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Darkhand (Member Profile)

not_blankfist (Member Profile)

Darkhand (Member Profile)

Darkhand says...

I'm sorry but there is evidence to the contrary

^ Eye Witness Backing up Zimmerman's side of the story


^ are you going to call this Black man a Racist Sympathizer too?

Look I'm not going to debate this with you endlessly because it's not my job to play devils advocate for a man I don't know. I'm not sure how you can know 100% of everything that happened considering you were not there. If you still don't feel any different after those then just leave me alone man.

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Listen to the 911 call Zimmerman made.
He's on the phone staring down Trayvon as he walks up.
Zimmerman says "he's coming to check me out" as Trayvon gets closer.
"These asshole's, they always get away" "he's running" then under his breath "fuckin' coons" and you can hear Zimmerman chasing Trayvon.
Dispatcher: 'Are you following him?'
George: "Yeah."
Dispatcher: 'Okay, we don't need you to do that."
They then talk about where the police officers will meet George.
George ask if the police can call him.. as if he was going to follow and/or detain Trayvon until the officers arrived.
It's clear Zimmerman is a racist.
It's clear Trayvon was attempting avoid Zimmerman.
It's clear Zimmerman wasn't going to let Trayvon get away.
It's clear Zimmerman murdered an unarmed 17 year old boy.
What more do you need to know? George hunted and murdered a black kid for "looking suspicious."
Just admit Zimmerman is a murder.
Admit he should be held in prison until he's put on trial.
And admit you're wrong for trying to defend a child murdered.

Darkhand (Member Profile)

Darkhand says...

There is no law, anywhere, that says if you think someone is stalking you that you can turn around and beat the crap out of them.

Also didn't you notice how you fabricated the whole story in your mind? Now Zimmerman was waving his gun around and thats why martin was running? Also now Zimmerman DETAINED him?

Where are you getting all these "FACTS" from? The Bill O'Reilly's of the liberal world probably.

I'm the most calm and rational person on here and just because I'm NOT taking sides you want to label me a racist sympathizer. Awesome

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

So i'm pretty sure you're a racist sympathizer. or just dumb.
If you instigate an attack, you can't claim self defense. Period.
If you were stalked and chased down and detained against your will by a belligerent man with a gun, who you knew hated you and was out to harm you...
You're telling me you'd simply punch him once then attempt to flee?
Zimmerman has the right to defend himself with lethal force?
But a skinny unarmed teenager using just his fists is wrong to fight for his life?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Your opinion is disgusting and indefensible. Full Stop.

In reply to this comment by Darkhand:
If Martin turned around and punched him and knocked him on his ass I think that would have been a justifiable amount of force. But continuing to beat on him as some people suggesting to "knock him out" you don't understand how the body works. You can't tell the difference between "Oh yeah I knocked him out" and "Awesome! Internal bleeding and his brain is swelling now I can get away".
Does everyone here really believe because Zimmerman was being over zealous they feel he deserves to get knocked down and have someone sit on top of him and continuously punch him in the head?

Darkhand (Member Profile)

Darkhand says...

>> ^BoneRemake:

Thats some big talk for someone who doesnt actually do it ! downvoting is pretty simple.
Do you believe the videos message/like the video ? if yes UPVOTE if no DOWNVOTE. its a fairly simple concept people like to make difficult.
In reply to this comment by Darkhand:
Quick everyone downvote their brainwashing childrens and marketing to them!! @!# $@# $@# $# $

Actually I don't. I don't believe people are brainwashed into buying things just because they saw it on TV. If they really are influenced that much by what they see on TV who cares? I don't see why this is such a big issue.

I'm not pro-large corporation, but their advertising helps pay for the shows we enjoy. So if you don't like commercials then don't watch TV. If you think your kids will be brainwashed then don't let THEM watch TV. But what do we think is going to happen? Because someone upvotes a video some kid somewhere watches it for a minute and is going to watch that video and become addicted to McDonalds? Not just go watch other videos?

Does this kid ONLY watch commercials on this site? Because call me crazy but there are TONS of other videos to watch and commercials RARELY make it to the front page.

I was just being sarcastic because some people downvoted a Coca-Cola video I posted with kids having fun. This site should be about Quality Control NOT Content Control.

Dignant_Pink (Member Profile)

Darkhand says...

Hey Man thanks for posting what you did in my video. I know I haven't been around here as long as you on the 'sift but I feel exactly the same way you do. It seems to me everything has gone really negative lately.

Darkhand (Member Profile)

Darkhand says...

>> ^MycroftHomlz:
I used to have the same thought... but you have fallen into a trap and understood feminism as meaning something that it actually does not.
Feminism means equal rights for women.
Feminism means advancing rights of women.
Distinct social groups who are discriminated against have to fight for their rights, because certainly the majority won't.
In reply to this comment by Darkhand:
I can't upvote or downvote this really.
But I do agree feminism is bad.

I disagree with you on being in a trap.

Feminism is bad because no one group can fight for their own equal rights. Everyone will always fight for more than what other people have because who wouldn't? Nice people finish last. If someone told me I could get a promotion and raise at the expense of my co-workers I would take it. Not only for my own personal benefit but because at least one of them would do it as well.

The only way I'd believe that these groups were fighting for equality is if the minority groups need to get together and fight for equality amongst themselves. That way they won't try to shift the balance towards any of their own groups because it would mean hurting the others.

I don't believe in Feminism, the United Negro College Fund, ANYTHING that puts one race/sex/religion over any other.

Darkhand (Member Profile)

Darkhand (Member Profile)

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