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Ball Lightning Filmed

ForgedReality says...

Hmm... Never seen light move that slowly as it bounces off objects. Do clouds possess some type of magic, other-worldly temporal physics in the reality in which your crazy, tinfoil-hat-wearing brain resides?

Curious minds want to know!

Zawash said:

Everything's out of focus - could just have been a cloud to cloud lightning strike - the "ball" here seems to be clouds lighting up from the strike. Nope. Don't believe it.

Cool, though.

Massive Methane Leak-Ecological Disaster In California

eric3579 says...

Although the smell, due to the additives, which were noticed way back (oct-nov) by the communities near by.

The company has been relocating families since it seems.

Another video that shows the leak about three weeks ago

Rachel Maddow on MSNBC did a story about a month ago.

rich_magnet said:

They're able to keep it quiet because methane is invisible. Or it was, until now. Good on the EDF for capturing and releasing this footage.

The Time My Brother Towed Our Jeep With A Stolen Tractor

solar powered water wheel cleans baltimore harbor

Esoog says...

Humans are dirty abusive residents of this planet. Its ideas like this that should be celebrated and supported. Fansky, said it...brilliantly simple. Need more people to think like this, and act on it.

Southern Culture on the Skids - Deja Vroom

newtboy says...

That's some vintage awesomeness right there.
I hope our resident cat in the hat enjoyed his ride while it lasted.

How a Retractable Ballpoint Pen Works

oblio70 says...

"I" think they handled this material excellently, however pedantic. Myself, I am in the process of compiling such research for a Vlogcast of my own which resides in a similar vein, to be called "Wicked Lost Technology". I plan to look at inventions that were once cutting edge, yet today are all but forgotten. These item still offer great inspiration for us today from a mechanical perspective and should not be forgotten.

The thoroughness of the Engineeringguy in this video should not be overlooked. He/they get(s) my applaud!

The European Refugee Crisis and Syria Explained

CaptainObvious says...

Might be lies but an fyi:

"The Saudi Foreign Ministry challenged the charges by issuing official numbers that are impossible to verify independently, saying "the Kingdom has received around 2.5 million Syrians since the beginning of the conflict." A Saudi scholar told the BBC that thousands of Syrians receive free health care and education in Saudi Arabia.

An op-ed in the New York Times by Yousef al-Otaiba, the UAE's ambassador in Washington, contested the widely reported statistic of "zero" refugees in the Gulf. "Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, the U.A.E. has welcomed more than 100,000 Syrians, joining 140,000 already residing in the emirates," he wrote. "The Emirates' per capita commitment to the Syrian crisis exceeds virtually every other country's participation."

Guns with History

bremnet says...

Congratulations. You've managed to capture the entire diversity of the US by visiting several times and not get shot or had a gun pointed at you. This is like forming an opinion about whether sharks will bite humans after you've laid on the beach once or twice and have never been bitten. Searching for some relevance here... and ... nope, none.

Agreed, if your gun is in a traditional safe, it's not much good when the burglars or home invasion psychos kick in your front door at 2 a.m. Jim Jeffries is indeed a funny guy, but like many who don't understand what "for protection" means to some homeowners here in the US, you might want to cite a bit more credible source or at least educate yourself.

Thanks to biometric safes and locking devices, it is quite easy to have a secured gun in a safe at arms reach, accessible to only one person, that can be unsecured, ready to fire in about 4 seconds. I know this to be true, because I have such a setup, and we practice what to do when the home alarm goes off just like we practice fire drills.

The distressing part is I absolutely hate having to be in such a situation. I'm no cowboy and this isn't the wild west, but when families around me are having their doors kicked in in the middle of the night by armed thugs, or having one or two fuckheads follow them up the driveway for an easy push-in robbery accompanied by beatings, shootings, molestation and sometimes killing, I decided that there would be no way I could live with myself if something tragic ever happened to my family at the hands of these nut jobs, knowing I might have been able to do something to stop it. And no, one can't relay on the local police to take care of these crimes. Around here, even with a top notch alarm system in the house that goes directly to dispatch, the cops usually arrive to clean up the blood and take statements, and almost never in time to stop the crime or catch the criminals.

