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Issykitty (Member Profile)

Marijuana is not as evil as we have been told

arvana says...

I've lived in Holland, where dope-smoking is legal, and I've lived in the USA where it's as illegal as it gets. I saw WAAAAAAAAY more drug use in the USA than in Holland -- almost everybody smoked up in the States. Only a small percentage of people smoked in Holland.

I'm just sayin'.

jacobrecker (Member Profile)

Haldaug (Member Profile)

B-52 Bomber Crashes During Air Show

BoneyD says...

More on this from wiki.

The pilot Arthur "Bud" Holland (46) was a cowboy, who had often performed risky and flatly unsafe manouvers many times throughout his career. He had even attempted a similar high angle (> 60° angle) turn like this above his daughters softball game - spiralling downwards for some 1000 feet before he could regain control of the aircraft. He was never removed from flight duty for any of his infractions.

The habitual lack of enforcement of safety regulations combined with the distraction of a recent mass shooting at their airbase four days prior failed to prevent Holland from trying the spectacular 360° turn at such low altitude. None of the four aircrew survived the crash.

The incident is used widely to show the importance of adhereing to and enforcing safety regulations, as well as correct crew resource management.

The Little Match Girl

Sylvester_Ink says...

The reason I posted the original story above was to show that the Disney short was a near exact translation of the original literature, so as such, Disney couldn't have done much in the way of "sanitizing" the story. The original theme of Anderson's work was to portray the terrible living conditions of children in Eastern Europe at the time, and that theme carried over to the animation quite well. Yes, the girl is bright and optimistic in the beginning, but it's her innocence and hopefulness that make her eventual fate all the more heartbreaking. Would the animation have been quite as touching if she had been a dirty urchin?

And if you study Anderson's original work, you'll see that he makes several allusions to her being "beautiful." In fact, in the text she's described as being fair-haired, something which was changed in the animation, and could arguably have LESSENED the beauty of the character portrayed.

As to comparing to Takahata's works, do note that Studio Toei did make their own interpretation of this work, which can be found here:
(Do note that at the time it was made, Takahata WAS working at Toei, so it's quite likely he was involved with the project as well.) It is notable that while Toei's interpretation is more accurate with relation the girl's look and the location of the story (Holland), the story itself has been altered quite a bit more than Disney's version, and in fact has less of an emotional impact. One could argue that the dubbing contributed to that, but the overall meaning of the scenes is not lost, and in this case they prove to make the Toei version inferior. (Or as inferior as one could call it. It's still a decent animation.) While in the Disney version the girl was friendless and alone, with everyone indifferent to her predicament, in the Toei version people either treat her like dirt, or feel a great sense of remorse over her death. These extremes are too exaggerated, whereas the Disney version feels a lot more like something that would happen in real life.

And on a side note, enough comparing Disney's works to anime, people. While Disney is indeed guilty of producing quite a bit in the way of lousy works, a lot of it was the result of the leadership during the Michael Eisner era. The Walt Disney era was full of great works (which despite their changes with relation to the original stories were quite beautiful), and the Rob Iger era seems like it's on route to turning the company around. It's also important to remember that Disney animations and most anime target different audiences. Disney targets a younger crowd (in general), while anime targets an older crowd (mostly adults). Takahata's "Grave of the Fireflies," for example, is most definitely not for children. They would find it boring, and perhaps a bit too sad in the end.

Disney's version of The Little Match Girl does walk a fine line here, as it has a more adult theme, and perhaps would be too sad for the children who did catch that ending. However, I think this one was made just as much for adults, as it was meant for the next iteration of Fantasia, and Fantasia is meant to be for both children and adults.

The Little Match Girl

Sylvester_Ink says...

>> ^ponceleon:
Wow... Disney are douches.
A: They sugar coated this like everything else they touch. This would have been 100% more powerful if it ended like the original story.
B: And even after sugar-coating it, they STILL buried it in some extra features on a dvd.
This is why Ghibli > Disney. Disney doesn't want to challenge our kids, just feed them shit they can use to sell toys to trips to disneyworld.
Edit: I'm voting up because I feel it is about as close as Disney has gotten in recent years to a good piece of animation.

Actually, Disney's version here is almost EXACTLY like the original Hans Christen Anderson story, with some minor changes to accommodate the style. The beginning of the story (which gives a bit more detail about the grandmother, as well as the girl's family) has been cut out because it wouldn't fit with the rest of the short, which is supposed to be a silent film of sorts. However, this omission does nothing to change the theme and impact of the story, as the rest of the short more than makes up for it. The only other difference is that the animation takes place in Russia instead of Holland, a change which I rather prefer for the visual style.

As for the ending, make no mistake about it, the girl dies. You can see her body after her "spirit" fades into the distance with her grandmother's spirit. Perhaps you missed that.

