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MONTY PYTHON and the HOLY GRAIL-three questions

dannym3141 (Member Profile)

rasch187 says...

At least they're mostly probies and can be instabanned if they get too obnoxious. I won't give you any of that free-speech-is-the-holy-grail bullshit, but users shouldn't get banned because of one stupid comment (as long as it's within certain subjectively set borders of course). Xenophobia isn't a new thing on the sift, it's just that almost all the users who feel the need to base their comments on it get tired of this place pretty quickly or are able to present their fear based views in a semi-cordial way. pprt is a good example of the latter.

edit: having read through his recent comments...maybe he needs to be banned. Time will tell.

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
Did you read "dranzerk's" comment on this video? What the fuck is with the xenophobia on this site recently? Racism and now anti-transvestitism? How long before people are attacking gays? This is getting rediculous..

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
He's a transvestite and there are a lot of his videos on the sift. So why everone deemed it necessary to start reacting to his appearance right now is a bit puzzling.

Modern Marvels: How Pork Rinds are Made

The Black Knight of Star Wars

The Black Knight of Star Wars

evil_disco_man (Member Profile)

SuperWave™ Fusion - Cold Fusion at last?

dannym3141 says...

I don't know whether this is true or not - i am not sufficiently educated to tell - but cold fusion is not free energy and is seen as a pretty big holy grail for scientists in terms of energy problems.

A rudimentary physics understanding teaches you about fusion and fission. Fission is where the nucleus of an atom splits into different stuff releasing energy as it does so.

Basically a fusion reaction releases a lot more energy than a fission reaction, that's the general idea and the general aim. We use fission now to produce lots of energy at little pollution costs (depending on what you class as little, of course). The aim is to replace this with the better principle of cold fusion which would create more energy and for even less polution. As the guy said above me - you can get it from sea water, and i don't know what the end product is but iirc from my physics a-level, it's nothing particular bad (unlike the radioactive waste from fission we get now).

Fusion is what takes place in the sun, where the opposite happens - 2 nuclei combine to form something else. So yes, the sun can do fusion and look how much energy it releases. That's not free energy. The problem for humans is that we only know of fusion that can take place at extremely high pressures/temperatures as of that in the sun, and therefore is useless to us because the energy required for us to forcibly increase the temperature/pressure so high is greater than the energy you would get out of the reaction (and we might not be able to do it).. So our holy grail is something called "cold fusion" which is the same thing but not at huge temperatures/pressures that we can't achieve realistically or economically.

Fusion is NOT make believe or "free energy". This is way beyond turning a wheel to produce something greater than you put in. There are HUUUUUUUUGE amounts of energy stored inside atoms. Check out the wikipedia pages, but they're kinda hard reading.

As for whether or not this is possible or real, no idea. But scientists are definitely working on cold fusion.

Now that's a big rabbit

The Memristor Will Replace RAM and the Hard Drive

Officially Declared a Security Risk by the US Embassy (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

Screaming Frog

Awesome new motion tracking (Sixense)

Flood says...

Am I the only one that is underwhelmed by this motion sensing technology?

I always thought the holy grail of input devices was to make it as transparent to the user as possible. An input device translates my intentions to an on screen action, the more difficult that is, the more the game's challenge becomes a gaming of the input device.

The applications of this motion sensing technology is really limited to games of physical dexterity. You could of course make a non-advanced mode--as the speaker put it--where the device's input is filtered and dumbed down, but then why not use a different input device that didn't require so much effort. For example, I wouldn't want to play Counter-Strike like this for more than the 10 minutes it would take for the gimmick to wear off.

Killer Rabbit - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Killer Rabbit - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Killer Rabbit - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

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