Do you have house, car, fire or life insurance? Sure, but you hope you'll never have to use it. So, what's so unbelievable about a gun for protection? What do you suggest? You appear to think it's silly to state it's for protection... so does one simply relying on hope, faith or good luck in never having to witness your wife or child being duct taped to a chair while criminals rummage through your house, or having their head kicked in or bloodied on the end of a baseball bat?

Just a suggestions, but try to spend some time as an actual resident in a country before you pretend to understand it, consider yourself fortunate that you don't live in such a situation, and for fucks sake stop with the snide, morally superior judgement of those who do. If you can muster that, on a guess that you might be from NZ but really don't know, I'll stop telling everyone that Kiwi's really do fuck sheep, especially on National Lamb Day when it's a competition rather than just a hobby.

Have fun.

ChaosEngine said:

It always amazes me whenever someone says they want a gun "for protection".

The U.S. is not the wild west anymore; I've been there several times and no one shot me, shot at me or even pointed a gun at me.

In NZ, if you want to buy a gun, you have to apply for a firearms license. If you don't have mental illness or a criminal record, you then state your reason for applying:
Hunting? Sweet, get some venison!
Target shooting? Awesome, have fun on the range!
Protection? Licence denied. We're all good without amateur idiots running around being paranoid.

Because of this, if you have a gun it is legally required to be secured in a gun safe. As Jim Jeffries puts it, a gun in a gun safe isn't much good if you want it for "protection"

The Flirting Fallacy

Smoking vs Vaping

Engels says...

If you are a Seattle resident, and I know some of you are, I recommend visiting Future Vapor in Capitol Hill. The owners are all about reaching that 0% nicotine level, and will hook you up with what equipment you need for the budget you can afford. I can't praise these guys highly enough.

If you are not in the area, you can get a decent starter kit and a popular e-juice from mtbakervapor. They are a reliable and relatively inexpensive ecommerce outlet.

That said, if you don't smoke period, don't start vaping. Don't be a tool. Life is hard enough as it is without giving yourself one more fiddly-assed thing to worry about.

I'll put a hole right through your head!

Pring4 says...

As a resident of a neighboring town, this has gotten a ton of local and national coverage. The Medford mayor said something along the lines of "decisive action will be taken."

6Months in Jail For Disagreeing With Feminists on on Twitter

Babymech says...

None of this has much to do with feminism, or disagreements, or for that matter anti-feminism. It's a question of whether public/semi-public social media should be treated the same as, for example, your phone, or your door. Calling somebody repeatedly (and I mean repeatedly) against their wishes can qualify as harassment in most countries. Coming to their residence or place of work most definitely can. Even if the content of the calls is not threatening, it can still be harassment, which is how you get a restraining order in place. So, regardless of whether you 'disagree with feminists' or not, the question is if you can successfully sue someone for harassment if they take steps to spam your social media repeatedly, against your wishes. The fact that the plaintiffs call themselves feminists and the defendant calls them dumb cunts [edited for accuracy:] hateful bitches is, in this description, an unnecessary smoke screen to feed the myth of MRA victimization on the internet.

In my country you probably couldn't sue successfully for this, and I doubt you could in Canada either. I also think the plaintiffs seem like absolute fucking shits on twitter and I hope they lose. Possibly they could get a limited restraining order against him, though that might require a bit of sophistication on the part of the court to enforce through twitter.

Also, whether or not the plaintiffs were also harassing him doesn't automatically invalidate their suit, but it might rightfully be a mitigating circumstance for his behavior - either because it demonstrates that they were actively engaging with him (even if indirectly), and didn't actually fear for their 'psychosocial security', or because it demonstrates that they were creating a real negative public impact on him, and he had a valid reason for trying to engage them in the way he did.