Don't stand near to large ships being dropped into water

Icelandic motorcyclists attempt to hasten global warming

ElJardinero says...

>> ^imstellar28:
my kind of protest. any links to the story?

They are protesting in front of parliment. We now have protests there every saturday at 15:00. People show up, 3-4 people hold speeches. These motorcyclists weren't an official part of the protest but wanted to do show support in this way. The flag the guy on the roof was raising is the flag of Bonus (icelandic Wal Mart, Tesco). The cops tried to get him but the crowd got him back and he ran away. I was very happy they didn't resort to spraying people with tear gas which they did this summer. When people are shouting at the police there they are saying "YOU ARE WORKING FOR US, NOT THEM". I suspect the police were this passive because most of them probably agree with the protesters.

Basically, Iceland is in turmoil. The credit crisis led to all of our 3 banks collapsing(12x the size of the GDP). It's down to a european trade agreement(can't remember the name in english). It gives companys all sorts of freedoms, some good, some not so good. It meant that our banks could operate anywhere in Europe. So, they went and started loaning in Holland, Germany and England. In England alone over 300.000 people had accounts (these accounts had very high interest rates). So.. when the banks couldn't get loans from other banks they started falling, they had expanded themselves way too much like everybody else. BUT.. while the law gave them freedom to operate in other countries, the banking license was still in Iceland. Which meant 310.000 people were now responsible for accounts of almost 500.000 people, many of which had high amounts in the accounts.

The Icelandic goverment started freezing the banks, to take over. A disputed act, but they couldn't really let the banks go bankrupt because then the country would have no way to buy anything, nobody would have any money. So when Gordon Brown saw what they were doing he talked to our goverment and they said they would probably be able to pay off what the law required of them (about 20-30.000 euros for each person I think). Somehow Gordon took that as us not being willing to pay. So next the British goverment froze all Icelandic assets in England (using the terrorist law) and declared Iceland as a bankrupt nation (even though the country itself had no debts and has been practically debtless for some years, quite rare for a country). Next we knew, iceland was on the same list as terrorist organizations like Al quaida and terrorist supporting nations. It has now come to light that before they did that, the assets of the banks would have sufficed to pay off the legal requirement and then some. But freezing everything and declaring us as a terrorist nation effectively took all value off those assets. Catch 22?.

We are now running down on foreign currency to buy in produce. We have been working with the IMF to get a loan to get the economy moving but word is that the english and dutch are working behind the scenes to deny us of that loan until we agree to pay way over the legal requirements. Gordon Brown is basically trying to look as some savior to the british people, he's been doing horrible in the polls and this is his Falklands war.

In essence, we got fucked by greedy businessmen and inept politicians. 99% of the nation had no idea we were written down as responsible for all these foreign accounts. The politicians championed these businessmenn while everything here was booming, they were buying up huge companies overseas, money here was very easy to come by. But as it turns out, it was a bubble, none of it was real.

In the last few decades unemployment has been from 1,2-2,2%. We are now facing a possible 10-20% next year. Numbers that have never been seen in the history of the country. Our international reputation has been terminally fucked. We read stories of icelanders in england having their dinner plates spat on, people getting verbally abused in the street e.t.c. Just for being icelandic. For the actions of about 30 people.

This rant could probably be 3x longer, but i'll stop here for now .

Weird Vaguely Racist British Commercial - Kia Ora

dannym3141 says...

I actually regularly saw this ad when i was younger, it was quite a good one and quite popular. I used to sing the song to myself a lot like you do when you're younger, and i even hum it to myself from time to time now.. so seeing this on here is key-raaaaazy. I never even registered that the kid was black back then, and even now i don't see any undertones at all.. In fact, while i was at primary school - between 4-10 - we had a black girl in our class, and even she sang it or hummed it, and no one ever gave any kia-ora based abuse, ever.

Anyway.. explain the racism to me.. so he's a little black kid who likes this drink, a crow wants some of his drink, he doesn't let him cos it's too orangey for anything but him and his dog.. then a crow starts bouncing the sun as though it's a ball. Even if it's meant to look like basketball, why is that racist either?

Honestly, i'm not playing dumb or devil's advocate, i don't see why it's racist.

- The unnaturally deep voice belongs to the crow.
- The bag may indicate he's a hobo, but not necessarily and why is that so terrible anyway?
- It's clearly set in some baking hot country such as ones where you're likely to find darker skin.
- The crow is playing basketball, not the black kid, even if basketball is racist.
- Oranges = made by black people omgracisthax? That's about as racist as associating holland with windmills - ie. not very.
(just pre-empting some answers and hunting for any kind of racism i can)

I'm really flummoxed on this one! Put me out of my misery, or perhaps it really isn't racist at all.

