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Ron Paul meets a Medical Marijuana patient

kulpims says...

all these arguments for and against have been tryed out allready in Holland and Switzerland (where registered junkies can get smack for free - and i mean heroin, not some synthetic shit like methadon) and they mostly proved the fact that prohibition sucks and can only make things worse

The Only Live-Action Dr. Seuss Film

The Only Live-Action Dr. Seuss Film

Frontline PBS Documentary on "The Mormons"

qruel says...

downvote on your comment for gross vagueness.

you say, "True until 4 minutes in", yet do not mention anything specific that you take offense to or disagree with. BE SPECIFIC.

There was nothing negative in this video. perhaps you did not watch the video presented above, as it is a PBS Frontline documentary, and has nothing to do with me ( you say, "as presented by the poster")

you say, "None of the so called experts are members of the church"
please read this page which lists who Frontline interviewed and then please retract your comment.

Gordon B. Hinckley
Gordon B. Hinckley is the 15th president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has led the church since March 1995.

Jeffrey Holland
Holland was ordained an apostle of the church in June 1994 and became a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles later that year. He received a master's degree in religious education from Brigham Young University (BYU) and has a Ph.D. in American studies from Yale. Prior to joining the Quorum of the Twelve, Holland served as the church commissioner of education and later as president of BYU.

Marlin Jensen
Marlin Jensen is an LDS church historian and member of the First Quorum of the Seventy.

Daniel Peterson
Daniel Peterson is a professor of Islamic studies and Arabic at Brigham Young University, a member of the university's Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies, and a contributor to the Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research and the Scholarly & Historical Information Exchange for Latter-day Saints. He is the author of numerous articles and books on Mormon history and doctrine.

for the full list, again please visist

You then bring up a story about Mike Wallace (without sources) which has nothing to do with this video. I personally think your quote is rubbish, back it up with a source.

your not starting an arguement, your just being overly vague and bringing up unrelated storys

ex-jedi (Member Profile)

supersaiyan93 says...

no problem. my train of thought to find it was crazy, though. I remembered it playing in "Mr. Holland's Opus" when he was talking about his deaf son, so I remembered it was Beethoven. Then a quick hop over to Wikipedia helped me find the exact piece.

Yeah, it was a slow day at work today. lol.


In reply to this comment by ex-jedi:
Hey. Thanks for answering my music query. I think I might even have that piece lying around somewhere.

B-52 Crash in Spokane, WA

calvados says...

But was everybody OK?

I keed I keed. Because I am ancient, I remember the Time article about this, back when it actually happened. What a moron cowboy that pilot was -- Bud Holland; his name lives in infamy. Fine that he killed himself, but the fact he took three other people with him is rotten. And the copilot was supposed to retire from flying after that flight, so his family was there and saw everything.

Dana Carvey & Steve Carell: German say the nicest things

The Stranglers- The Raven (Live 1982)

raven says...

*notdead... although this show is no longer the one from Holland, but rather from a German broadcast. I guess I should change the title to reflect that.

Cops say legalize drugs, ask them why

drattus says...

As a BTW, the site I posted above mentions that "The Netherlands decriminalized possession and allowed small scale sales of marijuana beginning in 1976. Yet, marijuana use in Holland is half the rate of use in the USA. It is also lower than the United Kingdom which had continued to treat possession as a crime. The UK is now moving toward decriminalization".

If use has gone up it doesn't seem to have been as much as it is here and with our tough laws and most imprisoned nation status. Tough laws just might not be what drives it if it moves in spite of them. I'm not sure they tried it in college or whatever adds up to a problem there, not near as much as what we've done has caused problems here.

Fox News On The Netherlands

cheshirepuss says...

Our transformation into America is not one towards intolerance, its about short-sightedness, the changing of its inhabitants into fearfull consumers, and the increasing bias of the media.
Ayaan moved out of the Netherlands because she lied about her entrance to Holland, and so her political career and credibility was over. She is now exploiting her threats by posing as a heroine in America. Check her backstory.
There is mention of the Hofstad-group, of which Bouyeri (the killer) was a part. But to equate this with a large terrorist-network is like calling the trenchcoat maffia a threat to America.
Basically all our media is owned by the same people who own fox news. So i wouldnt take them too seriously, especially the feed they give the USA and UK.

Fox News On The Netherlands

Fox News On The Netherlands

Y AY W A B B I T ! (woland gold)..... (Sift Talk Post)

Elastica - Live: Car Stop, Connection, Line Up

MINK says...

best band evar.
this is the original lineup (haha)
annie the bassist was kinda reclusive and quit before it got too mental
justine the singer was living with damon albarn which brought them a lot of shitty tabloid pressure
donna the blond guitarist was apparently a bit prone to moody bitchiness
justin the drummer was the coolest drummer at the time imo
they were about to drop their second album when it all went too wrong i think. it seemed like they went and toured australia for 2 years. the album eventually came out but the magic was gone.
they got a new bassist who was foxy but very young and a keyboard player who died of a heroin overdose and that was that.
but for a year they were the absolute shit, i nearly died of exhaustion after about 3 of their songs.

incidentally that show is The White Room which was about the only good music show on UK tv, apart from Jools Holland obviously.

Amsterdam: The Bicycling Capitol of Europe

wazant says...

Here in Copenhagen, the situation is rather similar. I am not sure about Holland, but here it is possible to take your bicycle with you on the trains if you buy the right ticket. I used to do that to get to work sometimes. You can't take your bike on the buses though.

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