I don't know why internet lawyering is such a dirty word, it's so much fun.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Okay, so.. To start *deeep breath* ..

#1 - Conflating frequency & social norms is the first flaw in your weak sauce argument/opinion/whatever.

Norms are essentially social boundaries.
They ensure a certain level of compliance & conformity in a group.

The frequency of a behavior doesn't determine a norm.
Social acceptance does.

If informal rules are accepted & practiced by enough of the group, it's a (the) norm.


#2 - Because police brutality is practiced & accepted enough.. it's the (a) norm.

A fact proven by comments like this from @lucky760..

A comment that illustrates those exact informal, unwritten rules of compliance.

Completely accepting that "well, of course cops on a powertrip clearly can't control themselves. What did you expect?".

Or comments from jerkfaces like Lantern53 (who is a cop), usually:
"Most people who get shot by the police deserved it."

Because in his child-like brain, only "bad guys get in trouble"..

So if a cop is beating you half (usually all the way) to death.
You must have done some "bad guy stuff" to start.

Which brings us to..

#3 - Your disgustingly ignorant, disingenuous denialism.

"Let's *scoff* pretend that everyday, for every brutal beating you hear about..

There's another even more violent murder..

That's ONLY 365 excessive force murders a year!

That's NOT representative of all 1 million police officers."

...@_@.. just ..@_@... Because:

A) As an "angry black man" who is distinctly enraged by police brutality..

I certainly don't need or appreciate you - a racially illiterate white male - pullin' the fuckin' race card.

"What if I made these generalizations about black people? Hmm? *pouty face* Woodn't da make you a wittle upset?"

THAT SHIT HAPPENS CONSTANTLY. Especially on the internet.

In fact, @BoneRemake has accused me of sellin' out or whatever because..

Most of my recent activity on this site has been a very pointed, belligerent direct response to the stupid shitty cuntbag comments of Videosift's resident racist jingoists.. @bobknight33 & @lantern53.

The latter of which is a police officer of 30 years.

B) Of course not EVERY SINGLE police officer or police interaction is violently excessive.

The point is - it's fucked up that videos like this appear on a regular basis. With little to no punishment for the officers involved.

Sure there are lots of good people in the world..

{Main Point} That means absolutely nothing when you're specifically illustrating & discussing the shitty, bad people in the world. {Main Point}

So yeah, i definitely don't need you and your patronizing AS FUCK white privilege apologist rhetoric to tell me..

"You know, not ALL cops are bad."

Yeah.. i know. Would you also like to tell me about how:

"Every interaction I've had with Law Enforcement has been benign and/or pleasant."

"I've never been followed around a store for fear I might steal something."


oohlalasassoon said:

I'm not the apologist you think I am by the way.

So, let's presume your statement that this happens everyday is true. In fact, let's double it, and say for every incident you hear about, there's another that goes unnoticed, and is worse. You're saying the egregious actions of 2 officers per day, is indicative of the type of day MOST cops lead on a daily basis, i.e. : the norm?

Greek/Euro Crisis Explained

dannym3141 says...

I'm not a historian so i might be getting this wrong, but i'd been led to believe:

a) Germany itself was in debt after WW1, and the economic hardship forced on them in the form of reparations has been postulated as a reason why the Nazi party rose to power in the first place. When people are desperate, they look for someone to blame. Over in the UK, the government have ensured that we're blaming immigrants and anyone on welfare for these economic hardships that were caused by the rich elite and ruling classes, corrupt to the very core and no longer working in the interests of the country and its people.

b) European countries agreed to forget large portions of Germany's debts, because back then we seemed to know that is was pointless to wreck a country and cause untold misery, pain and death to the residents all in the name of profiting off them.

