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Real Aircraft Loses Wing, Lands Safely (Under Canopy)

Real Aircraft Loses Wing, Lands Safely (Under Canopy)

AzPilot says...

Cost for such system ( Ballistic rescue parachutes ) are much more than just a few thousand dollars. When you get the FAA involved costs for a single bolt will skyrocket. In order to manufacture such a system for aircraft you must secure an STC from the FAA (, this alone can cost the investor hundreds of thousands of dollars. Which he would have to pass along to the consumer. Each individual aircraft would need an STC as well if the system was not designed for that exact airframe. Cirrus aircraft all come with the CAPS system.

Mini Cannon Part 2 - Firing and Destroying Targets

JFK - Back and to the left

icepick says...

"back and to the left" further proof that Oliver Stone knows a lot about making movies but nothing about ballistics, the video clearly shows an EXIT wound, meaning the bullet entered the back of the skull and exited in a spray of JFK out the front.

Everyone Forever Now - "Shooting a Gun"

airolusion1 (Member Profile)

SWAT A-Holes Murder Pets In Front Of Kids

captmorgano says...

Why is it ok for the SWAT to bust through your door and shoot your crated dog? Because if I were to shoot a K9 unit, its an automatic felony. So theoretically if homeowner's dog was specially trained K9, the cops could be libel. And additionally, there would have to be a "full police funeral".

From Wikipedia:
In many jurisdictions the intentional injuring or killing of a police dog is a felony,[1] subjecting the perpetrator to harsher penalties than those in the statutes embodied in local animal cruelty laws,[2] just as an assault on a human police officer is often a more serious offense than the same assault on a non-officer. A growing number of law-enforcement organizations outfit dogs with ballistic vests,[3][4] and some even go so far as to make the dogs sworn officers, with their own police badges and IDs.[1][5][6][7] Furthermore, a police dog killed in the line of duty is often given a full police funeral.[7][8][9]

Hurt Locker Takes Flack from Iraq Vets Amid Critical Praise

NordlichReiter says...

Shooting a target that is on the move is not very hard provided you've practiced it enough.

It's all very complicated, I think Gunny Hathcock called it SWAG. In a book called One Shot one kill.

Now as I understand it, once a sniper has taken a shot they EXFIL their hide depending on how bad the situation is. If shit hit the fan I'd imagine they GTFO, but if it was a successful one shot one kill job then they would make their way to the extraction point very slow like. So as not to give away their positions and fuck up on the one yard line.

Sniping you have a lot of shit to deal with. Weather, range, ballistics, and trajectory.

Once you understand how a scope works, and how to deal with the ballistics of the shell you've chosen for the job the rest is practice.

Looking at the targeting section of the Wikipedia entry on snipers I can't say that is easy. Because I sure as hell don't understand it with just a cursory glance.

I would wonder why the "special forces" in the movie are called special at all. They looked like a ragtag team of douchebags to me.

karaidl (Member Profile)

sssh!! Quiet!! Listen to the First Electric Commercial Plane

Nuke War Almost Happened 1-25-95

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'nuclear, weapons, missile, ballistic, icbm, russia, usa, false alarm' to 'nuclear, weapons, missile, ballistic, icbm, russia, usa, false alarm, research rocket' - edited by calvados

Nuke War Almost Happened 1-25-95

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'nuclear, weapons, missile, ballistic, icbm, russia, usa, false alarm, stanislav petrov' to 'nuclear, weapons, missile, ballistic, icbm, russia, usa, false alarm' - edited by calvados

Nuke War Almost Happened 1-25-95

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'nuclear, weapons, missile, ballistic, icbm, russia, usa, false alarm' to 'nuclear, weapons, missile, ballistic, icbm, russia, usa, false alarm, stanislav petrov' - edited by calvados

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How Far Will Republicans Go To Block Health Care Reform?

Nithern says...

In the past year, Republicans have done everything in thier power to block health care that could cost in the upwards of one trillion US dollars over ten years. Conservatives, leave out the 'over ten years' part, since that would undermine their agenda. They had no problem with a defense budget of $640 billion for 2009, nor one for $670 billion for 2010. Also, they did not see any problem paying for the Iraq war's price tag of $3 trillion over six years (that's $500 billion/year). Go look it up, if you dont believe me.

When compared to the rest of the world, America pays more for national defense, then the next eight largest militaries in the world (Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Egypt, China, South Korea). When the 2009 bill came up about ten months ago, it sailed through the Senate & House without an ounce of debate or complaint from Republicans. But the moment, we start spending money on US Citizens, who are not defense contractors, they go ballistic!

Next time you talk to your republican congressman, ask him or her, where those WMD's we were suppose to find in Iraq are? You know, the whole reason why we went to Iraq and spent $3 trillion dollars over six years? I know, getting anything from a republican congressman beyond a wave from 80 feet, means you 'donating' $2+ million dollars to their re-election chest....

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