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Why Homosexuality Should Be Banned

Abducted says...

>> ^hotlava646:
You have the right to move out of America, but is the only country that can support you, that is why you whine like a girl, er guy, er girl.

Why do you assume this? Anything else than your blind belief that America is the best place in the world?
I would say Sweden or the Netherlands or Holland are way better places.

For The 55% Of Video Sifters - FUCK YEAH!

charliem says...

How have the netherlands hit the perfect balance on spending for military, education, health, social services, communications, roads and bridges, water, energy etc.....and they have nowhere near as many people as the US does to pool resources from ?

Its a crime that the US isnt closer to a utopia than sweeden/denmark/holland etc. are. So so much potential, all gone to shit.

Smells Like (Ukulele) Teen Spirit

Ask The Real Muslim Women about Islam

theaceofclubz says...

Just denying a problem exists does not make it disappear. Of course if you define followers of the "Real" Muslim faith as those who don't oppress women then you can go and make the claim that the Muslim faith isn't sexist. The unfortunate truth is that regardless of the arbitrary definitions the speaker in this video asserts, a substantial amount of nations made up of mostly Muslims have deplorable track records on women's treatment and rights. Countries like Saudia Arabia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Much of the subjugation in these societies is based upon a fundamentalist following of the Islamic faith. If this man was really concerned with women's rights he would have spent his time at the podium condemning these actions and calling for change instead of throwing up a smoke screen. Very disingenuous.

And then there was the second half of the video
"the 148,000 prostitutes that walk the streets of the UK, or the 76,000 prostitutes that walk the streets of Holland"

Umm, using this guys own criteria on how to determine if a group is being oppressed, shouldn't he talk to the prostitutes? Who the hell is he to declare they are being oppressed?

"Naked little girls walking around Australia, with no clothes on"

What? Where in the hell is this guy even getting this shit? And I'm willing to bet that everyone in the room just ate it up as if it were literal fact.

"prostitution, venereal disease, prostitution, pedophilia and this horrendous number of children being raped and kidnapped that exists in the western world, it is almost unheard of in the Muslim world. So I think the statistics kinda like, speak for themselves."

(So shocked my jaw fucking dropped) I forgot that the Muslim countenance was white as snow. Nevermind those honour killings or acid attacks.

Amazing Solo Goal by Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Creepy Dutch TV Host- Paedophile or no?

laura says...

ok, so I thought to myself that maybe I was missing something, that they could have been joking around. Then I immediately thought, hmmmm... is it socially acceptable in Holland to joke around sexually with a child? I have to say that even if it was, and even if the person was trying to cause controversy, I am not okay with it and I don't think it should be saved for posterity either. Normally I would, but not with something like this. It's as no no as a snuff to me, baby...

Bomb the Bass ft. Paul Conboy - So Special

Eklek says...

Ah Bomb the Bass is back in collaboration with other artists:)
This track/video bit long but features some interesting melodies and moods I think. It refers to the video for The Prodigy, Smack my bitch up. (does the video part of the tour) :
Future Chaos: Bomb The Bass in the 21st Century

Quietly in November 2006, news was posted by Simenon on the Bomb The Bass Myspace page that a new album had been recorded, and was about to be mixed. Much later, in January 2008, and again without fanfare through their Myspace page, it was announced that the Future Chaos album would indeed see the light of day - in May of the same year. Performed, for the best part, with Simenon working on a vintage Minimoog synth, the album, which consists of fourteen tracks is said to be more electronic than previous efforts, with the strong use of the Minimoog lending a cohesive feel across the set.

As with all previous Bomb The Bass albums, Future Chaos is a collaborative outing. This time, Simenon has teamed up with former Screaming Trees and Queens Of The Stone Age singer, Mark Lanegan, the Krautrock-loving and decidedly un-Japanese Fujiya & Miyagi, and Richard Thair and Jakeone of Toob. Most notable, however, is the appearance of Paul Conboy, who is best known for his partnership with Adrian Corker in A.P.E. and Corker Conboy. Conboy sings on six tracks, has co-written a great deal of the music, and also co-produces alongside Simenon, making this the most collaborative Bomb The Bass album to date. Adam Sky has also become involved with the project, by way of contributing remix duties to a track called Butterfingers.

With Bomb The Bass now up and running as a viable band, rather than production orientated studio entity, live concert dates are being finalised to coincide with the May release of Future Chaos. Again, Paul Conboy will feature, adding keyboards and vocals to the live set-up. Low key warm-up shows were undertaken in February 2008 in Holland - due, no doubt, to Simenon currently residing in Amsterdam. In keeping with the multi-media ethos of the band, video artists will be on hand to scratch video and animation projections over the stage.

Anchor Fights Reporter on Air (Action at 1min)

my15minutes (Member Profile)

bleedingsnowman says...

Wow, he also wrote Cloak and Dagger which was one of my favorite movies as a kid. Looks like he took a 10 year break recently though, but not a bad resume.

In reply to this comment by my15minutes:
^ yup. although someone else made the 2nd.
all the more surprising, i suppose, that it was quite watchable, eh?

Holland is better known for having written & directed Child's Play a few years after this.

and Thinner was awful damn good too. i had already read the book, and thought it was one of King's best.

