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Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife or Pilum Knife

NordlichReiter says...


I did some digging and I found this. Section 1245 notes that the U.S.C ammendment may be cited as the "'Ballistic Knife Prohibition Act of 1986'." So according to the U.S.C the bill that I referenced above actually became an ammendment to Title 15 Commerce and Trade.

Pub. L. 99-570, title X, Sec. 10001, Oct. 27, 1986, 100 Stat.
3207-166, provided that: "This title [enacting section 1245 of this
title, amending section 1716 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal
Procedure, and enacting provisions set out as a note under section
1245 of this title] may be cited as the 'Ballistic Knife
Prohibition Act of 1986'."

Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife or Pilum Knife

dannym3141 says...

But guys, guys. Guys. But. Hey guys, but.

My aunt's dog's goldfish's girlfriend's friend got killed by a guy with a ballistic knife. If everyone else in the country was allowed to carry ballistic knives, he might not have died. I present a motion to ammend the constitution to make sure everyone carries a ballistic knife.

And i present an organisation to promote the use of ballistic knives in every-day life. We'll call it the National Ballistic-knife Association, or the NBA.

Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife or Pilum Knife

Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife or Pilum Knife

Payback says...

>> ^ex-jedi:
Hmm, that's not the way I would load a springy knife. That's dancing around the EIA area.

I was thinking that myself, but I guess that's what the metal tubed sheath is for.

Just me, but I would think this is less a throwing knife than a powered stabbing weapon. As in you would fire it as you stabbed someone, making it go in farther.

ChosenOne (Member Profile)

Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife or Pilum Knife

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^jimnms:

>> ^NordlichReiter:
These are very illegal.
In fact there is a federal law banning ballistic knives which was laid down in 1986.

Did you happen to read the status of the bill at the link you provided?

This bill never became law. This bill was proposed in a previous session of Congress. Sessions of Congress last two years, and at the end of each session all proposed bills and resolutions that haven't passed are cleared from the books.

Hah, if I could edit my comment I would remove my inaccuracies, even Wikipedia's entry is inaccurate.

However there is this: 15 U.S.C. § 1245 : US Code - Section 1245: Ballistic knives

(a) Prohibition and penalties for possession, manufacture, sale, or
Whoever in or affecting interstate commerce, within any Territory
or possession of the United States, within Indian country (as
defined in section 1151 of title 18), or within the special
maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States (as
defined in section 7 of title 18), knowingly possesses,
manufactures, sells, or imports a ballistic knife shall be fined as
provided in title 18, or imprisoned not more than ten years, or
(b) Prohibition and penalties for possession or use during
commission of Federal crime of violence
Whoever possesses or uses a ballistic knife in the commission of
a Federal crime of violence shall be fined as provided in title 18,
or imprisoned not less than five years and not more than ten years,
or both.
(c) Exceptions
The exceptions provided in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of
section 1244 of this title with respect to switchblade knives shall
apply to ballistic knives under subsection (a) of this section.
(d) "Ballistic knife" defined
As used in this section, the term "ballistic knife" means a knife
with a detachable blade that is propelled by a spring-operated

Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife or Pilum Knife

jimnms says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

These are very illegal.
In fact there is a federal law banning ballistic knives which was laid down in 1986.

Did you happen to read the status of the bill at the link you provided?

This bill never became law. This bill was proposed in a previous session of Congress. Sessions of Congress last two years, and at the end of each session all proposed bills and resolutions that haven't passed are cleared from the books.

Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife or Pilum Knife

raverman says...

I'm curious about what this says about the rest of the NRA logic defending "Bearing Arms"... How this any more / less deadly than a hand gun? it's pointy? it doesn't make a bang? it's painfully slow to reload? I can own a machine gun - and bring it to a political rally... but not this? >> ^NordlichReiter:

These are very illegal.
In fact there is a federal law banning ballistic knives which was laid down in 1986.

Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife or Pilum Knife

sillma says...

>> ^ChosenOne:

But if you miss.. youre gonna look pretty silly holding just a knife handle with a spring dangling out of it...

I think looking silly would be the least of his worries in that situation =)

Stonebreaker (Member Profile)

Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife or Pilum Knife

Shepppard says...

Ahh the ballistic knife. The reason the spetsnaz beat the green berrets in Deadliest Warrior.

@QM the knife itself is mostly used in trick situations. You've got a gun pointed at you so you put your hands up. When asked to drop your weapon you slowly lower your arms all the while aiming your knife shot.

At least, that was the situation shown on Deadliest Warrior.

Spetsnaz Ballistic Knife or Pilum Knife

Goalie Fail

Real Aircraft Loses Wing, Lands Safely (Under Canopy)

sirex says...

>> ^rychan:

Actually, costs for an 800 pound plane are $3,800 to $4,000 dollars based on the quotes from BRS Aviation here
I would not call that "much more" than a few thousand dollars. I realize there may be some additional installation costs, but still, we're talking far less than 10 thousand dollars.
>> ^AzPilot:
Cost for such system ( Ballistic rescue parachutes ) are much more than just a few thousand dollars. When you get the FAA involved costs for a single bolt will skyrocket. In order to manufacture such a system for aircraft you must secure an STC from the FAA (, this alone can cost the investor hundreds of thousands of dollars. Which he would have to pass along to the consumer. Each individual aircraft would need an STC as well if the system was not designed for that exact airframe. Cirrus aircraft all come with the CAPS system.

unfortunately thats only the tip of the iceberg. For a normal light aircraft cessna 172 style its more like $20000, plus fitting costs, plus paperwork and certification costs.

Real Aircraft Loses Wing, Lands Safely (Under Canopy)

rychan says...

Actually, costs for an 800 pound plane are $3,800 to $4,000 dollars based on the quotes from BRS Aviation here

I would not call that "much more" than a few thousand dollars. I realize there may be some additional installation costs, but still, we're talking far less than 10 thousand dollars.

>> ^AzPilot:

Cost for such system ( Ballistic rescue parachutes ) are much more than just a few thousand dollars. When you get the FAA involved costs for a single bolt will skyrocket. In order to manufacture such a system for aircraft you must secure an STC from the FAA (, this alone can cost the investor hundreds of thousands of dollars. Which he would have to pass along to the consumer. Each individual aircraft would need an STC as well if the system was not designed for that exact airframe. Cirrus aircraft all come with the CAPS system.

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