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Is California Becoming A Police State?

arekin says...

If that is the context then the person on whom the cops were called could simply let the cops in, verify that no one is in danger, and then request the cops investigate the asshole who is calling the cops on false pretenses. It is after all a criminal offense to make a false call. However, when you refuse entry in what could be an emergency because you want to stand on principle, you are asking the cops to act in a fashion of utmost precaution and kick your door down to make sure that there is not a women locked in your basement that you and your wife are keeping hostage. The cops had probable cause and no judge in the country would argue that seeing this video. The officers where very clear as to why they were demanding entry.

chingalera said:

Neighbor (or anonymous bystander/prankster, your chlid's ornery friend) calls 911 and claims to hear from YOUR home, all matter of torment, gunshots, pit bulls, kids, etc. and all these or a combination could be a complete fabrication..... Based on an anon call, can the same cops bust your fucking door down if you don't allow them in warrant-less? If so, fuck you, police state.

How Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean ride came to be

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'New York Worlds Fair, Pirates, basement' to 'New York Worlds Fair, Pirates, basement, disney, disneyland, ride, animation' - edited by silvercord


The Oceanmaker (or, my Animation adventure in Belize!)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I hear you - and as this is a sponsorship, this might sound a little self-serving, but working in IT for many, many years - the idea of doing creative technical projects somewhere other than a cube farm in a windowless basement is very, very appealing to me personally. I would like this model to succeed because I would like to do something similar.

Fletch said:

Hmmm... 9 minutes of animation (as awesome as it may be), the honor of helping pay for another trip to Belize (?) or somewhere, and a good feeling inside for supporting the arts and "helping us create a whole new way to make animation" (making use of sunny, sandy beaches, SPF-50, and 75° water, I guess).

I've contributed to several Kickstarters, and it's possible I'm not exactly the kind of person this is aimed at, but I can't be the only one seeing this and thinking, "REALLY?".

LucasArts Remembered

Quadrophonic says...

I was looking forward to Star Wars 1313 and First Assault. I like when they take the lightsabers out of Star Wars once in while. I can only hope they don't make a Duke Nukem out of that games.

But I'm not sad, this won't be the end of Star Wars games and also not for the adventure genre. Lucas Arts made some really great games, which will last forever and ever. Mainly because one day I'll force my kids to stay in the basement until they solved Monkey Island II on Hard mode without any walkthroughs.

Introducing Google Nose

Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion- BLEVE

rebuilder says...

Back in shop class, when I was about, oh, 12, we were doing some metalworks that involved heating things up with a propane torch. Now some kids noticed a thin metal rod will heat up to a glow quite quickly and looks kinda neat if you wave it around fast. The teacher being at his desk at the time (he was a bit of a dick, to be honest), we spent a good while waving glowing hot metal bits around the propane tank.

The valve on the tank must have been faulty, because suddenly the top of the tank was on flames. You wouldn't believe how fast a room full of 12-year-olds evacuates itself when an explosion seems imminent. Some kids went out the door, others went out the window (we were in a basement with a window right at ground level) and some simply hid behind a sturdy desk far away from the flaming tank.

Our teacher wasn't quite disinterested enough not to notice the ruckus and went in to extinguish the fire. First he tried to stamp the flames out with his shoe, managing mainly to re-arrange the patterning of his soles, and then got a fire-extinguishing glove which did the job.

As I said, this teacher was something of an asshole, seeming to get his kicks from berating and belittling the kids he was teaching, but this time what followed was a very sober and concise lesson on fire safety. Everyone was left with the feeling we'd all gotten very lucky, and there was this worldess concensus that it'd really be best for all concerned if no-one said a word about what had happened, ever.

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

lurgee (Member Profile)

The Kills - Live at The Basement - Tape Song

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'music' to 'music, indie rock, the kills, live at the basement, alison mosshart, jamie hince' - edited by oritteropo

Matt Damon gets revenge on Jimmy Kimmel

BicycleRepairMan says...

Whenever I see videos with a "bad camera" overlay, it never actually looks like the footage was recorded on a bad camera, and I wonder WHY THE FUCK CANT YOU JUST USE AN ACTUAL OLD, BAD CAMERA! I mean look at this video, I bet 10 people have spent days hanging newspaper clippings, scratching posters and getting props and barrels and shit to make this look like a creepy basement. A bad camera is like 5 bucks and besides nearly everyone has an old one in a drawer somewhere. So yeah, you'd have to convert it or whatever. takes 5 minutes. Ask a favour of Americas Funniest Home Videos, they do that shit all day. I just dont understand why people use a $10000 camera +effects to fake a $5 camera.

California news teams overreact to “cold” temperatures

braindonut says...

I'm actually enjoying a semi-real winter out here in Michigan. Couple days of 40s-50s, but mostly 20s and low 30s. Very bearable and pretty snow.

But yeah, when it gets hot, I hide in my basement and complain when it's 85 or higher.

How to Buy a Computer in 1996

bmacs27 says...

My greatest regret was letting our TI99-4A get destroyed in the great basement flood of 1991. She was already a relic at the time. It was a painful day. We also lost the ColecoVision.

One Trap Gets Two Mice Simultaneously.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Mice, Trap, Basement, Light, Commentary, Wait Fot It' to 'Mice, Trap, Basement, Light, Commentary, Wait For It' - edited by xxovercastxx

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