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Fractal Zoom : : dendrites of the mandelbrot set

pro says...

One simple equation that leads to endless beauty. Probably the holy grail of computer graphics. Too bad people haven't been able to create an equally interesting mapping from a fractal to audio.

Zifnab grabs the top spot. (Sift Talk Post)

Forced torture psition (Sift Talk Post)

Mojo Bubbles

schnitzelboi says...

The speech mojo jojo makes in the end is undoubtedly heavily influenced the "holy grenade" scene in Monty Python's Holy Grail:

Cleric: And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once at the number three, being the third number be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

Regardless of (un)originality, upvote.

Mentos, The Freshmaker (and no Diet Coke)

Thylan says...

I think a culture of "Violence is bad" would be a good thing. Not being facetious, I'm thinking in terms of philosophy and the ramifications of such (its not quite the same as pacifism, which i consider desirable, but not always the solution. I have a rage towards rapists etc.)

Violence has often been a part of comedy. In some forms it can be funny for many (How-Not-to-Be-Seen) but where it's less farcical/exaggerated and more slapstic/real (e.g. Bottom, best of) it feels different, and I actually never liked the comedy violence in bottom. Monty Pythons Holy Grail has a classic use of the absurd to make the fight with the Black Knight funny, but the staged Tom and Jerry violence of Bottom struck a very different tone. I think i actually saw them live once, and aside form being impressed by how real it looked, but wasn't; it just felt bad.

This feels worse. If I had my star yet, I'd down vote too.

Drink driving used to be considered socially acceptable, and only frowned on like a slap on the wrist, so people felt ok doing it, and did. Over time that attitude has changed in the UK, and for many drink driving is taboo (not completely, alas) and alcohol related injury statistics have improved (I checked to confirm). If we can change peoples attitude to violence, taking it more seriously and negatively, (especially violence against women, and domestic violence, where i include violence against men too) then perhaps less of it would happen...

To quote - : There is some consensus, however, that the humor response is similar to the fear response, and thus the unknown, the surprising, and the incongruous are often funny.
-End quote.

True comedy uses a lot more than just SURPRISE! *custard pie*, and this should be seen for what it is. Bad comedy plus a bad and serious act that should not be trivialized by this staged setting.

thinker246 (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

Jon Stewart meets Matt Groening

karaidl says...

Well guys, I believe this is it. This is the Holy Grail of VideoSift. We've finally found a clip that combines the Simpsons with the Daily Show. I think we should just shut down the site now and go out with this little grand finale.

100 Movies, 100 Quotes, 100 Numbers

k8_fan says...

100: Night of the Living Dead
99: Laura
98: Dead Poets Society
97: Bladerunner
96: The Lost Weekend
95: Oceans 11
94: Star Wars: Episode IV
93: Midnight Run
92: It Came from Outer Space
91: The Right Stuff
90: The Fugitive
89: The French Connection
88: Back To The Future
87: Cast Away
86: Quiz Show
85: The Silence of the Lambs
84: Titanic
83: The Magnificent Seven (?)
82: Rain Man
81: Galaxy Quest
80: Harold and Maude
79: Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead
78: The Day The Earth Stood Still
77: The Apartment
76: The Great Escape
75: The Hustler
74: Ed Wood
73: The Jerk
72: Raiders of the Lost Ark
71: When Harry Met Sally
70: Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
69: M*A*S*H
68: The Breakfast Club
67: The King and I
66: Gentleman's Agreement (?)
65: The Princess Bride
64: Yellow Submarine
63: Network
62: Mister Roberts
61: Singles
60: Gone With the Wind
59: The Awful Truth
58: Goldfinger
57: The Manchurian Candidate
56: It's a Wonderful Life
55: The Blues Brothers
54: The Remains of the Day
53: Midnight Express
52: Waking Ned Devine
51: Roman Holiday
50: Cool Hand Luke
49: The Taking of Pelham One Two Three
48: The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
47: The Big Sleep
48: On The Waterfront
45: The Hudsucker Proxy
44: Dirty Harry
43: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
42: Finding Nemo
41: Ben Hur
40: Superman
39: The 39 Steps
38: Aliens
37: Men In Black
36: Clerks
35: Harvey
34: Marty
33: The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (?)
32: All About Eve (?)
31: Ferris Bueller's Day Off
30: The Wild Bunch
29: Young Frankenstein
28: The Bridge Over the River Kwai
27: The Usual Suspects
26: North By Northwest
25: Sunset Blvd.
24: Escape From New York
23: The Wizard of Oz
22: Casablanca
21: The Lion in Winter
20: Boogie Nights
19: The Shawshank Redemption
18: Almost Famous
17: The Maltese Falcon
16: The Natural
15: Being John Malcovich
14: The Professionals
13: Laurence of Arabia
12: Ghostbusters
11: This is Spinal Tap
10: Citizen Kane
9: 12 Angry Men
8: Office Space
7: To Kill a Mockingbird
6: Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
5: The Godfather
4: Fargo
3: L.A. Confidential
2: Once Upon a Time In the West
1: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

That's off the top of my head. My wife saw this and filled in a few more, and corrected a few.