Fright Night - trailer

my15minutes says...

^ yup. although someone else made the 2nd.
all the more surprising, i suppose, that it was quite watchable, eh?

Holland is better known for having written & directed Child's Play a few years after this.

and Thinner was awful damn good too. i had already read the book, and thought it was one of King's best.

Learn Dutch, ja?

Laekroth says...

hehehe sanderbos. One more tip in learning dutch: if you're ever in the east part of Holland and want to pick up a woman in a club/cafe, just ask her:

"Want to go check out motorcycles?"
"Ga je mee brommers kieke?"

Laekroth (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Taking over the world? Better I should focus on taking over my life first.

In reply to this comment by Laekroth:
Maybe dutch people usually are quiet, except when they're on holiday in a foreign country and start shouting to each other in the super market how cheap the products are. *horrorshow

I can't speak for sanderbos and Eklek ofcourse, but I'm certainly planning to take over the world. Which would explain my inactivity from the Sift time to time. If you ever plan on taking over the world, realize that it takes a big chunk of your spare time...

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
LOL! Those are goed, ja?

I never knew you were Dutch. That's at least three Dutch sifters whom I now know of: Eklek, sanderbos, and now you. You're all pretty quiet too. What are you all up to? Is there some Dutch fifth-column movement going on here?

I've got my eye on you Dutchies.

In reply to this comment by Laekroth:
LOL! Nice video krono. They did forget some essential sentences by the way, like:

"I'm wearing two left clumps" - "Ik draag twee linker klompen"
"The library is full of tar" - "De bibliotheek zit vol teer"
"Your hamsters do that funky dance" - "Uw hamsters doen die funky dans"
"Your axe is swift stewardess" - "Uw bijl is snel stewardess"
"The lemming is driving recklessly" - "Die lemming rijdt roekeloos"
"Your infant has swallowed my grenade" - "Uw kind heeft mijn granaat ingeslikt"

and ofcourse:
"There are tiremarks on your forehead" - "Er staan remsporen op uw voorhoofd"

See you in Holland!

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Laekroth says...

Maybe dutch people usually are quiet, except when they're on holiday in a foreign country and start shouting to each other in the super market how cheap the products are. *horrorshow

I can't speak for sanderbos and Eklek ofcourse, but I'm certainly planning to take over the world. Which would explain my inactivity from the Sift time to time. If you ever plan on taking over the world, realize that it takes a big chunk of your spare time...

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
LOL! Those are goed, ja?

I never knew you were Dutch. That's at least three Dutch sifters whom I now know of: Eklek, sanderbos, and now you. You're all pretty quiet too. What are you all up to? Is there some Dutch fifth-column movement going on here?

I've got my eye on you Dutchies.

In reply to this comment by Laekroth:
LOL! Nice video krono. They did forget some essential sentences by the way, like:

"I'm wearing two left clumps" - "Ik draag twee linker klompen"
"The library is full of tar" - "De bibliotheek zit vol teer"
"Your hamsters do that funky dance" - "Uw hamsters doen die funky dans"
"Your axe is swift stewardess" - "Uw bijl is snel stewardess"
"The lemming is driving recklessly" - "Die lemming rijdt roekeloos"
"Your infant has swallowed my grenade" - "Uw kind heeft mijn granaat ingeslikt"

and ofcourse:
"There are tiremarks on your forehead" - "Er staan remsporen op uw voorhoofd"

See you in Holland!

Laekroth (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

LOL! Those are goed, ja?

I never knew you were Dutch. That's at least three Dutch sifters whom I now know of: Eklek, sanderbos, and now you. You're all pretty quiet too. What are you all up to? Is there some Dutch fifth-column movement going on here?

I've got my eye on you Dutchies.

In reply to this comment by Laekroth:
LOL! Nice video krono. They did forget some essential sentences by the way, like:

"I'm wearing two left clumps" - "Ik draag twee linker klompen"
"The library is full of tar" - "De bibliotheek zit vol teer"
"Your hamsters do that funky dance" - "Uw hamsters doen die funky dans"
"Your axe is swift stewardess" - "Uw bijl is snel stewardess"
"The lemming is driving recklessly" - "Die lemming rijdt roekeloos"
"Your infant has swallowed my grenade" - "Uw kind heeft mijn granaat ingeslikt"

and ofcourse:
"There are tiremarks on your forehead" - "Er staan remsporen op uw voorhoofd"

See you in Holland!

Learn Dutch, ja?

Laekroth says...

LOL! Nice video krono. They did forget some essential sentences by the way, like:

"I'm wearing two left clumps" - "Ik draag twee linker klompen"
"The library is full of tar" - "De bibliotheek zit vol teer"
"Your hamsters do that funky dance" - "Uw hamsters doen die funky dans"
"Your axe is swift stewardess" - "Uw bijl is snel stewardess"
"The lemming is driving recklessly" - "Die lemming rijdt roekeloos"
"Your infant has swallowed my grenade" - "Uw kind heeft mijn granaat ingeslikt"

and ofcourse:
"There are tiremarks on your forehead" - "Er staan remsporen in uw voorhoofd"

See you in Holland!

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