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Multitasking While Driving - And You Thought Texting Was Bad

moonsammy says...

Humanity in all its glory. As a species we're just awful at risk assessment. We'll do shit like try to read, watch a movie, or make a call while operating and/or surrounded by speeding heavy machinery, and feel happy with our excellent efficiency while ignoring or downplaying the risk. In our next breath we will, in the name of avoiding what's actually an incredibly rare risk, allow ourselves to be massively inconvenienced and/or embarrassed.

I'm as guilty of this ridiculousness as anyone else.
>> ^Yogi:

I once tried to read a book while riding a bike...I almost got hit by a guy driving while on a cellphone.

Cell Phones (Blog Entry by jwray)

Crosswords says...

In my observations people on cell-phones tend to lose all awareness of things around them. When talking to another person they're forced to extend their zone of awareness beyond a small object they're pressing against their ear. Furthermore when someone is actually there in person they're far more likely to put the conversation on hold while they attend to something important that needs more of their attention, I almost never see someone on a cellphone do this. There's also the whole things where they speak at a volume 4 times louder than necessary.

So its not that they're talking on the phone, its that by in large many people seem to be completely unable to do it in a responsible fashion.

Multitasking While Driving - And You Thought Texting Was Bad

CNN: Proof Time Travel Exists?

Duckman33 says...

Yeah? Well mine popped up with an image of Jesus!

>> ^ulysses1904:

Anyone who believes that this person is talking on a cellphone in 1928 or is a time-traveler or anything like that is beyond help. There is some logical explanation for why they are walking and talking like that, even if the answer is there is no clear reason why they are behaving that way. Or else it's a digital hoax.
I can only hope that most people are playing along with the usual light-hearted whimsical time filler that news organizations throw in to the mix, rather than thinking that this is a actually an indication of anything supernatural. It's only a crazy loon talking to their hand in an old movie and somehow didn't end up on the cutting room floor.
BTW, my toast popped up this morning with an image of the Virgin Mary.

CNN: Proof Time Travel Exists?

ulysses1904 says...

Anyone who believes that this person is talking on a cellphone in 1928 or is a time-traveler or anything like that is beyond help. There is some logical explanation for why they are walking and talking like that, even if the answer is there is no clear reason why they are behaving that way. Or else it's a digital hoax.

I can only hope that most people are playing along with the usual light-hearted whimsical time filler that news organizations throw in to the mix, rather than thinking that this is a actually an indication of anything supernatural. It's only a crazy loon talking to their hand in an old movie and somehow didn't end up on the cutting room floor.

BTW, my toast popped up this morning with an image of the Virgin Mary.

CNN: Proof Time Travel Exists?

CNN: Proof Time Travel Exists?

ponceleon says...

>> ^Yogi:

If it's a cellphone...who's she talking to? Do carries work across time? Also she took great pains to change her dress but she forgot that maybe she shouldn't be talking on the magical device that houses demons in it?
I'm sorry but I cannot accept this...Good Day!

Well I hope she turned off the trans-time-roaming option. Fucking ATT RAPES you on the roaming charges across time... fucking iPhone 12...

CNN: Proof Time Travel Exists?

Yogi says...

If it's a cellphone...who's she talking to? Do carries work across time? Also she took great pains to change her dress but she forgot that maybe she shouldn't be talking on the magical device that houses demons in it?

I'm sorry but I cannot accept this...Good Day!

Dad Confronts Abortion Protesters

campionidelmondo says...

The guy makes some good points and I'm definitely pro-choice, but ... filming this personal argument to put it on the internet is kind of a dick move. Imagine him holding his cellphone camera up during the whole argument...kinda ruins the good impression he made by handling this so well.

If All Movies Had Smartphones

ant says...

>> ^rottenseed:

You know, ants are a common hallucination for the unnaturally lonesome.
<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> ant said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box"> I don't own a cellphone either.

Ants have Internet. They don't need cellphones.

If All Movies Had Smartphones

If All Movies Had Smartphones

ant says...

>> ^ajkido:

Wow. Could have put more effort on the writing and less on the terminator make up.
Anyway, how about just cellphones period? Almost every movie plot assumes that people don't have cellphones.

I don't own a cellphone either.

If All Movies Had Smartphones

ajkido says...

Wow. Could have put more effort on the writing and less on the terminator make up.

Anyway, how about just cellphones period? Almost every movie plot assumes that people don't have cellphones.

Teacher totally flips out captured (of course) on cellphone

Yogi says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Fuck government schools. This asshole will be quietly reassigned. The teachers' unions protect their own no matter what. Caught fucking kids? Selling drugs to kids? No matter. These union fucks own the legislators. The "quality" of these dummy factories is evident everywhere there are sheeple. Fuck government schools.

I think most people on the left would agree with you that our education system sucks and has really failed. However I think most would agree that giving it to corporations and "for profit" endeavors would just be the exact same sort of indoctrination. Actually it would probably be even worse seeing as corporations are tyrannical, top down hierarchical systems.

Canadian principal wrestles student to the ground

MaxWilder says...

Tough call. If he really thought the kid had just taken an upskirt pic or something like that, he had to get the cellphone before the punk could send out the pics.

Depends on the evidence, I guess, which we don't get to see in the video.

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