René Higuita's Scorpion Kick, England v Colombia - 1995

rembar says...

Ah, the scorpion kick. I've seen people use it more to take a shot off a cross than as a defensive gimmick. It was like the holy grail of shots when I was a striker and now it's the bane of my existence as a referee.

Zifnab (Member Profile)

Star Trek does Monty Python's Camelot

Strange Faces and Noises I Can Make III

2 Roosters Break Up A Rabbit Fight - Hilarious

daphne says...

This is exactly how we rescued our bunny. She was in the same an area where chickens, roosters and rabbits were kept together. They do this to train them for fighting. My rabbit had her eye pecked by a rooster...and she was only a wee thing. Maybe 8 weeks old. I could fit her in my hand.

As cute as this may seem, don't be fooled. Rabbits are extremely territorial and are prone to fighting if provoked. (Mine has chased my cat out of her area many, many times...grunting and snarling and very determined. The killer rabbit in the Holy Grail is probably based on someone's experience. ) They are often used as sparring animals for cock fighters. It's an awful, awful thing.

We were lucky to stumble in on the place where this was happening, but sadly my Spyro was the only one to make it out - under my jacket. By the time we got the authorities to do something, all of the animals had been "killed by a wild dog."

I hope this video wasn't taken in one of those places. I hope that it's an organic, free-range farm that just happens to have a small staging area...maybe for drum circles or fire poi. Yes. That's what I'll choose to believe.

Now, I think I'll go give my bunny some love.

The Self-linking Thread (Sift Talk Post)

benjee says...

It seems my comments have been mis-construed into some kind of Witch Hunt, which I never intended...And I know only too well what one is; as a relative was burnt as a witch (possibly why my mums side of the family is full of martyrs!) Plus, I've been on the receiving end of incorrect 'trigger-happy' discards myself in the past (but I certainly don't blame anyone, as the rules are vague). Anyway: I'm a person of principle - if somethings against my ethics then I'll have no conscious part of it in a very vocal way (what hasn't helped me gain friends or votes here!) This is certainly one of those occasions, so let me explain why:

A. Like I've said previously, I think the change would create a two-tiered level of users - those who've earned the right to bend the rules and the new/unappreciated users. I'd find that a little hypocritical and certainly a confusing rule - this would have put me off when joining a few months ago (and repulses me even more with my 'in' status).

B. Instead of searching the web video portals, the bit-torrent network would be more reliable source of videos to submit. Thereby adding another barrier to those who won't look into the darkside of the internet or don't know how to edit/convert video, which leads to:

C. Allowing self-links maybe seen as encouraging copyright infringement - at the moment we're finding links posted by others, if Sifters are adding content (such as the multitude of BBC/C4 docs I've sifted) it will reflect badly on the site itself. For instance, if I worked for major media looking for copyright web-videos to take down, the Sift would be my favourite site (we do all the work they don't want to!)
Example scenarios where the proposed rule change fails:
1. A corporate marketing employee/self-employed agency registers on the Sift and publishes 50 good videos/SiftTalks, easily done as a full-time job spent astro-turfing. After getting a foot in the Gold door (possibly using the same corporations sub-companies virals etc) - the marketer can get down to work.

2. I could make a video directly promoting my work or that of my employer, even submitted to my own host account and add everything except an email address. Basicly, anything I wanted to Sift-Off could be easily submitted at will and commented as such - I'd prefer it's return as a separate section with the top 3 prize of being allowed.

3. In protest of the rule change; I sell my profile to the highest bidder on e-Bay...Thereby earning a nice profit on the cost of the (then) 6 months upgrade and time spent. The buyer is then well within the rules (of the proposed and current ones) to post whatever they want, from whatever source they like.
I have no doubt the Sifters commenting here only want to share good videos with this great community. But using the same community to host or submit the video is an addition to the social bindings that I feel are the biggest attraction on the Sift. Personally, I would be disappointed to see sanctioned self-links being added to the rules for anyone of any status - I could only possibly envisage two allowances: (I've run out of listings, so I'm using smileys!)

Self-link replacements to dead Sifts could possibly be an exception, but difficult due to explanation C (dead for a reason?)

The Gold, Silver & Bronze Sift-Off winners (or more from channels?) get their video legitimately published to the Sift's front with a trophy - as the prizes for a more frequent event (weekly/fortnightly/monthly)

P.S: Sorry Ren, my comment wasn't directed at yourself (I also positively voted and commented for both, I believe) - but a good example of why something needs to change.

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