I am so disgusted and overwhelmed by how badly everything is being run, and how obviously it is being run for the benefit of a minority. I hope Greece sticks two fingers up to the lot of them and does an Iceland, followed by every other European country doing something similar. We can't hope to carry on like this, we can't let power hungry psychopaths control the world... we won't survive like this.

bcglorf said:

if Greece wanted to borrow German money for those benefits that Germany would like to see that money someday paid back. More over, if Greece is now too poor to pay that money back and is asking for even more loans to scrape by, Germany isn't exactly an ogre in demanding some spending/taxation changes from Greece first so there is some hope at least the new loans will be paid back.

The Daily Show - Wack Flag

SDGundamX says...


There's so much factually wrong here, I don't know where to begin. Let's start with this:

"That rape and mutilation has been going on for centuries but was significant in the Second Sino-Japanese War, a distinct war in and of itself."

Japan was in a state of almost complete isolation from the rest of the world between the years of 1633 and 1853. Even after the period of isolation ended, Japan was too busy for decades industrializing to be rampaging through China, as you suggest.

Japan DID eventually get involved in Chinese politics and in fact went to war with them in the First Sino-Japanese War... in 1894. There are no reports of atrocities committed by the Japanese military during this conflict. In fact, quite the opposite, Japan would release Chinese prisoners of war once they promised not to take up arms against Japan again.

The subjugation of Taiwan (which was ceded to Japan at the end of the first Sino-Japanese War but resisted Japanese rule) is a different story. However, accounts of what exactly happened are sketchy and most of the information we have is anecdotal. What can be gleaned from these anecdotes is that the Formasians put up a fierce guerrilla resistance campaign and that the Japanese tortured and killed anyone suspected of aiding the resistance. Still, it doesn't appear to have been on the same scale as the massacres which occurred during the Rape of Nanking.

As you mentioned, some of the most awful abuses were done during the Second Sino-Japanese War between 1937 and 1945 (the Rape of nanking occurred during this war). The abuse ended Japan's defeat in WWII.

What you can see here by doing the math, is that Japan's military abuses in China lasted a grand total of 50 years--from the subjugation of Formosa (Taiwan) to the end of World War 2--not "centuries."

Next, let's talk about misrepresentation. You seem to be implying that Japanese textbooks don't say that Japan is the aggressor in WW2 (or previous conflicts). As I pointed out in my last post, that is flat-out wrong. There is ONE textbook that was approved for use that whitewashes the history but that book has been ignored an not used by the vast majority of schools in Japan.

If you want to criticize Japanese textbooks, you could criticize them on the grounds that though they mention the terrible things that Japanese forces did, they don't go into a whole lot of detail. See this article for more information.

As far as Abe goes, what exactly has he said that is so terrible? Yes, he hangs out with revisionists. Yes, he has expressed his opinion that Japan should stop apologizing for WWII and start looking to the future instead of the past. Yes, he has said that the issue of "comfort women" should be re-examined in light of claims that some of evidence of their existence was fabricated. But these are not really radical statements by any means. And many people and newspapers do strongly and openly disagree with his statements, so this idea that Japanese people don't challenge him is completely wrong as well.

Yasukuni is a total clusterfuck of a situation. It is a shrine to ALL of Japan's war dead. This includes war criminals, but it also includes regular soldiers just doing their duty. In terms of Shinto beliefs, all of their souls now reside there. Basically, if you want to pay your respects to someone who died in military service in Japan, you have to go there to "see them."

Abe is a total dumbass (and the press let him know it) for going there because he knows already how China and Korea will perceive it, but on the other hand his going there does not mean in any way that he reveres the war criminals who are interred there. I have no idea what his personal views are but publically he has stated that he and his wife go there to remind themselves about the terrible toll war had on Japan the last time Japan engaged in it.

Finally, as for the link you provided, it was to a year-old opinion piece that lacks context. Abe made that statement at a time when it was revealed that some of the evidence of the existence of comfort women in Japan had been faked. It was later decided that the apology would not be changed. In fact, The Japan Times is reporting that it is likely that Abe will mention that "comfort women" had their human rights violated by Japan in his upcoming address on the end of WWII, so the comparison of him to Ahmadinejad is a bit far-fetched.

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