Obama ad: "Honor"

charliem says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

..."The same" is better than communism.

Uhhh...the republicans just socialised over a trillion dollars worth of debt, and Obama is the communist ?

Wake the fuck up shroom, the US has turned into a corporate-fascist state, where the only interests washington gives a shit about are those who run the companies.

$8k a year since bush got in power, that's how much the average home owner is worse off under bush than the last administration. Taxes have been removed altogether from the top 2% of income earners if they follow some loopholes set up specifically for them, corporations are able to take immense risk without any care for the consequences, as the fed just bails them out.

Privatize the profits, socialise the losses...seems to be the motto of the day.

Obama's plan for universal health-care is no more a communistic ideal than it is in Australia, or Canada, or England, or Denmark, or Sweden, or Holland, or France....etc...etc...all of which the citizens receive a far higher standard of care than anyone with "average" cover in the US, and all for free.

His plan to raise taxes on income earners over 250k is returning them to their previous levels pre-bush.

Lets not forget his removing of tariffs altogether from import/export to south-american nations, decimating the work-force in mexico and causing the massive influx of immigrants to the country.

NAFTA is a piece of shit, its caused more economic harm in the America's than its worth.

The war in Iraq, doubled the national debt, gone from 200bn surplus to 300bn defeceit, the devaluation of the dollar, the illegal threats of aggression against Iran, North Korea, and now fucking Russia.

The man and his party are all fucking batshit insane, this is not how you participate in a global society.

Sex Education in Holland

9410 says...

Haha, the fact he can just conduct the class in English without any fuss says so much about Holland and Continental Europe.

I'm moving off this Island as soon as I can.

The High Stress World of Snapple's Cap Facts!!!

U.S caught lying about Iran (1.30 mins)

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^dead_tofu:
hamas fights for the palestinians, they are extreme, but so would some hillibillies in texas be after 60 years of chinese-occupation, trust me. Iran takes their side, there is no need to explain that to anyone, even i almost take their side. i´ve known palestinians thru my life, i can tell you if someone mistreated my people as the isrealis have treated them, i would fxxking ?`Ü#+´?§/%$%&/$$%§$§$6..........hamas says one thing, the president of iran has a solution
about the rants, they need an enemy to stay in power, just like the leaders of the u.s and the u.s.s.r during the cold war, were they gonna bomb each other,no! but it sure made it easier for them to stay in power when the had foreign enemies. leave the middle east alone and they leave you alone. look and holland, whores legally on every corner and even drugs legal,oh, and women gained equal rights there earlier than in the u.s why are the not under siege from the wrath of the middle east?
the holocaust with a capital h, i think he is just playing around technial stuff. hitler did give jews the chance to leave germany before they shipped them to camps, until ´41 or ´42 i think, not sure, but therefore it can not be called a genocide, or a holocaust,technically, some professor once said or something,im getting tired........ hey, the holocaust thing, does that just include the jews, like the 100s of grey stones in downtown berlin today? what about the all the politacal prisoners,mental-folks,gays......thats it , i´ve lost it finally....... gone to bed.

He planed to take over the world, isn't them leaving a moot point when you have taken over the world? His ideas of genocide, like you point out, wasn't only jew but anyone that didn't fit in with his idea of the uberman. Genocide was his calling card really; fit in or die. And once again, his plan was for world domination, so it was fit in world or die; I think both the terms Holocaust and genocide apply as did the world at the time.

U.S caught lying about Iran (1.30 mins)

dead_tofu says...

hamas fights for the palestinians, they are extreme, but so would some hillibillies in texas be after 60 years of chinese-occupation, trust me. Iran takes their side, there is no need to explain that to anyone, even i almost take their side. i´ve known palestinians thru my life, i can tell you if someone mistreated my people as the isrealis have treated them, i would fxxking *?`Ü#+´?§/%$%&/$$%§$§$6..........hamas says one thing, the president of iran has a solution

about the rants, they need an enemy to stay in power, just like the leaders of the u.s and the u.s.s.r during the cold war, were they gonna bomb each other,no! but it sure made it easier for them to stay in power when the had foreign enemies. leave the middle east alone and they leave you alone. look and holland, whores legally on every corner and even drugs legal,oh, and women gained equal rights there earlier than in the u.s why are the not under siege from the wrath of the middle east?

the holocaust with a capital h, i think he is just playing around technial stuff. hitler did give jews the chance to leave germany before they shipped them to camps, until ´41 or ´42 i think, not sure, but therefore it can not be called a genocide, or a holocaust,technically, some professor once said or something,im getting tired........ hey, the holocaust thing, does that just include the jews, like the 100s of grey stones in downtown berlin today? what about the all the politacal prisoners,mental-folks,gays......thats it , i´ve lost it finally....... gone to bed.

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