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blankfist (Member Profile)

budzos (Member Profile)

mas8705 (Member Profile)

bleedingsnowman says...

Haha, got it!

In reply to this comment by mas8705:
about 2-3 days later

SNOWMAN!!! I am very upset with you right now! (Of course I'm joking so no need to panic...)

I was posting my video and I made a reference to your video when I realized that it was working and I had to call it dead! I politely demand that you fix this video right away please so that everyone can enjoy that piece of footage...

I'm also upset right now because I found out you beat me in posting the video of the holy grail- become a skeleton video before me, So I went ahead and fixed it for you... (WTH is wrong with me today?)

bleedingsnowman (Member Profile)

mas8705 says...

about 2-3 days later

SNOWMAN!!! I am very upset with you right now! (Of course I'm joking so no need to panic...)

I was posting my video and I made a reference to your video when I realized that it was working and I had to call it dead! I politely demand that you fix this video right away please so that everyone can enjoy that piece of footage...

I'm also upset right now because I found out you beat me in posting the video of the holy grail- become a skeleton video before me, So I went ahead and fixed it for you... (WTH is wrong with me today?)

Staring Bunny Pwnz You

The Black Knight of Star Wars

Now you see the violence inherent in the system!

Sausage and Egg Pizza

Fools Walk Where Angels Fear to Tread - Mission to Mars

Guardian-X says...

Very interesting video, and I think it brings up points that are agreeably logical. There are some things I tend to disagree with, especially the idea of space babies being born once they land. Um...birth control? That knocks that idea out of the water, as the idea of impregnating an astronaut 10,000,000 miles from Earth is only slightly more irresponsible (and preventable when proper relations are had) than doing so whilst on terra firma. The cost projections are also assumed on the 1970's missions, and I wouldn't want to see any human attempting to go to Mars for at least 50-100 years when the technology (and decreased costs) may literally pushes us to do so. There are possible propulsion systems that can cut the travel time to less than a month (unlikely but I discourage pessimism in technology), and the money would be better spent working on the holy grail of rapid transit- and most important of all a Moon base to stage these missions. Taking inflation into account can cut down the costs, and seeing a U.S. population of 700 million in the near future could make it much more feasible. And that's assuming the U.S. is doing this alone just to drop a flag on the surface. 5 trillion isn't too bad for the entire community of Earth to scrounge up if there is a collective will and incentive to do so. The Moon could become a capitalist's dream land and that would open up the possibility of traveling to Mars for pure exploratory purposes. I am optimistic about the future and think that the restraints we are bound to now can be lifted if human ingenuity has anything to say about it. It still takes that first step and the risk-taking Colombus to plant the seeds of exploration (thankfully only rocks can be raped and diseased this time), and the rest falls into place (travel time between the continents went from months to hours, an infeasible feat according to the greatest minds and technology of the 15th century). I foresee exponential growth in humanity (if the past 100 years have taught us anything) and it will just take time to do the rest. So long as we don't all kill each other, we are destined for great things.

Monty Python-Black Knight

Holy Grail - Killer Bunny

Ban everyone under gold 100 (Parody Talk Post)

Witch Hunting: Monty Python

Witch Hunting: Monty Python

Thylan (Member Profile)

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