone has seen a good tablet coming out that has some of the features that I'm talking about, please throw in a reply.

Natalie Portman & Mila Kunis sex scene from Black Swan

hamsteralliance says...

>> ^stevenzissou:

My mother wants to watch this movie over the winter break. How on earth can I watch a scene like that with my mother?

Things you can do or say when watching this scene while accompanied by your mother:

1. Laugh. She'll laugh too. If she doesn't, glare at her and say, "What? Girls not your thing?"
2. State, "Jesus Christ that is hot."
3. Give her a side-hug.

Instant tension breakers.

edit: bonus tactic - pull out your cellphone and video record just that scene. "I'm saving this one for later."

Melting a Rock With Sunlight

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